Power Kite Forum


NPWfever - 8-3-2008 at 01:39 PM

Hey is there anyone here who knows anyone that kites in Co? Or anyone that does? Or someone that lives in Co that might want to learn?? PLEASE NPW needs kiting buddies!

PrairieWind - 11-3-2008 at 09:05 PM

looks like you missed the colorado snow kiting event... Only noticed this post on another forum after seeing yours...

Colorado Kite Force is hosting their 5th Annual Therapy Sessions Snowkite Event

Dates: March 7th, 8th, and 9th of 2008
Location: Dillon Reservoir. Summit County, Colorado.


Directions: http://www.coloradokiteforce.com/home/location.php

Store Contacts : 970-262-5734 or jon@coloradokiteforce.com & anton@coloradokiteforce.com

Free entry to competitions, prizes, and giveaways for all freeriders. Will also have demos, and beginner lessons for anyone wanting to participate in a free clinic. Don't miss the BBQ, pumping tunes, swag and after-party. You can freeride in the park or take off out onto the lake to explore for miles. Downwinders from the Dam or an impromptu winduro race are some other possibilities but the details still need worked out.

The conditions have been unbelievable recently on the Reservoir and everyone needs to plan to make this one, because it is gonna be a blast!

NPWfever - 12-3-2008 at 02:03 PM

DAMMIT!!!! I've been up to dillon before and talked with the owner of kiteforce but it would have been nice to get to an event. I'm gonna try and get up there over break.

pokitetrash - 1-7-2008 at 07:05 PM

Hey, I have family in Loveland. I try to visit once in a while. How far to where you fly from there?

NPWfever - 1-7-2008 at 07:27 PM

When I snowkite im always at lake Dillon. But at home I'm either in Highlands Ranch, or Winter Park.

kiteon - 13-9-2008 at 06:32 PM

i live at lake mccaughey in nebraska, a great kite surfing spot. also with the banked sand dunes it is a blast for a big foot bugy or flat land on the 40,000 acers of free land around the lake.

redtailin - 5-10-2008 at 09:28 PM

this is a long way out, but Ill home in Colorado Springs for about 3 weeks around Christmas/new years time. That also happens to be when Ill be able to pick up my first kite. I just had a 5m HQ apex shipped there and Im sure Ill be hankerin' to take it out as soon as I get it, haha. If you are around and want to teach a newbie some of the ropes maybe we can work something out...

NPWfever - 9-10-2008 at 03:40 PM

That would be sweet man, I would love to =)

redtailin - 10-10-2008 at 08:46 PM

cool! ill let you know when im in town

logantheninja - 13-1-2009 at 06:39 PM

hey anybody have a small harness cheap sale maybye give me a 50% dicount :D

Stroika - 3-2-2009 at 02:10 PM

I would definitely like to get together sometime to kite... as soon as I get one... I am in the process of choosing and buying my first kite. I have only done it once, (using a buddy's kite) but I really, really want to do it again. Plain old kite jumping is the only thing we did, so it is all I know how to do... for now. I live in Centennial, CO and I do not know of any places to go and do this. Any suggestions would be great, less than an hour drive would be phenomenal...