Power Kite Forum

Wildwood Buggy Bash (Fall 09)

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WELDNGOD - 30-9-2009 at 11:28 AM

lack of funds:( I gotta put tires on the silverado and get inspected by end of month,so it ain't happening. May the wind be w/ you all. See ya in the spring . is there a date yet?

ragden - 30-9-2009 at 11:37 AM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
lack of funds:( I gotta put tires on the silverado and get inspected by end of month,so it ain't happening. May the wind be w/ you all. See ya in the spring . is there a date yet?

No date yet that I am aware of. I am not sure when we will start planning it, but I would expect in April/May timeframe. It depends on tide predictions as well as weather, not that we can predict that very far in advance. As soon as I have that information, I will let you know.

kteguru - 30-9-2009 at 11:58 AM

Can't wait to give the spirit a whirl :wee:. I wonder if I'll change my mind about the yak gt:rolleyes:. Can't wait til Sat. morning for the fun to begin. A couple of us are bringing tandems so the younger kids aren't left out of the buggy fun :wee:

shehatesmyhobbies - 30-9-2009 at 12:23 PM

I just called seashore campgrounds. They say that it would be ok to have some visitors for a campfire. They said there will likely be no charge for the visit because it is off season. Saturday night would be the night. Either way keep checking the site and I will update as needed.


lad - 30-9-2009 at 12:39 PM

All this adds up to the necessity of having ANOTHER Bash before Thanksgiving! :spin:
('cause I may be traveling a lot afterward!)

I'm caught short of kites (sold off a few nice ones to buy a Syn that I was promised...one that never materialized :dunno: ...don't get me started) :mad: So, I'm hoping to get to try a few new kites at the Bash.

AND...I'm also bringing a few MBS boards for show n' tell n' share n' sale.

joecat - 30-9-2009 at 03:51 PM

Hey it seems like alot but do we have an estimate of about how many people will be there this weekend? For me it should be 4. maybe you guys could sound off with some numbers...........

lad - 30-9-2009 at 03:55 PM

just me - plus one maybe on Fri. and/or Sun.
I also casually invited a few curious people and stunt/surf kite friends to stop by to check it all out.

cheezycheese - 30-9-2009 at 03:55 PM

wife and kids makes 5 for me...:singing:

Todd - 30-9-2009 at 04:05 PM

Just the two of us Joe, sent a U2U to you also!

Maven454 - 30-9-2009 at 04:05 PM

Me for Fri-Sun and a friend who'll be there Sat-Sun.

shehatesmyhobbies - 30-9-2009 at 04:30 PM

wife and kids and mother makes 6 for me but mostly just one kiter!

Lad I would like to look at your boards, I have seen the monster but I would like to check out the other one.

I'm packing everything in the camper tomorrow, headed over on Friday as soon as the kids get off the bus. We should be there by 6 630 Friday night. Maybe catch up with some guys then!

Todd - 30-9-2009 at 04:35 PM

Just finished packing but what a day :no:

Started off taking the new bling to the tire shop and this is a very good guy that will take care of you! Curtis Tire is the place if you're in Southern Maryland and they stand behind their work AND workers. Unfortunately a new worker not too familiar with the mounting ended up scuffing up the bling pretty bad. I'll figure this one out at a later date.

My trusted Mazda shook it's head at me and declared that it won't be making it this weekend calling in sick due to a cam position sensor. Ugh.. had it replaced and still no joy so I stopped by and rented a truck.

To top it all off; I feel like I'm coming down with something in the lines of cough and cold. I'll explain that one later because I deserve it.

Thanks go to Kent for getting the bling out to me! Here are some pictures of said bling.

Tires are the Duro's; we'll see how the do this weekend and report back.

joecat - 30-9-2009 at 04:52 PM

This is going to be good!

kteguru - 30-9-2009 at 05:48 PM

5 from mass/nh. 2 of us will be there thurs night and the remaining 3 will be there before sat morning.

lad - 30-9-2009 at 06:19 PM

Another arbitrary question - will anyone hang out into the week after Sun., esp if the weather is good/better?

joecat - 30-9-2009 at 06:24 PM

Don from kiteplace.com will be staying into monday if not a little longer. maybe some others also.

Jaymz - 30-9-2009 at 10:08 PM

WOW! Almost forgot about this. Just saw it on the calander. Looks like it’s gonna be BIG.:singing:
Winds look good for Friday.......


......so I’m taking off work and heading down. Picked up a few new kites since last fall, a MB, and a new PL buggy yet to try, and learn.
I’ll also bring dogs/buns/sodas for Friday.
Have plans Sat and Sun so Fri is it for me.

ragden - 1-10-2009 at 05:02 AM

Wife and I coming down from DC Thursday night, plus a buddy from Carlisle PA coming out Friday night and staying until Sunday. We wont be staying into the following week, sorry guys. I have work first thing Monday morning. :(

Winds look good tomorrow. Full on south turning slighting SSE as the day progresses. My guess is either the Fishing Pier, or right out front from the Apollo. Apollo beach might be easier just because everyone is staying there. I'll run this by the locals and see where they think it will be better. Either works for me. I'll be setting up the pavilion/tent first thing when I get to whatever location we will be. Just look for the big white tent/canopy thing, and the all the gear on the beach.

cheezycheese - 1-10-2009 at 05:18 AM

ok sorry for the repetative questions, but if no fires on the beach, does that also mean no bbq grills...? where is everyone gonna grill franks and burgers...?

ragden - 1-10-2009 at 05:22 AM

Originally posted by cheezycheese
ok sorry for the repetative questions, but if no fires on the beach, does that also mean no bbq grills...? where is everyone gonna grill franks and burgers...?

Have no worries. We will have a grill. Its a funny grey area. Rest assured the grill will be setup, but there are no open fires allowed. :smilegrin:

cheezycheese - 1-10-2009 at 06:52 AM

i wanted to bring my own grill, a little webber. not much bigger than a basketball. think that would be cool....?

Maven454 - 1-10-2009 at 07:15 AM

And again with the unable to access the last page, this is starting to get more common and more annoying...

Man I can't wait for Wildwood. My first run in a buggy, lots of kites to try, new people to "listen" to all my boring stories ;-)

Todd - 1-10-2009 at 07:31 AM

Within the hour I'm out of here! See you all at the beach!! (keep your distance... still a little under the weather)

lad - 1-10-2009 at 08:15 AM

BTW - up the WW Boardwalk, past the first pier or so, is an open diner called "Snow White." It's not quite as greasy as you'd imagine!

If they're still open, (they were a week ago or so) they have a Breakfast Special: 2 eggs, hash brown and english muffin...for 99 cents!

Can't beat that with a 50m Synergy Stik! ;-)

(there is also a reasonable breakfast / lunch pizza place near the far south end of the boardwalk, just before Wildwood Crest - same breakfast special, just a buck or two more!).

sofa king - 1-10-2009 at 10:10 AM

+2 people for friday, was gonna go sat but looks like rain and might not get there til 6pm friday at the latest, hopefully 5pm....where will be at the north or south end?

shehatesmyhobbies - 1-10-2009 at 10:32 AM

They were talking about flying in front of Apollo hotel! last I heard! That post was on page 4

ragden - 1-10-2009 at 12:36 PM

We will either be flying in front of the Apollo or the Pier... I'll post tonight and let you know, or tomorrow morning... :)

shehatesmyhobbies - 1-10-2009 at 03:25 PM

Camper is almost loaded. Buggy is now even more customized. Packing my clothes now. I will be there in 24 hrs! :singing:

ragden - 1-10-2009 at 07:43 PM

We will be setting up right out on the beach from the Apollo. There is parking along Atlantic Avenue, and lots of it. If you are staying at the Apollo, you can just park your car there. If you are bunking with someone, you can also get a parking permit, just talk to the guy in the office. I will be getting up early (ish) to get breakfast, then I'll be down on the beach setting up the tent. Hope to see you all there... :smilegrin:

dillon - 1-10-2009 at 09:23 PM


I'll be down on Sat & Sun. Lynz can't make it due to work, so I'm flying solo and can't help out with the M:F ratio this time. She's super bummed that she can't be there.

I'll have an extra buggy to share and I just sorted out a tow bar for tandems today; many thanks to Jon Ellis!

Can't wait. Counting the hours.

I'll be looking to go in with somebody on a room at Apollo.

Aoxomoxoa for sure. j

lad - 2-10-2009 at 03:48 PM

Friday was perfect in concept - strong onshore winds at low tide. But itwas like getting sandblasted - my eyes and nose were getting the worst of it. I had no small kites that could behave themselves in the 25-30? mph gusts.

Sat. should be more reasonable, if the rain stays away, and Sun. looks evern better.

Jaymz - 2-10-2009 at 08:39 PM

WOW, Great time today. I'm hooked! Wind REALLY picked up this afternoon. Still finding sand in all the creavases. Nothing I had was small enough to fly. Thanks Don (the 2m Beamer was the ticket), Glen, Todd, and everyone else. Enjoy the rest of the Bash!
Well I missed and lost alot of good video, but made a short movie with what I had.....


cheezycheese - 3-10-2009 at 02:33 AM

on my way guys.... see you all around 10ish. can't wait :wee::wee::wee:

ragden - 3-10-2009 at 06:00 AM

Setting up on south beach in front the Apollo again. Winds don't look great, but we will be there having fun. See ya there!!

shehatesmyhobbies - 3-10-2009 at 05:04 PM

What a great day today! My arms are like spaghetti. I was going to do a bonfire tonight but it looks like everyone is just too exhausted! See everyone in the morning!

sofa king - 3-10-2009 at 08:02 PM

i forgot my snowboard at the beach, if anyone sees it/wants it feel free to take it.

ragden - 4-10-2009 at 06:05 AM

It's on todd's truck. Feel free to come by and pick it up. :)

Maven454 - 4-10-2009 at 12:17 PM

Wildwood at breakfast:

shehatesmyhobbies - 4-10-2009 at 04:28 PM

Got home at 6 p.m. The camper is unloaded it is now 7 p.m.. I am ready for bed and also thinking of all that went on the last two days. I am very glad to have met you all, a special thanks to Todd for being the "host with the most". I am glad the wind was for the most part great! I can not wait till the next gathering!!!!!

Till then "May the wind be with You!"

barnes - 4-10-2009 at 04:41 PM

My photos from Saturday / Sunday: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rybarnes/sets/72157622392398799...

I didn't take many, nor any good ones, but I thought I'd share them.

It was nice meeting you all! (For those of you I didn't meet, I was the one on the 16m PL Scropion on the landboard.)

Can't wait for some more fall winds!...that is if I can break away from school any more...

Todd - 5-10-2009 at 04:30 AM

Here is my first video of the 'dog pacS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K- running down the beach..

Link here

Thanks to everyone that helped out to put on a great Buggy Bash! We had a GREAT time!!

Now if I can find a way to get rid of all this sand in my gear :singing:

rdavis - 5-10-2009 at 04:40 AM

What a GREAT weekend! Got to meet many new faces and meet up with some old ones as well. Had some of my best runs in the buggy yet and broke my top speed record at 37.9. So much fun riding next to all you guys, some really great riders out there. Can't wait til the next time we can meet up!

ragden - 5-10-2009 at 05:45 AM

An Absolute blast! Really glad so many people could make it down. Thanks to everyone who was able to make the trek. Glad to have met you, and ridden with you. Lots of awesome highlights and tons of pictures and stories to tell.

I got home around 1900hrs last night and was so tired I could barely do anything. Woke up this morning unable to actually sit up. I had to roll over and fall off the bed to get going. I think this week is going to be rough trying to get moving again. The wife tooks lots of pictures which I will try to get posted sometime over the next couple days.

Thanks again to everyone for coming out. Best buggy bash yet. :smilegrin:

Maven454 - 5-10-2009 at 05:50 AM

Yeah. It was a blast and I'm glad to have met everyone... even the Doctor of Snobs, oops I mean snobdr :singing:

Ragden, yeah, I had trouble sitting up when I woke up in the middle of the night, but by the time I had to get up for work I wasn't doing too badly. As it is, I'm seriously sore and happy as h#ll.

I'm disappointed though, I managed to lose the OBE sticker that lad gave me. I know I put it in my black bag, but it wasn't there anymore by the time I got home. I have to wonder if it didn't fly away when I opened that bag later :(.

Hope to see everyone again come spring and some of you earlier than that...

shehatesmyhobbies - 5-10-2009 at 02:51 PM

Awesome video Todd! I really wish I was there Friday for that run! You know what they say "you should have been here yesterday!"

snobdr - 5-10-2009 at 03:01 PM

The Dr was in.
I tried to fit in by flying foils even. I actually was diggin the 5M montana on Sat. Wish it was the 8.5 or the 12 though. Then sunday after doing battle with the 8M neo, which i didnt like at all (just ask if you want to know why) I pumped up the 13M ozone and got some riding in.
Was cool meeting new people, and every bash seems to get bigger.
Its kite season in WW so keep en eye on the wind and tide, If the wind is up and the tide is down most likely someone is kiting.

Todd - 5-10-2009 at 04:16 PM

Originally posted by snobdr
Then sunday after doing battle with the 8M neo, which i didnt like at all (just ask if you want to know why)

Was this because you were flying around with your zipper open :lol:

Good to see you again and yes the season is here.

Good times

Direct link

snobdr - 5-10-2009 at 06:05 PM

And i didnt think anyone noticed

kteguru - 6-10-2009 at 05:49 AM

I finally got to get in front of a computer since returning from Wildwood. Nothing but a great time with great people. Definately worth the 7 hr drive! Many thanks to everyone who participated. It was great meet you all. Now I happen to know that there is a ton of great video footage of Sat and Sun out there so lets see it :singing: . And that Libre spirit,,,,,,,,,, very fast kite. Thanks for letting us have a go on it Todd.

buggydanny - 6-10-2009 at 07:46 AM

I too had a wonderful time at Wildwood. As usual the best part of the weekend was the people. Everyone was extremely friendly and it was a pleasure to get to know them. It was my first trip to Wildwood and I was impressed with location; I am sure it won't be my last. It was certainly worth the long ride and sleep deprivation. I wish I had been there Friday also.

The beach is nice and long, and even the soft sand was rideable with my narrow tires. There are some obstacles that are fun to maneuver around. The other beach goers were very friendly and I got lots of smiles and waves (except from one...)

Another big thank you to Todd for bringing and sharing the Libre Spirit. It is a really fast kite and uber race machine. I had a blast with it and really want one or two or three. I will post a review shortly.

Kudos to the NJbuggyclub. Thanks for your hospitality, you put on a great event. Also I was happy to see so many new people just starting on the adventure of power kiting and to feel there enthusiasm.

cheezycheese - 6-10-2009 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by buggydanny
I too had a wonderful time at Wildwood. As usual the best part of the weekend was the people. Everyone was extremely friendly and it was a pleasure to get to know them. It was my first trip to Wildwood and I was impressed with location; I am sure it won't be my last. It was certainly worth the long ride and sleep deprivation. I wish I had been there Friday also.

yeah... what he said:thumbup:
i had a great time, still sore from my O.B.E. met a bunch of great people. my kids had a great time and felt comfortable and welcome around all of you. Dean and Dan i thank you for the tandem rides you gave the kids (and even myself-o.k so my best ride was on the back of somebody elses buggy:rolleyes: but who cares) looking forward to the spring!

bobalooie57 - 6-10-2009 at 08:41 AM

No doubt, the best three days in a row I've ever had sitting in a buggy! I was one of the fortunate ones that arrived Thurs. night, and got to experience the 'epic' winds on Friday! The wind gods were especially good to us on Fri., but also Sat. and Sun. had great conditions. I got to hang with some of the best folks, and soak up some of the history of this sport both east and west from frangram, buggymangp, and Don from Powerkiteplace.com. I too had one of my best rides of the weekend on the back of kiteguru's Flexi., it was awsome to watch such an excellent pilot work that Blade out over the water (though I probably provided a little too much ballast!)Thanks kg. I did get in some amazing runs of my own, both with my NPW and the 2M Beamer. Not sure exactly how fast I got up to, but I know it was faster than ever before! I can't wait for spring to do it again, but I sure hope to see as many of you as care to do some snowkiting up here on the Tug Hill this winter. Again, many thanks to the NJ Buggy Club et al for putting on such a great event!!

joecat - 6-10-2009 at 08:55 AM

Here it is.......................let me know what you think....not my best but I think its ok.


Todd - 6-10-2009 at 09:30 AM

What a great idea Joe, I like how you started by filming all of the gear and then worked into it!

Very nice!

rdavis - 6-10-2009 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by joecat
Here it is.......................let me know what you think....not my best but I think its ok.


Great video Joe, I think you got lots of good footage in there!

kteguru - 6-10-2009 at 10:30 AM

Great vid Joecat!:thumbup:
I don't know about being an "excellent pilot" bobalooie. I just sit down and hold on:D. Maybe we can get some of you guys to come up here to join us for a weekend in Lynn, Mass.
Glad the kids enjoyed the rides Cheezy. Buggying just wouldn't be the same if you couldn't get everyone involved.
It was great to finally meet everyone that posts here.

rdavis - 6-10-2009 at 11:22 AM

Originally posted by kteguru
I don't know about being an "excellent pilot"

Kteguru, just face it, you've got skills, lol. Most of us agreed on this fact. :thumbup: :smilegrin:

ragden - 6-10-2009 at 11:31 AM

Originally posted by rdavis
Originally posted by kteguru
I don't know about being an "excellent pilot"

Kteguru, just face it, you've got skills, lol. Most of us agreed on this fact. :thumbup: :smilegrin:

Seconded. I was sitting back watching you work that 8.5 blade thinking, damn that guy is good with that kite. Way more fixed-bridle than I would have dared to fly.

Todd - 6-10-2009 at 12:20 PM

All I can say is third... because I said that to my son the first time I seen you two wheeling across the sand. Way to go Dean!

shehatesmyhobbies - 6-10-2009 at 12:59 PM

O.K. I fourth it if that even makes sense. I was walking in when he two wheeled it up by the hotel! My mom is still talking about how much fun she had on the back of that buggy! Definitely impressive my friend!

kteguru - 6-10-2009 at 02:00 PM

Holy cow!!! I leave for a few hours and when I come back to the forum there's a bunch of posts suggesting the impossible. I think you guys got too much sun this weekend:smilegrin:. Many thanks for the kind words, I'm glad all the kids (and moms and dads) had fun on the back of the old flexi. When ever I ask the younger kids if they want to ride on 2 wheels they never seem to say no,,,,,,go figure :wee:. Thank you again to all of you guys. No one could pick a greater group of people to ride with.
Good winds

ragden - 6-10-2009 at 02:00 PM

Nice vid Joe, finally got a chance to watch it. :)

ragden - 6-10-2009 at 02:35 PM

Pictures from Friday:

Maven454 - 6-10-2009 at 02:43 PM

Originally posted by ragden
Pictures from Friday:

Wow, someone actually got a picture of me buggying.

ragden - 6-10-2009 at 03:10 PM

Pictures from Saturday:
Pictures from Sunday:

I put captions in the first two galleries, but the last one was too large... sorry.

shehatesmyhobbies - 6-10-2009 at 04:55 PM

awesome pics ragden!

shehatesmyhobbies - 6-10-2009 at 04:58 PM

They are calling for high westerly winds for us tomorrow, Rian and I have already loaded up the buggies and hope to be heading to a local spot. Of course nothing like wild wood!!!!!!!

joecat - 6-10-2009 at 05:56 PM

Ok,,,, you guys know that I have to rub it in every once in awhile........but they are calling for North West winds here in Wildwood tomorrow.......gusts of 40mph... of course insane for a kite but the blow kart will be kicking butt! I am thinking about hitting the beach after work.. Thats why they call me LBJ.

rdavis - 6-10-2009 at 06:16 PM

Great pics Ragden, your wife got some really good shots. Thanks for posting them up!

Todd - 6-10-2009 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by joecat
Thats why they call me LBJ.

That they do Joe... be safe and have fun!

Oh and take video proof or it really didn't happen :smilegrin:

rando - 6-10-2009 at 06:22 PM

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know what I thought about buggy bash being as it was a new experience for me and Beth. We had a lot of expectations going down but just let me tell you that we had such a good time at the bash we are hooked already!

Seriously, what a great chance to try out new equipment, learn some stuff and we couldn't have asked for a friendlier group of people. We felt right at home! A special thanks to the guys who helped me get the Pansh Ace 6m sorted out and thanks Don for organizing it. We're already looking forward to the next bash!!!

Randy and Beth

Todd - 6-10-2009 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by rando
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know what I thought about buggy bash being as it was a new experience for me and Beth. We had a lot of expectations going down but just let me tell you that we had such a good time at the bash we are hooked already!

Seriously, what a great chance to try out new equipment, learn some stuff and we couldn't have asked for a friendlier group of people. We felt right at home! A special thanks to the guys who helped me get the Pansh Ace 6m sorted out and thanks Don for organizing it. We're already looking forward to the next bash!!!

Randy and Beth

Glad you guys had a good time it was nice to meet you guys AND everyone else!

rdavis - 6-10-2009 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by rando
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know what I thought about buggy bash being as it was a new experience for me and Beth. We had a lot of expectations going down but just let me tell you that we had such a good time at the bash we are hooked already!

Seriously, what a great chance to try out new equipment, learn some stuff and we couldn't have asked for a friendlier group of people. We felt right at home! A special thanks to the guys who helped me get the Pansh Ace 6m sorted out and thanks Don for organizing it. We're already looking forward to the next bash!!!

Randy and Beth

It was great to meet you guys, glad you both had a great time. Hopefully come next bash you'll be cruisin down the beach in a buggy with the rest of the pack.

lad - 6-10-2009 at 07:27 PM

40mph winds? Just what my 4m Access is made for! :evil:

doublespeed360 - 6-10-2009 at 07:52 PM

hey guys that was my question,would you drive 7 hours for a perfect day.what i mean by perfect,all restest up,on shore wind 15to 20+ and the right kite to buggy with.well in hind sight thats what rick and i had friday.had lunch on the beach,top speed 37mph.74 miles total 5.5 one way. i had a wicked pisser good time.oh ya saturday and sunday was just icing on the cake.nice meeting jim,cheezy cheese,ryan,tibby,todd,bob,mike and sunny,glenn,don,ed,dillon what i remember, and fran and mary your the best, see at spring break buggy blast/nabx. 1more thing that spirit kite wicked wicked fast.

dillon - 6-10-2009 at 07:58 PM

Good times, great people!

Hey Joe, looks like NW in the teens all day on Thursday. I'm thinking about coming down. Lowtide is a bummer at 5pm but at least the beach will be empty.
Any takers?

Cheers, j

doublespeed360 - 7-10-2009 at 04:55 AM

joe cat, great video and thanks for the pretzels mmmm good.

joecat - 7-10-2009 at 05:13 AM

Hey Dillon,,,,, let me know if your coming down. I may be able to par-take......in the festivities. If its not cloudy we would have light until about 7pm if low tide is 5pm we would be able to ride at 4 for sure... let me know...... Hey DS360 your welcome for the pretzels...... it was good to meet all you guys.

kteguru - 7-10-2009 at 05:28 AM

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know what I thought about buggy bash being as it was a new experience for me and Beth. We had a lot of expectations going down but just let me tell you that we had such a good time at the bash we are hooked already!

Seriously, what a great chance to try out new equipment, learn some stuff and we couldn't have asked for a friendlier group of people. We felt right at home! A special thanks to the guys who helped me get the Pansh Ace 6m sorted out and thanks Don for organizing it. We're already looking forward to the next bash!!!

Randy and Beth

Randy, your lucky to have a lady like Beth. I've never seen anyone untangle a bridle like that. I would have just sat there scratching my head :dunno:.
Cant wait to hit Wildwood in the spring. :bouncy:

Still in Wildwood

kiteplace - 7-10-2009 at 08:36 AM

Had such a great time at Wildwood Buggy Base that I just can't leave.
I want more!
LBJ, I'll be enjoying Wednesday's big wind. Will call you.
Be here Thursday too (Apollo).

bobalooie57 - 7-10-2009 at 08:54 AM

Hey Don, lucky dog! Get out there and grab some wind!!

Maven454 - 7-10-2009 at 09:03 AM

Ok, now the real question... When's Spring?? :spin: Just kidding, I know we have to wait to see when the tide will be out.

Todd - 7-10-2009 at 10:49 AM

Way to go DON!! Living the dream :bigok:

joecat - 7-10-2009 at 06:08 PM

ok,,, so here it is.... no not the video yet but the report. Don and I went out at about 4:30pm today, Wednesday, low tide North West winds, howling like a --- -- - -----. It was not a day for kites,,,, but as I said the blokarts kicked massive butt. We were flying,,,,,and yes I got it all on film. Even when Don did a almost 360,,, said he didnt plan it but it was good. The video should be up tomorrow..............

rando - 8-10-2009 at 07:06 PM

Randy, your lucky to have a lady like Beth. I've never seen anyone untangle a bridle like that. I would have just sat there scratching my head :dunno:

.....lol, ain't that the truth!

joecat - 9-10-2009 at 12:56 PM

here is the video from the other day with Don and I in 30 to 40 mph winds


snobdr - 9-10-2009 at 01:07 PM

Man that looks awsome. Looks like the tide was really blown out too, tons of hardpack.

lad - 9-10-2009 at 01:30 PM

If you could just get a shot from a beach bystanders POV of only those sail tips roaring along the shoreline!

Todd - 9-10-2009 at 05:40 PM

Don that was insane! Tell me you Blokart people do that on purpose, right? Great video Joe, looks like you guys had a huge session.

joecat - 10-10-2009 at 01:58 PM

Yes it was goooood/ I have alot more video that I might put together later....

Todd - 10-10-2009 at 06:37 PM

New videos located in the first post.

This was of our trip back north with my son Corey on the BloKart for the first time. He was rocking this thing like a pro within an hour.

Link here

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