However controversial, for several months we have supported your right to post here but have since grown weary of the extra work required of our
volunteer mods to deal with the backlash of your sour posting behavior.
Personally, I am tired of your lack of respect for our forum rules, our mods and our members. Therefore I am indefinitely suspending your posting
rights until such a time that you realize that posting on a public forum has significant impact on public opinion and those looking to enter the sport
needing positive support.
Although no one refutes your right to an opinion, we cannot condone your often disruptive and offensive attitude. No one is helped by these
self-serving tit-for-tat arguments.
"When im attacked i respond. "
That, in a nutshell, is the reason for your suspension. It may serve you better to learn how to deal with opposing opinion in a more constructive and
persuasive manner. No argument has ever been won by bickering.
Please carefully consider this message