Power Kite Forum

4.9m Flexifoil Blade IV - - demo kite for PKF members

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Sthrasher38 - 22-9-2007 at 08:07 PM

Yes it will!

speleopower - 28-9-2007 at 04:41 PM

Sthrasher38-In your last posting you mentioned you would ship the kite this weekend. :thumbup: By any chance did you get it out earlier this week???
This weekend is supposed to be epic here in Central Florida. 8'-12' plus waves and 15-25mph winds. From the weather channel and global wam wave analysis it's looking like it's going to happen for the 4.9meter kites. I might even have to drop down to my 6m North Rhino blimpie kite.


SecondWind - 28-9-2007 at 06:30 PM

Sounds good Spele! That would be great if the kite gets there soon.


speleopower - 28-9-2007 at 07:17 PM

Davinch-I've got a gut feeling on Sunday the conditions are going to be crazy on the ocean here. I may have to bail if it's out of control. I really don't like flying my small LEI kites. They just don't handle as well as the foils.
This link may goto a wave height map for the Atlantic showing the 48 hour prediction i.e. Sunday. Green is 10' or so waves.


Sthrasher38 - 29-9-2007 at 09:23 AM

Sorry it wont be early but I did send it today. Sat the 29th. Thanks again DaVinch! Had alot of fun I'll be talking to ya.Pass the Blade program is the Bomb!:cool2: You should have lots of fun in big wind you just have to be quick because this kite is fast. good luck.:borg:

speleopower - 29-9-2007 at 11:15 AM

Darn....still sometime next week should be good as well. I just walked in the house from kitesurfing with my Quadrifoil XL (4.9meter) kite and conditions were ok. Wind was good but the waves where very very blown out. I hope the Blade is as fast as the Quadrifoil. So far I've not flown anything as fast in the turns as a Quadrifoil Competition.


tridude - 29-9-2007 at 08:58 PM

The whole SE coast is blown out! Set the blades' AOA setting on the second knot for speed and lift! Tues/Wed look good for the SC coast!

speleopower - 30-9-2007 at 06:28 AM

It's so blown out right now I may even try my Rhino 4m LEI kite today. I've not had the opportunity to surf with that kite since 2002 before my heart surgery.

Sthrasher38 - 1-10-2007 at 03:18 PM

The kite should be there on wensday so that will be good. Let me know when you get it. have fun.:borg:

speleopower - 1-10-2007 at 04:13 PM

The kite arrived today but I have to goto the post office to pick it up!!! I might be late to work tomarrow.
Wind is to strong today for a 4.9. It's 25-30+mph right now.


Sthrasher38 - 1-10-2007 at 04:16 PM

That was quick! No problemo on the late for work. let us know what happens.

SoMoney - 1-10-2007 at 04:56 PM

OOooooo, 25+ mph. :ticking:
This is going to be wicked :evil:

speleopower - 1-10-2007 at 05:58 PM

Sometimes it's better to retreat and survive than to charge into battle. I've passed on the high wind the last 2 days. There is also no way I'm flying a 4.9 in 25 mph wind. I've broken my leg one time flying a 4.9 in 25mph wind and I learned my lesson!!!!


speleopower - 2-10-2007 at 07:37 PM

I picked the Blade up from the post office today:singing:
It is now deflowered! Wind was maxing out at 15 or so mph waves 5-8 feet.

The I set it on the normal flight mode. Hooked up a set of lines using Concept Air handles. I checked out the bridle system everything looked tight and clean with no problems noted. The launch was smooth and nice. I flew it around a little and did not note any bad habits. I tried to fly it over my head and it wouldn't go. No bowtie, no inversion and no deflation noted. The only flying quirk I noted is the wing tips rolled in on occasion during pretty hard turns. They rolled back out with no adverse effects to flying.

I did a few small hops and a small pendulom jump and figured it's now or never to get in the water. The kite generated a lot of low end power in the turns and spins. The wind really was not enough to really let it all hang out in the waves. I had to work the kite hard to get power and keep everything timed to pull myself over the white waters. I got a few medium jumps over a couple waves. I didn't pull any crazy jumps. Just standard boosts. When I made it out past the breakers I turned and started looking for a wave to pick off. By this time I had drifted about a block downwind. Due to the lack of wind I had to ride downwind a to keep the power up. I did pick out a wave on the way in and had a nice ride with a couple small off the lips and an off the lip re-entry jump.

I had to cut the session short due to a meeting in the early evening. Landing was a no brainer. Just snagged the bridle on the footstraps of my board and the kite collapsed into a pile.

All in all I'm hooked and will end up with a quiver of Blade IV's for kitesurfing in the near future.
Pluses, include smooth power (not as snatchy as I like but nice), easy to work with bridle lines, good quick turning with no obvious bad habits.

The only minuses I found are 1)the bag is to small, 2)mesh, 3)brake line attachment points are sticking out the trailing edge making packing the bridal lines up a little difficult, 4)curling wing tips (I might be able to tune this out) I did think my brake lines were slightly to tight. I tend to run my brake lines tight so my kites don't go over my head and luff while in the surf.

p.s. the next person on the list will have to come and pry the kite out of my hands...all in all I give the kite :thumbup::thumbup: Good flyer for sure.

tridude - 2-10-2007 at 08:43 PM

Nice! First Ive heard of a Blade IV 4.9 on the water. I might have to give the 6.5 a go one day (now that I discovered strops). Scott, you really, I mean really need to demo the 6.5. As much as you enjoyed the 4.9, the 6.5 is even better, believe it or not! Great review! Foils forever!


SecondWind - 2-10-2007 at 08:51 PM

Way to go Scott :thumbup: Sounds like you had a great first session with the 4.9!

zloty - 2-10-2007 at 10:53 PM

I think You should try it in 16-22mph and all of the sudden You will discover all new world of blade.I don't take it out of the bag if it's below 16 mph and that is on land.Winds You where flying are OK for 6.5m,not 4.9.
Still We would love to see some pics...

tridude - 3-10-2007 at 05:54 AM


The whole SE coast has been blown out the last 4 days with 15 to 25 mph east north easterlies. Pretty impressive that Scott went for it, on a kite he flew for the first time in big swells, shore break, and chop. I went out early Monday morning with winds around 20mph and it was awesome but a little dicey. I cruised for the most part, only jumping nearer the shore (most everyone was doing that). Def fun but demanding. Cant imagine being out in 10 foot swells on a 4.9, insane!

speleopower - 3-10-2007 at 05:10 PM

Hi! I just got back from more flying of the 4.9. This time the wind was light 6-12ish straight on shore with low tide. I took out my ATB board and rode about 5-6 miles up and down the beach. Very fun but still not enough wind to really see what the kite can do.

I have no problem kitesurfing with kites like this. Yesterday's ocean session was no problem. I thrive in stuff like that. I had to goto a meeting otherwise I would have taken off down wind and rode for a few miles. I don't like super high winds anymore. I don't like high winds anymore because of the gust differential. This weekend it was 25-35mph on Monday it was 20-30mph and Tuesday it was 15-20mph. The difference between the baseline wind and the gusts in higher winds become greater. Isn't there a formula to work out the power of the wind? The power doesn't increase linear? For example a 10 mph wind is not half as powerful as a 20mph wind.....:puzzled::puzzled:

Again the Blade flew wonderfully, I even started doing deflatted spinners with the kite a few feet above the ground. Then I pulled a 4 point spin and it hooked up nicely. I like it.

Thanks to DaVinch for the pass the Blade!

There is lots of pictures of my riding the ATB tonight....unfortunately it was all tourists taking the pictures as I cruised by.


SecondWind - 3-10-2007 at 08:33 PM

Glad to hear that you are having fun with the Blade Spele!

AirHOg is next in line. Not sure if he needs lines and handles.

I have had a bunch of people ask me about getting on the list next for the Blade. I’m planning on offering up another demo once the Blade is back from BeamerBob – I’m thinking about a new MBS mountainboard or one of HQ’s 2008 kites for the next round!

speleopower - 3-10-2007 at 08:38 PM

The kite is a blast for sure. It looks small in the air. I think because of the curled in wingtips. After flying this kite I think my next big purchase in a few months will be a Blade IV 6.5 meter.

BeamerBob - 4-10-2007 at 06:31 AM

DaVinch you are the bomb. There is a special place for you on the other side. I would LOVE to get a few runs on a board now, and my son would like that pretty much too. He is a big skateboarder/wakeboarder, and he tried one at the HQ deal on Jekyll Island but about the time he convinced me to let him try it and he got the hang of it, we ran out of beach due to the weather enhanced tide coming in.:singing:

Sthrasher38 - 4-10-2007 at 02:01 PM

I want to be at close to the top of that list please. Blade,HQ,board,2008! all sound good to me.I need some more wind toys. As it stands now we all have to take turns riding whatever it is. I would love to have 2 or 3 of us flying by.:thumbup::borg:

speleopower - 5-10-2007 at 09:57 PM

Well it's windy outisde! Maybe tomorrow I'll get in another surf session. I was planning on riding my ATB this evening. However, after I ate dinner (6:00pm) I sat down and closed my eyes for a second! I just woke up and It's now almost 1:00am! Ooopss!

east winds + low tide = many miles

speleopower - 6-10-2007 at 02:33 PM

The Blade handled perfectly. Today the wind was 11-15mph straight onshore. I hooked up with a local buggy pilot and we did quite a few miles. We rode from 10:00am until 2:00 pm then I ran out of sand. I mostly just cruised but I did try a couple small jumps. The kite handled perfectly and is a great ATB kite.

Tonight low tide is at 11:00pm and I plan on walking down to the beach and riding if the wind is still blowing.

It's not good for the water today.


speleopower - 7-10-2007 at 05:04 PM

Wow! What a weekend. I put in 10 hours of flight time on the Blade in 2 days. Not bad.
I plan on mailing the kite out sometime next week to the next lucky flyer! I hope to get in the ocean one more time and maybe be able to find someone to sit on the beach with a camera.
This evening the wind was ok 12-15 ish. I figured I'd jump in the ocean for a few minutes. I wasn't expecting much due to straight onshore wind and big waves. It took me 5 city blocks to make it out. I turned and made one run back and I landed where I took off. To much fun. The kite handled great and got me over some pretty big waves no problem. I wish I had a helmet cam. There was some decent walls of water out there.
I'm sold on the new Blade kites. I don't know of any other kites being produced that will work as well.

SecondWind - 7-10-2007 at 05:08 PM

I'm glad you enjoyed the kite Scott! I think its pretty cool that you use open cells on the water :thumbup:

speleopower - 7-10-2007 at 05:46 PM

Try one on the water! You might like it!:yes:
They don't take much wind to ride with! Tonight I was the only one on the water. Check out the picture attached. Barely any whitecaps. I'm flying a Competition XXXL in the photo.

6.11.03 cocoa beach maddie photo.JPG - 17kB

speleopower - 8-10-2007 at 05:07 PM

Well it was still windy when I got home from work so I went for another ocean wave ride session on the Blade. Tonight the wind was light and almost directly onshore again. Waves (wind chop really) were in the 4-6' range with heavy shore pound. The Blade got me out without much problem. I had to really keep the kite moving to generate power but it was relaxing type power. I wasn't hanging on for dear life.
I did get schooled by a big white water that I tried to go over while still moving to fast. I hit it and instead of boosting up and over I hit it and just went flying face first into the cloud. It really sucked. Took a pounding by 2 more waves before I was able to get going again.
On my way back in I dropped into a nice wave and ended up setting myself for a beautiful off the lip areial wave reentry. I landed back on the wave at the crest and was able to add some power and slide back into the wave. It felt great. The kites amazing ability to add power when needed by just a flick of the wrist kept me going on the wave.

I plan on sending the kite out to the next person on either Wednesday or Thursday depending on my work schedule. I was thinking of sending my lines and handles out with the kite. The lines are pretty much tuned to the kite now.

Who on the list really needs lines and handles to fly the kite? I had to take these lines and handles off another kite so I'm down a set. If everyone really wants to use the setup I have I'll mail them out with the kite. If I do send them out DO NOT change the length of the lines as they are set up for another of my kites. I had to add a short brake line extension piece for the Blade. What do ya'll on the list think about getting the handles and lines to use???

See ya-Scott

BeamerBob - 9-10-2007 at 10:45 AM

I have lines to use, but if you already have a set tuned to make the kite work well, then that would maximize my limited time in the air. They would be cheap to mail back to you in the end. I am really enthralled to hear you using a 4.9 in the water. I have a HUGE lake near me that has a half mile wide channel with breezes blowing straight down the channel most of the time. That would let me try this water thing without spending $1500. I would feel better if I had some support to get me out of a jam but worst case, I could stick close to shore so any swimming is a short distance. I am already a wakeboarder, so it shouldn't be too much of a leap. I would want to try some body dragging first to get a feel of how the power relates to water movement, but I can see this working. Especially with the B4 6.5 that has been recommended to me recently.

BeamerBob - 9-10-2007 at 11:30 AM

I think Airhog is up next. Lets see what he thinks about lines before you include them.

tridude - 9-10-2007 at 12:06 PM

Hey Bob,

If the Tybee trip plays out Ill bring the boards, the 6.5, and the P3. Body dragging with a Blade--------ballsie!:o:lol: They'll drag you on land so I guess water will work!:smilegrin:

AirH0g - 9-10-2007 at 02:03 PM

I personally don't need the lines and handles but if bob wants them I'll be happy to pass them along. Otherwise i have an extra set or two i can use.

BeamerBob - 9-10-2007 at 02:58 PM

lets just send advice then and avoid the unnecessary shipping. I have a spare set of lines and another set I can borrow.

speleopower - 9-10-2007 at 05:05 PM

Where is Tybee? Isn't that in Georgia? I'm game if it's not to far of a drive from Cocoa Beach.

I won't send the lines along. Just make up a set of equal length lines 300 pound top and 80-150 pound bottoms.
I do plan on sending the kite out in the next couple of days.

If you can fly a 4 line high performance foil on land without crashing then flying on the water is no problem. Just pay attention. I wear a backpack made of mesh so I can stuff the kite in in case I do crash. All you do is roll up your lines and then stuff the kite in the bag. No problem!
See ya-Scott

Hey Bob,

If the Tybee trip plays out Ill bring the boards, the 6.5, and the P3. Body dragging with a Blade--------ballsie! They'll drag you on land so I guess water will work!

BeamerBob - 9-10-2007 at 06:50 PM

We will be at Tybee on the Saturday November 3rd. I talked to Tridude because I know he lives not far from there. It is located between Charleston, SC and Brunswick GA. It is apparently "the" beach for Savannah. The time and location are flexible. The more the merrier. I was going to let Angus (ACampbell) know about it as well. It is only a little over an hour drive for Angus or Tridude. It is about 300 miles from cocoa from there. If you are due a weekend getaway then make a weekend of it.

I was thinking that body dragging would not be as chancy as standing up on the beach with something like the blade 4.9 or even the 6.5. I wouldn't have anywhere to fall to and could only go so fast in/on the water. If it got scary, I could pull it to the side or up with the AOA set to not lift or just dial in some brakes. The only time I ever crash a kite is if the wind stops blowing. My Beamer got me once the second time I took it out in 30 mph gusts. You could hear the wind singing in the power lines and kite lines. Bad idea. Lessons learned. I would really feel good about things if I could graduate to a board on water. The stuff sack is a great idea for the probable need for recovery. I wouldn't be so afraid to try that by myself on my lake while not too far from shore. I'll stop rambling now.

Anyone else interested in Tybee?

speleopower - 9-10-2007 at 07:21 PM

Seriously there is no major issue with riding on the water with one of these kites. If anything they fly so well your less likely to crash. I know I end up dumping LEI's due to their poor handling. If you wakeboard then you shouldn't have a problem. The biggest thing to get used to when in the water is it's ok to get dragged along. Just hang on and slide through the water. As long as there is no obstacle downwind your good to go. Nothing downwind is a basic safety rule of kite flying anyway so it's not an issue for you...right??? Get on the water. If your flying an open cell foil on the water and something happens like a big increase in wind speed, quick moving storm, injury etc you can plant the kite in the water without any worry of it relaunching and taking you for a ride! I've used this survival technique more than once. The LEI guys have gone bouncing down the beach or worse (kite going across a highway on more than one occasion, going into powerlines etc) and I'm just chillin' out in the water winding up my lines.

I flew a HQ Crossfire briefly this weekend and it was pretty cool. I think you would have no problem with that kite on the water as well. I did a lot of kitesurf learning with a Quadrifoil Q2005 kite. Wish I could find another one!


BeamerBob - 10-10-2007 at 02:57 AM

What was the difference in horsepower between the Crossfire you flew and the Blade? What wind level would be enough to be effective on the water? I know others have flown both, so how do they compare? I know Tridude has done both and he says they are similiar. but for some reason, the Blade is held in higher regard. I understand about the building materials being higher quality, but I'm curious about seat of the pants flying differences.

tridude - 10-10-2007 at 06:32 AM

Id say the grunt is about the same. Speed and lift go to the Blade, especially with the higher AR and adjustable AOA bridle. Unfortunately for HQ, Flexi is the sail of choice for many. HQ has a rep for being good at the beach but not inland. I disagree with that. Gust and wind shadows effect all kites. If you learn the Crossie she is a rewarding kite. Im not surprised you can kitesurf with one, again they have alot of grunt (lower AR). There is a vid on youtube of a guy kitesurfing with the 5m CF using a homemade board! Why did I sell mine:puzzled: Good question!

BeamerBob - 10-10-2007 at 06:45 AM

Uh, I remember you walking away after selling the CF with a 6.5 Blade in your hand! And a P3 on your back. Bless your heart.:rolleyes: Rest assured she is in good hands now. It is the kite I automatically get out when an opportunity comes up. I think I will go to the lake with her Saturday if the wind will pick up. The wind blows out there when it is dead calm at home 20 minutes away.

speleopower - 10-10-2007 at 05:02 PM

I only flew the HQ kite for a couple minutes not enough time to get a feel for it. Basicly I was "holding" the kite while my friend got my ATB board straps setup for his feet.

I can get moving with the Blade 4.9 on the water in about 12mph. That is not enough to really do much except cruise downwind. You have to keep moving the kite for power. At about 15mph I'm going pretty good. I ride a 7'3" surfboard looking kiteboard for most of my wave kitesurfing.

You need to take the HQ kite to the water. Here is a picture of me from 1999 using a Quadrifoil Q2004 4 meter on the water.

I'm not going to get to the post office until Friday. Sorry.


scotttitusvill1999.jpg - 41kB

speleopower - 10-10-2007 at 05:03 PM

I've posted this picture before but it's a good reminder that land foils are just fine for the water. This one is from 1999.

kitesurf.jpg - 139kB

BeamerBob - 10-10-2007 at 06:29 PM

I would be using an older wakeboard for this. It might be that enough wind to let me cut upwind would be more than I would want to fly the CF in. I guess I'll have to see if I can get the two to come together.

tridude - 11-10-2007 at 05:41 AM


Can you modify your footsraps on the wakeboard (remove the heel/bootie thing) for quick egress if needed?

BeamerBob - 11-10-2007 at 06:52 AM

Yes, I'll have to look in the attic and find the stirrup bindings that came with the board. I can't imagine getting it all together with full high wraps to put on. They require both hands and full concentration to get them on. They are necessary behind the boat but the ride would not be so rigorous with the kite and no wake.

The transitions look fun as well. I can already do spins and ride both directions, so I just have to put the pieces together. Being afraid of the wind required to plane me off is my biggest obstacle, and right after that is the hassle of messing up and putting the kite in the water. When I tried the buggy, I seemed to forget over half of my kiting skills. I imagine it will be even worse trying to plane off in the water and not drag too far downwind.

tridude - 11-10-2007 at 07:03 AM

Cool......... since you know the board just keep the wind at your back the kite 45 degrees in front of you lead shoulder and sine it!

speleopower - 12-10-2007 at 03:18 PM

Airhog your up! Kite is on it's way. Good luck and have a blast. It's better than I thought it would be. But I still prefer my Quadirfoil Competition kites. Unfortunately the Quad comps are getting old and are showing a lot of wear. But they still fly pretty well.

See ya'll later-Scott
p.s. there's no wind in the forecast for a little while. Here's what I started to learn when there is no wind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf9U6uPezGs&eurl=http%3A%...

AirH0g - 12-10-2007 at 03:42 PM

Sweet, cant wait. Winds should be good to. Just got through getting tossed around on the ACE 5m in about 15-20mph winds for the last few days. Wind finally stopped blowing today. What a wild week.

With the blade in route it looks to be like another wild week ahead:D

tridude - 12-10-2007 at 05:49 PM

Blade will dominate the Ace! In the words of Bauchman Turner Overdrive,

"You aint seen na na na na na na na nothing yet"!

speleopower - 12-10-2007 at 08:16 PM

If your not careful the Blade IV 4.9 will eat you alive in 15-20mph wind. Remember I was able to kitesurf with the kite in 3-6' waves in 15mph wind. Most of the time I had the kite the wind was 10-15mph.

AirH0g - 15-10-2007 at 11:02 AM

Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable with the Ace in heavier winds, but i doubt I'll be so bold at first with a real kite like the blade in those conditions. Either way the forecast is great for this week:D

*Update* Kite is here safe and sound, just got it today. Couldn't resist unfolding it in the living room, should have remembered it was flown on the beach though....

So needless to say after i vacuum the living room, lol, I'm off to the field to "entertain" some soccer players:rolleyes:

tridude - 17-10-2007 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by AirH0g
Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable with the Ace in heavier winds, but i doubt I'll be so bold at first with a real kite like the blade in those conditions. Either way the forecast is great for this week:D

*Update* Kite is here safe and sound, just got it today. Couldn't resist unfolding it in the living room, should have remembered it was flown on the beach though....

So needless to say after i vacuum the living room, lol, I'm off to the field to "entertain" some soccer players:rolleyes:


Sthrasher38 - 17-10-2007 at 06:58 PM


Baluk - 17-10-2007 at 07:00 PM

annnnddd!......... come on AirH0g, we're waiting:evil: :duh:

Sthrasher38 - 17-10-2007 at 07:19 PM

Are these Flysurfer kites good inland? I hear alot about set wind speeds for kites to pick up. Hows that work? Thanks.

speleopower - 17-10-2007 at 07:56 PM

and...and............:thumbup::thumbdown: :puzzled: I gotta know what you think of the kite.

Oh, man I'm sorry. I thought I got most of the sand off of the kite. My big bad. Probably what happened is the kite was damp from the grass and some of the sand stuck. Sorry!! I hope it wasn't to bad. I got rained on while flying one day as well. We were dodgeing rain showers and had to land in wet sand which is a mess.
I keep all of my kites in a giant tupperware bin next to the back door so they don't have to come very far into the house.


AirH0g - 17-10-2007 at 10:39 PM

LOL, and, and, and,.....

Jury is still out felons, i'm going to need another sesion tomorrow. Although the wind was suppose to be around 10-12mph today, i was only reading about 6 on average from where i was, which is just below the fun zone for this 4.9. Well for static anyway.

Scott, No worries about the sand. In fact for being on the beach it arrived nicely. The wife is just a bit of a neat freak. Kite arrived nice and clean to me the wife is just borderline OCD

Sthrasher38 - 18-10-2007 at 05:16 PM

Yea you need 13-17mph to have fun static.

SecondWind - 23-10-2007 at 08:11 PM

How's it going with the 4.9 AirH0g?

AirH0g - 23-10-2007 at 10:10 PM

I've Been getting blown out all week, winds have been around 20mph with heavy gusts. Had a few goes with it, but I wasn't able to get it dialed in due to the gusty conditions.

I'm going to give it another go on Thursday if the wind calms down, then I'll pack it up and ship it out on Friday to beamer bob.

speleopower - 24-10-2007 at 06:54 PM

Bummer to hear of the high winds for you. 20 is a lot for the 4.9 on land if you ask me especially if it's not dialed in.


BeamerBob - 25-10-2007 at 02:45 AM

that will be awesome. I have a beach trip planned friday week, with the sunday dedicated to kiting. I will have a chance to fly the blade, and the Brooza that day and then get them off to their next homes. My "ktes flown library" is about to make an expansion.

tridude - 25-10-2007 at 05:24 AM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
that will be awesome. I have a beach trip planned friday week, with the sunday dedicated to kiting. I will have a chance to fly the blade, and the Brooza that day and then get them off to their next homes. My "ktes flown library" is about to make an expansion.

............and a 6.5. 3.5 (for Wex), and 13m (if your kahunas) dictate! Honestly, a downwind launch with a 4.9 or 6.5 is alot more "exciting" than the 13m P3 unless you pull the bar in!;)

BeamerBob - 25-10-2007 at 05:50 AM

I already feel like there won't be enough time to do it all. So Sunday isn't a problem for you? I was afraid you were having scheduling difficulties.

tridude - 25-10-2007 at 06:02 AM

Nope, Sunday is good!

BeamerBob - 25-10-2007 at 07:14 AM

I'm putting this all together, and since I'm going to be flying with ACampbell and Tridude in a week, and they have a 4.9 and a 6.5 between them, it makes sense to send the blade back home instead of to me. This will be the second time flying with Tridude and the third with Angus. It's turning into somewhat of a SC/GA coast club. Well, they live on the coast and let me hang out with them. I feel lucky to have people into this enough to sacrifice a little for the joy of getting together to fly kites.

tridude - 25-10-2007 at 07:27 AM

Im hoping Angus brings his 10m Venom II--Id like to have a go on that one!

SecondWind - 25-10-2007 at 05:13 PM

Ok BeamerBob - I'll let AirHog know where to send the 4.9 to.

I'm glad you guys had a good time with the demo Blade!

speleopower - 25-10-2007 at 05:14 PM

Cool!! I can't wait till everyone is finished with the Blade. I liked it so much I told Vinch I would buy it when it's made it's rounds! 4.9 meter kites are my favorite size kite.

I've been going round and round with myself about making the drive up to Georgia in a couple weeks to fly with you guys. We'll see what the weather looks like for that weekend.


Sthrasher38 - 25-10-2007 at 05:23 PM

wish I could go:sniff:

BeamerBob - 29-10-2007 at 10:05 AM

Anyone interested, the date has been moved to Sunday, November 4th. We were originally on Saturday but the wife had other plans. We are meeting at the public parking lot in front of the Tybee island lighthouse mid morning and will stay till we run out of beach or energy.

SecondWind - 30-10-2007 at 08:42 PM

AirH0g - did you ever get to try it out in good winds?

SecondWind - 10-11-2007 at 08:35 AM

AirH0g - any update??

AirH0g - 10-11-2007 at 09:07 AM

Sorry guys, got called away for a bit there. Kite is in route. I did finally get a chance to try it out for a bit, but the gusty winds over here just dont agree with the blade and me. I constantly found myself scared or bored with not much in between.

I don't think anything but a good gust munching depower is going to get me through the winter here.

SecondWind - 10-11-2007 at 05:57 PM

Yeah, we get those types of days here also.

My favorite so far for gusty conditions was a 6m Ozone Access 2 :thumbup:

SecondWind - 19-11-2007 at 08:33 PM

OK - this round is complete.

After the MBS Comp 90 is done it's rounds, I'll loan another kite out.

Baluk is first on the list - I skipped him on the first 4.9 list. Sorry about that!

Baluk - 19-11-2007 at 08:36 PM

Ou lala! sounds good! :D

Sthrasher38 - 21-11-2007 at 03:39 PM

Can I be 2nd? Alway's on the look out for new and different. Unless some one that is closer want's to try Thats cool too. Just glad to be on any demo list in the top 5.:borg: Baluk, I think you should still try a 4.9 B4. I think you would like it.

logantheninja - 17-1-2009 at 04:26 PM

if anybody does this in 2009 im on the list! :) and if they already are please send me one!!!!!

soccerflyer - 15-7-2009 at 01:00 PM

Man, it's too bad I missed this!! I would love try at a Blade!!!!
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