Power Kite Forum

Phantom II???

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Feyd - 13-4-2011 at 08:24 AM

Being sure that you have the product dialed before bringing it to maket is one reason for delays. It's hard to produce enough protos and get them out to a diverse enough group to have them thoroughly tested. You need it tested by moderate use testers as well as testers that will push the product to it's limits. Especially if it's a item like this where flaws can be dangerous to the user or those around them. That takes time.

What may be great traits for one user may not be great for another so decisions concerning product focus need to be weighed. Do you go the direction of one user group or make compromises in hopes of attracting a broader range of users? Working that out takes time.

Finding out the weaknesses or even potential dangers of the product and getting that feedback from the testers is critical and also time consuming. Especially in the course of testing the proto is damaged or destroyed or if a tester is injured.

Then there's the whole marketing mess to deal with. Colors, names etc.

Pile this on top of the time needed for regular production of the current in line product and unless you have a huge group of people to draw from it can be extremely time consuming.

In my line of work I've seen prototypes that have been tested for 5 yrs that never make it to market. I've seen some stuff is awesome but too narrow a market to make it to production. Some just turns out to jbe just a poor idea after years of testing. Some stuff after testing is produced in small batches for show purposes but never actually put into production even though it's in the catalogs, reviews etc. The purpose was just to generate buzz.

I've had the 9m for a while. It's an awesome kite but she does have some issues that got me into trouble a few times but they have since been worked. The later versions I've been flying have not shown the issue in anyway. It's been a solid year since I got the 9m and others had been testing it before I did. Evolution takes time I guess.

Back to work for me.

flyjump - 13-4-2011 at 12:46 PM

Bladerunner, they've also been working on getting out both LEI kites and another kite I dunno if I'm allowed to discuss. The PhantomII was put at the back of the list so they could get out the tube kites soon :) I hope this helps

flyjump - 13-4-2011 at 03:01 PM

Bladerunner, they've also been working on getting out both LEI kites and another kite I dunno if I'm allowed to discuss. The PhantomII was put at the back of the list so they could get out the tube kites soon :) I hope this helps

Feyd - 13-4-2011 at 03:07 PM

Adam is being really thorough with his posts.:wink2:

He's right tho, there have been a lot of things going on at the same time that have taken time and resources away from other projects. At one point the program for this kite was put on hold in order to allow focus on the LEI.

I was very happy to hear that they picked it up again and have been moving forward with it.:singing:

Bladerunner - 13-4-2011 at 04:24 PM

Thanks !

Got it ! I am very interested in seeing these LEI's come out. 1st of all to give them a try but mostly so the Phanny II and depower foil can be brought out!

I like the idea of having novice riders try out the gear. I think there are a lot of us stuck at novice who think we are better than all that ! The largest part of the market is novice, I expect ?

macboy - 13-4-2011 at 05:00 PM

I'm only novice when I'm around you guys.....otherwise I'm all Pro! :lol:

ripsessionkites - 13-4-2011 at 07:44 PM

some of you must of seen the LEI at NABX

AD72 - 13-4-2011 at 07:50 PM

Didn't go. Where is it now?

Feyd - 14-4-2011 at 04:05 AM

I agree with you Blade. I think the vast majority of kiters fall between the beginner to advanced intermediate crowd. But if you look at the marketing (magazine ads etc.) Manufacturers are always pushing the "extreme" angle. Sure there's an element out there that are doing huge unhooked moves etc. but what percentile of kiters?

I think promoting kiting as an "Extreme" sport has been little self defeating. I think it's scared off more potential participants than it's attracted.

Anyway I'm getting off topic. I think it's important to get input from lower skill level riders as well as the mid and pro levels. If you get a positive response from the beginner/intermediate crowd AND Pro level riders then I think you know you have a really well rounded product that will have wide appeal.

At the same time if the low tier doesn't like it but the top riders do then you know you have a great high performance specific rig. Or if the top guys don't care for it and find it too tame the intermediates will probably love it.

I think this kite will appeal to a wide range of users. It is NOT an exact reincarnation of the old Phantom. If you get on it and expect it to feel and perform exactly like a Phantom you'll be dissapointed. BUT if you go in without and predisposed notion of how the kite is going to feel and just fly it and learn it's personality I think you will be very, very impressed.

I've never been on an Arc with so much versatility.

krumly - 16-4-2011 at 03:35 PM

Figured Chris Krug was out chasing wind. Two questions, rolled into one:

Will he beat Petri L.'s 73.5 mph, and if so, which kite will it be on? ;)


Feyd - 18-4-2011 at 04:24 PM

Yes Krumly, very busy lately getting the last bits of ice when I can.

In answer to your question probably not this season. No time left.

Which kite? Dunno, but I do know it will be a Peter Lynn.:tumble:

Been riding every chance we get and in some really great places. New places with LOTS OF ROOM TO RUN.

Room has been severly hampering my quest for 80mph.

NJLandboarder - 18-4-2011 at 04:44 PM

ive never flown a phantom and dont have much experience with pl arcs but i have a venom that im still learning on but the first time i ever saw a phantom at the buggy bash i was in aw at how cool it looks its definitely something i would like to buy in the future would be cool with double sided graphics

also i saw somone said somthing about inflatable spars i think thats a great idea because they are so small you could probably inflate them by mouth

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