Power Kite Forum

video snack (now a snackette)

PHREERIDER - 2-7-2009 at 05:41 AM

assembled some clips before the camera went down a few weeks ago. i want to get some newer stuff out but. i've been hoggin' the water scene too much.

anyway, enjoy


Hardrock - 2-7-2009 at 07:50 AM

I’m amazed how relaxed and comfortable you are.

With me, whats gona happen today? Will I walk away? Just how much damage will myself or the kite suffer? Will a case of water be enough? Then a couple hours later, I’m wringing wet with sweat and hopefully satisfied that I won the battle of the day.

With you, the kite is like walking a well trained dog on the beach for a relaxing afternoon. No worries, no struggle no strain. You know how the day will end.
I guess that’s the difference between a professional and a noob.

BeamerBob - 2-7-2009 at 08:04 AM

Phree is way past where many of us will ever be in skill level, but the arc he is flying exudes control and confidence. It is an ultra stable yet powerful performer. The kite wouldn't make me look like that, but it sure would help.

PHREERIDER - 2-7-2009 at 08:18 AM

pro is a bit strong, the reason i do it is to relax.

total chill session, really still trying to feel the flow on these dogs.

WE all get nervous about things.

kite mastery available to all by alot of time and wind and a fair share of surprises that

mostly come with flesh wounding education

thanks for the view & compliment

this is actually the first 1/3 of the edited raw footage my clip/split and splice is where i need practice. i was so frustrated with the editing timeline thing i am amazed how this one isn't so chopped up. but i am learning

bob's right the kite is smarter than most kites that;s for sure

Kamikuza - 2-7-2009 at 06:18 PM

... when you're far enough away from the camera that you can't tell you got skates on, you look like some freaky long-legged erm freak :lol:
Nice vid ...! Those skates look like fun :thumbup:

mgatc - 2-7-2009 at 06:42 PM

Rock on, Chad!

You got Carl lookin over his shoulder:lol:

PHREERIDER - 2-7-2009 at 06:42 PM

100% freak show , a dimension well known and well travel by me, maybe a manison track???ah tainted love remake, the vid is extra special

and even the ultra deep freak event arrives in about three hours ...takin' the hounds out for howling session with the moon blaze... sorry no cameras allowed

PHREERIDER - 2-7-2009 at 06:53 PM

carl has got supreme skills, his vids demo great timing and excellent mastery, i have learned a ton from watching his videos

being in the same category is an extreme stretch of my skill level.

but hey i'm crashing... and he and i both know the value in that,

glad to mentioned in the same sentence for sure, thanks mel

Bladerunner - 3-7-2009 at 06:17 PM

You know how much I look up to you Phree'! :thumbup:
The only thing betweeen you and the Pro's is a contract ! :yes:

I'm every bit as comfortable as you cruising and power sliding but my jumps are not there yet. I'm working hard on my jumps and have the cuts + bruises to show for it. The Arcs are really helping.

As far as I know you are taking those dogs to higher heights than Rollerblade ever dreamed of when they put them out ! If that's not living up to the Phreerider name, I don't know what is ?

I can't wait to see the rest of your footage!:wee:

PHREERIDER - 3-7-2009 at 07:45 PM

thanks bladerunner, you really put me onto them before JIBE and that was great guidance,

may try to clip together something on the wife's mac this weekend.

keeping the fun flowing!

positive for all, I'm certainly charged about

Hardrock - 3-7-2009 at 08:01 PM

Hey you changed the soundtrack, even better. That other stuff was a little different, emmm, not found in SC. :smilegrin::smilegrin:

PHREERIDER - 4-7-2009 at 05:03 AM

because of the challenges for me, in general, on the editing thing i promised myself i would drop the first song on the youtube autoswap list i knew that was close to the time length and forget about it. the time i could spend doing the tune selection ....i would still be doing it and never post it. i'm sure i will browse the list and get better at editing with tighter sounds and clips.

carltb - 4-7-2009 at 05:31 AM

i had a go on my leap skates the other day and i have to conceed that i am crap!!! your skills on the blades way out class anything i can do at the moment.
im that bad i havent even got to the crashing stage yet!!!

BeamerBob - 4-7-2009 at 05:51 AM

Originally posted by carltb

im that bad i havent even got to the crashing stage yet!!!

ROFLMAO! You guys don't even know how good you are. Us mere mortals start out in the crashing stage and try to work out of it. Carl, you and Phree seem to work into the crashing stage and decide when it is time to start crashing.

PHREERIDER - 4-7-2009 at 06:58 AM

crashes, crashes for all my friends. crashes are just really fast education. higher education is only better wound mangement. genius is wearing pads and safety gear.

...and not just for the camera. the gift of change is arriving constantly

Bladerunner - 4-7-2009 at 07:06 AM

Hillbilly :moon: pads, baby !

The beginers diaper ;)

Twice I have forgotten to use them and both hips are black and blue .

I have Rip' to try and keep up to ! Wait until you see some of the footage that we have been taking of the " Chinese Jumping Bean " ! :wow:

Carl, If you see a set of Coyotes on Ebay or something buy a set . The compact wheel base is an advantage. IMHO.

mgatc - 4-7-2009 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
Originally posted by carltb

im that bad i havent even got to the crashing stage yet!!!


Bump, Bump, Bump!:yes::singing:

carltb - 5-7-2009 at 02:10 AM

Carl, If you see a set of Coyotes on Ebay or something buy a set . The compact wheel base is an advantage. IMHO.

ive just done a mod to my leap skates. ive put on atb wheels and ive shortened the wheel base. hopefully this will give me abit more stablility.

PHREERIDER - 5-7-2009 at 09:18 AM

i did the same with the ATB wheels(reducing 12"doomset) and little more nimble for sure.

wheelbase length is the "inline skate like feel" you are looking for../ too much past 20" is difficult to cross up at all. unless you are 7ft tall.

like blade said coyotes! keep trolling for used stuff they'll come up

PHREERIDER - 5-7-2009 at 07:47 PM

hoggin the water session again today, fantastic ride about 4hours no video editing on the skate thing .. :(

soon though

PHREERIDER - 9-7-2009 at 02:06 PM

quick clip

video snackette


Drewculous - 9-7-2009 at 02:24 PM

Originally posted by PHREERIDER
quick clip

video snackette


Perfect circle W00t!!

Cool vids btw, great stuff!
If i had a camera out there it'd more comedy than art... keep us dreaming, phree and carl you make some awesome stuff :thumbup:

PHREERIDER - 9-7-2009 at 04:58 PM

thanks D
i am trying to get quick with the edit so it can be a "15min thing" start to finish. so a batch of raw footage isn't such a handful. this took about 30min. with the upload and half of that was just deciding which clip to use.

carltb - 10-7-2009 at 02:53 AM

for a 3-4-5-min vid id say it must take me about 3-4hrs, but it all depends on how much raw footage you have to sift through.

PHREERIDER - 10-7-2009 at 06:06 AM

raw footage shuffle eats the time. i can image you videos with stills, layers and fade, timing trans,effects slo/fast.. it can get tidous with alot of features.

the short one was only a few seconds of footage and simple with limited stuff on movie maker, very quick. but i did the same exact vid on my wife's mac with alot of cool feaures that took about 3hours(but it did not convert, very sad about that). MSWMM quick easy not as tight as mac stuff but keeps it simple and fun.

hey carl, the 55jumps with the labels is still my fav... the speed and the sound track timing just dead on strong!

Bladerunner - 17-7-2009 at 12:10 PM

Back to the Top.

This is by far the best Kiteblading vid. I have ever seen !

PHREERIDER - 17-7-2009 at 08:12 PM

i seem to like this one


my first rerun... i think