Power Kite Forum

Alameda Meetup

AD72 - 8-7-2009 at 06:27 PM

Meetup in Alameda - I will be attempting kitesurfing in Alameda on Friday 10th if anybody wants to watch and laugh.

Windeavor - 8-7-2009 at 07:25 PM

Wish I could. Are you taking lessons?
Let us know how you make out.

DAKITEZ - 8-7-2009 at 11:14 PM

Just going for the day or are you staying over night?

I'm soooo tempted

SCREWYFITS - 9-7-2009 at 02:23 PM

Originally posted by DAKITEZ
Just going for the day or are you staying over night?

I'm soooo tempted

doo it, doo it, doo it, doo it, doo it!!!

I'd love to go!!! but I'm between houses!!! and my wife is walking for boobies this weekend and we leave Fri night after softball...

AD72 - 9-7-2009 at 05:38 PM

I will probably stay over so I can go Sunday as well. I have not scheduled lessons...yet. I have done lots of body dragging in the past. I need to get on the board and just do it.

flexiblade - 9-7-2009 at 06:13 PM

I'm busy Friday - but you said you may be there till Sunday? If so I may be able to make it depending on wind - looks good so far - except the winds are due west - need to be ssw to be able to buggy - but I may still be down - good just to static fly at the beach - winds will be howling actually now that I just looked - could be in the mid 20's. Soooo tempting - I'll call ya.

AD72 - 9-7-2009 at 09:39 PM

Cool - I hope to see you guys. The high temperature will be 67 so maybe there will be less people on the beach. I will probably have to get a full wetsuit. I only have a spring suit. I am no longer in SoCal. I will bring the buggy too but the beach is quite narrow. What time is the low tide?

Windeavor - 9-7-2009 at 09:45 PM

Tides for Alameda starting with July 10, 2009.
Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon
/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible

F 10 High 1:48 AM 6.2 5:56 AM Set 9:00 AM 94
10 Low 8:41 AM -0.3 8:33 PM Rise 10:27 PM
10 High 3:45 PM 5.3
10 Low 8:52 PM 2.8

Sa 11 High 2:27 AM 5.8 5:57 AM Set 9:59 AM 89
11 Low 9:13 AM 0.0 8:32 PM Rise 10:51 PM
11 High 4:13 PM 5.5
11 Low 9:40 PM 2.6

Su 12 High 3:11 AM 5.3 5:57 AM Set 10:58 AM 82
12 Low 9:45 AM 0.4 8:32 PM Rise 11:14 PM
12 High 4:43 PM 5.7
12 Low 10:34 PM 2.4

AD72 - 9-7-2009 at 11:00 PM

Change in plans - I will be there Sat 11 and Sun 12. Can't play hookey from work Fri.