Power Kite Forum

Not light wind (hijack)

arkay - 14-7-2009 at 01:28 AM

Originally posted by DAKITEZ
Originally posted by arkay
Originally posted by DAKITEZ
Don't expect big jumps or anything in those light winds, because the blaze II doesn't create much if any lift so I assume thats not your intent.

As for jumping, maybe others have had luck, but I haven't been able to get my blaze II to lift me much at all. Don't know if it's my timing on the board or just that it really does generate near 0 lift. I have been able to get some 5-6ft jumps but that was in 20-24 mph, and as it was the kite was holding nearly all my weight (215#).

That said, I agree with the folks above. I'd rather have a light wind day with a bigger kite any day. Fun times to practice the skills!

Your findings were the same as mine :thumbup: Simple solution for you is if you want some lift pull out your montana ;-)

Not to hijack the thread... oh wait I made a new one! But my Montana seems to only have good lift once it gets well powered. I had the kite out a few weeks back in 18-20 which is the start of good power, and 22 seems to be the sweet spot.

But while I was out and headed to the jetty (due down wind) the wind decided to pick up to 28-36, what's worse the tide came in I hand about 30 feet to tack in and was going dead up wind :wee: At least I had the kite on the middle setting and completely depowered at the strap was not being drug away. That was an interesting experience, every time I tried to turn I got a good acceleration and lift even when flying really, really slowly. Somehow managed to keep my arse in the buggy with help form holding onto the side rail :) I can't imagine even launching the kite in that wind, as it is the 18 gives me a foot 20+ft skud with a 45 degree launch. I ended up tacking for a while then got out of the buggy for a rest and couldn't really walk-up wind; always a good sign. While moon bouncing is fun and all, I danced around for a little while and did a few small 11:50-12 hops then just pulled the safety (thank yo parking loops!) and walking back up the beach. I usually just put my rage 2.5 on my back to get me home just in case but of course this time I left it in the car :thumbdown:

My kids met me part way down the beach and my 2 year old couldn't even walk against the wind! Was pretty funny, he's pretty low to the ground too so he didn't appreciate the soft sand whipping up. I put him in the buggy, wrap him up and pull him back up the beach!

Had I a bit more beach, it would have been fun to play with the kite in that wind since there's pretty much no way I'd launch it in that wind. I'd rather be on a larger kite with less wind... maybe I should get me one of those given the awesome wind the past few weeks ;)

deadon's 16m scorpion was butter in 10mph. Fantastic kite, couldn't believe how well it turned for such a large flying mattress :singing:

csa_deadon - 14-7-2009 at 01:39 AM

Dude, next time we meet up I'll give ya a go with it :wee:

arkay - 14-7-2009 at 01:44 AM

Like butta.

We've got no official unofficial sunset beach meetups on the calendar. I'll likely just be in Manzo this weekend since I'll be in vegas the next two weekends. Then it's T-4 weeks to SOBB!

Not to hijack the thread... but anyone (besides jim) have sunset plans in the next 6 weeks :puzzled:

Bladerunner - 14-7-2009 at 06:13 AM

Our New Guy Grant is down at Sunset this week. Please catch up to him. He is one of the fastest learners I have met!

csa_deadon - 14-7-2009 at 06:18 AM

I was planning on being up at sunset August 1-2. then have to wait for vacation to kick in.
Vacation from August 28th to September 19. Nothin but buggy baby!!!

coreykite - 14-7-2009 at 10:27 AM

Hey Sailors,

Arkay... You heading over here to Vegas?
Give a holler when you get here, if you have free time on the weekend.

We had a nice weekend up at Delamar Dry Lake.
Winds were gusty but the temps were cooler than the valley.
Almost got chilly at night.

I have spare gear.
Could be nice winds (to compensate for the over 110 degree temps)
We go out in the afternoon (2pm or so) and sail through sunset.
IF (and that's a big "if") there is morning wind - Not sucker breezes - we can sail in the pre-heat coolness.

Just saying...

Safen Up! Buggy On!

"Often wrong... Never in doubt"

the coreylama

archkiter - 14-7-2009 at 12:20 PM

Originally posted by arkay
Not to hijack the thread... but anyone (besides jim) have sunset plans in the next 6 weeks :puzzled:

Hoping to be at Sunset this weekend... probably Sunday if the weather looks good. I wanted to go last weekend, but the weather and tides weren't in my favor to make the drive...

USA_Eli_A - 14-7-2009 at 12:27 PM

i'll look for ya