Power Kite Forum

Can't get to page 2?

f0rgiv3n - 14-7-2009 at 08:38 AM

I'm noticing that once the first post that spills over to page 2 occurrs I cannot get to page 2 until someone posts another post after that. So in other words, there has to be two posts on the 2nd page before it will take me to page 2. When i click on the number two at the bottom of the thread it just brings me back to page 1.

carltb - 14-7-2009 at 08:50 AM

also the first post on a new thread doesnt register in the post count.

indigo_wolf - 14-7-2009 at 08:59 AM

Originally posted by carltb
also the first post on a new thread doesnt register in the post count.

Err ummm... if you mean the 6th column, that would be because it is labeled as "Replies", so the first one don't count. If you mean something else, please disregard.


carltb - 14-7-2009 at 09:11 AM

when i started my last thread (mine being the original post) post count didnt start until the second person posted on it. (3 posts in total)

carltb - 14-7-2009 at 09:14 AM


12 posts (11+ the original) but only shows 10 replies

DAKITEZ - 14-7-2009 at 09:16 AM

Originally posted by carltb

12 posts (11+ the original) but only shows 10 replies

I saw your post when you started it and it started at -1 ??

indigo_wolf - 14-7-2009 at 10:32 AM

Originally posted by carltb
12 posts (11+ the original) but only shows 10 replies

OK.... hadn't noticed that before.... that is weird.

Have we already had the forum upgrade that PKF alluded to a while back?


archkiter - 14-7-2009 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by f0rgiv3n
I'm noticing that once the first post that spills over to page 2 occurrs I cannot get to page 2 until someone posts another post after that. So in other words, there has to be two posts on the 2nd page before it will take me to page 2. When i click on the number two at the bottom of the thread it just brings me back to page 1.

I am having the same problem....

pkf - 14-7-2009 at 10:33 PM

once the first post that spills over to page 2 occurrs I cannot get to page 2
Not sure I understand this. A single post is not divided by the forum software. No matter how long the text, it should display on one page. A new page is created after the number of 'Posts Per Page' (set in your profile) is realized. Can you provide a screen shot of a divided post?

also the first post on a new thread doesnt register in the post count
From time to time the count needs to be corrected during our regular maintenance, but in most cases, emptying your browser cache and clicking your refresh button will solve the problem.

Have we already had the forum upgrade that PKF alluded to a while back?
Not yet but soon. Still working on script modifications. Looks like we'll lose the photo gallery. Any comments on that?

BeamerBob - 15-7-2009 at 03:53 AM

I rarely if ever go back and look at pics in the gallery a second or third time. Losing the gallery doesn't bother me so much as long as we can continue to post hosted pics in posts. It would save a big step if we could upload pics directly to a post without having to upload it to a hosting site first. Lots of steps to show a pic that I wouldn't have otherwise bothered to put on flickr which then cross posts to facebook. :ticking:

pkf - 15-7-2009 at 07:58 AM

It would save a big step if we could upload pics directly to a post without having to upload it to a hosting site first.
File upload has been a standard action for years. In the post/reply form (not the quick reply form), the Attachment field is located in the line directly above the submit button.

After the system upgrade, multiple uploads per post will be possible.

PHREERIDER - 15-7-2009 at 08:23 AM

Looks like we'll lose the photo gallery. Any comments on that?

that's unfortunate, seems very tidy compared to forums hands down.
nice as i can put it without resorting to teenage .."that sucks"but very nice while we have it.

thanks for the effort

heliboy50 - 16-7-2009 at 04:46 AM

I had the nothing shows on page 2, redirect to the top of page one on the SOBB thread. I always check that one, so when page two showed up, I just clicked on it but no workie-workie. Once another post showed up on it there wasn't a problem anymore. Kind of weird.

pkf - 16-7-2009 at 05:40 AM

Example URLs will help. Also what web browser are you using?

archkiter - 16-7-2009 at 06:45 AM

Originally posted by heliboy50
I had the nothing shows on page 2, redirect to the top of page one on the SOBB thread. I always check that one, so when page two showed up, I just clicked on it but no workie-workie. Once another post showed up on it there wasn't a problem anymore. Kind of weird.


can't post a link though because there are more posts in that thread now and it works again. Here is what it was like.... I saw that a new post was submitted, clicked in the thread, scroll to the bottom or the page and it's all older posts, click on the "2" to take me to the next page and it just redirects to the top of page one. As heli said once someone added another new post (and there were two posts on page 2) it worked fine.

I am using Firefox- didn't try it in Safari....

pkf - 16-7-2009 at 07:08 AM

Can't seem to reproduce it in Firefox - works correctly for me. This may clear up after the upgrade. Until then, go to your profile edit page and change the 'Posts Per Page' setting to 50. That should provide a short term fix.

heliboy50 - 17-7-2009 at 05:04 AM

Firefox. I thought maybe a post produced page 2 and then was deleted by the author. No biggie. This forum is way more stable than most.