Power Kite Forum

speed 2 12m jumping advise needed

nwsurfwakeskate - 14-7-2009 at 10:52 AM

So I got my first session under my belt on the "new to me" speed 2 12m

I traded powerzone my P4 15m for this kite. coming from the P4, jumping doesn't seem to be quite as straight forward. Or at least it seems different.

Can anybody give me some tips on step by step timing how to get max height and hangtime out of the speed 2 12m?

btw the upwind ability and speed of this kite is simply amazing!

Thanks in advance,

domdino - 15-7-2009 at 09:29 AM

I find it much easier to jump on the speed2 than most kites, but maybe that's just cos i'm used to it. It turns fairly slowly so timing is quite important but that just forces you to hold your edge for as long as possible and then whip the kite back as hard as you can, this usually sends me to the moon if there's any decent amount of wind around!

I think it's definitely all about keeping a good edge with the speed2 so it can catapult you nicely, hope you figure it out, floatiest jumps you'll ever have :)

nwsurfwakeskate - 15-7-2009 at 11:02 PM

problem solved.

mainly....I needed more wind!

but also the mixer had bedded in a bit so I set it back to B-1 C-2 and it seems to be much much easier to jump now :spin:

this kite is awesome!

PHREERIDER - 16-7-2009 at 06:18 AM

keep posting on the FS speed 2 12m. wind speed conditions, you're about 195lbs,?

sounds like this my be a solid rig to have

"turns slow" not liking that though, your opinion?

nwsurfwakeskate - 16-7-2009 at 04:34 PM

turning speed is similar to the 15m P4 in light winds. of course when you depower the P4 it turns faster where as the speed 2 loses turning speed the more depowered it becomes.

I actually like the slower turning though because it means less chance of tomahawking the kite mid trick.

grunt. no contest the speed 2 wins

upwind ability. no contest the speed 2 wins again

float. speed 2 wins by a lot!

vert. P4 wins mainly due to the faster redirect. this could change as I learn how to hold my edge better on the speed 2.

depower. I'm gonna have to say speed 2 again

speed. guess....speed 2 again

domdino - 16-7-2009 at 05:21 PM

I like the slower turning, too... there seems to be too much emphasis on fast turning these days, i think there are actually merits to slower turning, either than or i've just got used to it and i throw kiteloops accidentally all over the place on fast kites :D painful :wee:

tridude - 18-7-2009 at 05:11 AM

so the S2 12 is that good.............Ive been reading its the jewel of the Speed 2 lineup................after 2 sessions on the SA Im leaning in the same direction or a 12m Pulse 2.......................almost forgot how good flysurfers are........................keep us posted Christian..........................................:lol::lol::duh::duh: