Power Kite Forum

first time ever with a depower

kitejumper - 18-7-2009 at 06:41 PM

tried my buddys blaze 10m-then my flysurfer speed 12.5--pretty weird after only flying fb for a year.......the load is now shifted from the arms back and shoulders, to the waist and legs--have to get used to that--also,had to resist temptation to pull in bar while launching....all in all a good experience!! now its time to get some practice in and LOTS of it-- i can see why everyone loves their depowers--its def a different skill set, though.........

Jovver - 18-7-2009 at 07:06 PM

Haha, glad you enjoyed it Don! We definitely need to fly again soon. Post those pics that you took if you can. Oh and btw, that Flysurfer of yours is actually a 2003 Psycho, so I lied to you inadvertently. Oops.

kitejumper - 19-7-2009 at 06:11 AM

ok,it IS a psycho!!thats cool!!yeah,i'll post those pics soon-i had a great time erik!! we'll do it again soon!! :singing:

Scudley - 19-7-2009 at 08:25 AM

After many months of trying to get the GF to try her harness and my depower (10m AlaSCa), she finally did it. She immediately said "More wind, I want more wind." I was left with a sinking feeling that I was not going to be flying my kite anytime soon. This what happened when I got her to try my buggy, she used mine, I borrowed. I asked if we were going to need another depower for her; her reply, "I thought you gave the AlaSCa to me for my birthday." So much for that kite. I guess my next video will be "Dusty Does De-Power".
Having a girl friend who kites is not always as good as you might think. You have no problem getting to go fly, but half your gear is suddenly inaccessible.

Jovver - 19-7-2009 at 12:17 PM

Ha! At least she's actually interested and you have someone to fly with. I need to find a girl that is as obsessed with theses kites as I am!

Scudley - 21-7-2009 at 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Jovver
Ha! At least she's actually interested and you have someone to fly with. I need to find a girl that is as obsessed with theses kites as I am!

You will never find one; you need to find a girl you like and give her the obsession. Start with a small kite on a day when it is not going to give her a face plant and work up from there.