JakeM - 25-7-2009 at 05:28 PM
Hello all!
First off I hope I'm posting this in the correct section, sorry if not!
I'll get straight to the point, last year I brought a Peter Lynn Hornet 4m 4 line power kite which sat in its bag for an entire year...Finally we took
it down to the beach last week for its maiden voyage..
We attatched all lines as shown in the instructions and launched, the first launch was silly as we failed to remember not to launch into direct wind
and ended flat on our face.
However when we did find an easier angle to launch at, the kite seemed to want to do nothing more than spin uncontrollably and then bounce along the
floor dragging us up the beach with it!
When it was straight for a few seconds it was a battle to keep it from spinning again!
We were stumped as to what the problem was...was it a fault on the kite, fault on the line setup, were we flying in too strong a wind or do we simply
need to practice flying the thing?
It was almost impossible to pull back on the handles due to the ammount of power the kite was pulling at so possibly the wind had something to do with
Sorry if this is a difficult to answer or silly question but we are new to power kite flying !
Hope there is a simple solution
kitejumper - 25-7-2009 at 06:01 PM
could be twisted bridles or maybe u didnt attatch lines correctly ,maybe just way too much wind--find a kite shop or an xperienced kiter to take a
look at it.........
Bladerunner - 25-7-2009 at 07:05 PM
You probably are holding the handles wrong and applying brake to one side.
There should be slack on the back lines unless you are applying brake.
dylanj423 - 25-7-2009 at 10:50 PM
the bridle could be caught on something... a brake line...
try again in lighter winds... for a 4m, i would say around 8-10 mph winds to test it out in....
JakeM - 26-7-2009 at 01:22 AM
Thanks guys I'll take it out in a lower wind and then if that doesn't help I'll re check all of the lines 
carltb - 26-7-2009 at 03:53 AM
step 1 should be checking all your lines are the same length
Bladerunner - 26-7-2009 at 07:30 AM
The right time to check your gear is BEFORE you fly !
If all else fails try flying it as a 2 line and go from there.
Baluk - 26-7-2009 at 07:36 AM
Yep, I'm pretty sure if you fly it with two lines, it will probably work. To me is sounds like the break lines are two short.
kitemaker4 - 26-7-2009 at 03:45 PM
First off check to see if all the lines are equal and make sure the power lines are on top and brake on bottom of the handles. Launch the kite in
lighter winds to the side of the window. Be sure to keep your hands even or the kite will spin or turn if not. Most kite fly best if there is slack
on the brake lines.
If you know of someone who flys ask them for some help.
Let us know how it goes next time out.
Susan (npw goddess)