Power Kite Forum

Who else was at the gorge today?

nwsurfwakeskate - 26-7-2009 at 10:57 PM

I spotted someone flying a P4 15m and an HQ Neo at one point.

I was the guy on the speed 2 12m.

anyway I tried to track you down after I came in but I think you must have left or something.

who were you?

btw your 5th line is too short on the P4. it was pulling on the middle of the kite. its hard to see when you're flying the kite but pretty easy to spot when you see someone else flying it.

csa_deadon - 26-7-2009 at 11:21 PM

Wasn't me!! I was sleepin :crazy:

akmooserider - 3-8-2009 at 02:17 PM

That was me on the 15. Wind was pretty terrible that day... I think I saw you getting a rescue from that boat?
I was up on a road trip from AK, and was very impressed with the Gorge overall.
Wind can be pretty gusty but the wind swell in the channel is a blast and makes it worth it. P4 is great for this!

Have you launched from Stevenson?

Thanks for the heads up on the 5th line.

nwsurfwakeskate - 3-8-2009 at 03:14 PM

yeah I got stuck in a black hole over on the washington side. there was no wind on the water surface so I couldn't even get tension on the lines to try and relaunch. I decided to ditch and a boat that had been watching me came and picked me up and took me back to get my kite.

decided shorts harness, shorty and fresh water is a bad idea without a PFD.

I'm used to saltwater and a 5mil wetsuit so it was freaking me out a bit when I realized I had to tread water to stay afloat!

I have since started wearing a PFD now when I go out.

akmooserider - 3-8-2009 at 03:52 PM

Yeah I know what your saying...I was glad to have my life jacket:

I think I over sailkoted the chicken loop on my 10m.

The damn thing kept releasing to the fds.

I managed to reassamble the loop 3 times but on the 4th it bowtied and I had to swim it in from

mid-channel. (That current is a bastard!)

It looked like you picked a boat with plenty of good looking help aboard though-nice work...

nwsurfwakeskate - 3-8-2009 at 03:55 PM

haha yeah that's what I thought when I was riding too....turns out the ladies on board were jail bait age. :wink2: