OllieN - 28-7-2009 at 03:45 AM
12mph winds with a twister 2 5.6m weighing on at 114 pounds
how high so you
think I could fly with and without a board. Thanks
BeamerBob - 28-7-2009 at 05:35 AM
I'm almost double your weight and I would just start to be able to jump with that combo. You might get 1-3 foot jumps with those conditions.
Drewculous - 28-7-2009 at 07:10 AM
i can get 1-3 footers in that wind and im 225 on that same kite... i wouldnt take it out in that wind right off. id get a feel for what that kite can
do first... in lower wind. if you do go out in those conditions and jump, and a gust grabs you... it wont be pretty, especially if youre not
expecting it