Power Kite Forum

Crossfire II 8.0M

Fastrak - 28-7-2009 at 07:37 PM

Crossfire II 8.0M arrived. Rushed to the field and snapped some pics. Overall the packaging and kite feel to be excellent quality with great attention to detail. I have a 6.5 Blade V on order and will do a comparison to the 6.5 Crossfire 2 when it arrives. On to the show:

The new 8.0M bag next to my old friend, the 6.5

Lets see the extra loot in the bag

And the plastic wrapped kite

Open er up

Side by side with the 6.5

Closer look at the color coded lines

Power line attachment, you can see the AOA adjustment here

All the lines are nicely numbered for error free setup

Connect the kite killers to the brake lines

and dont forget these!!!

Video of the kite in action

Remember we had about 0 wind. I will post another vid on a better day. If you have other pics / info you would like to see posted, please let me know.

BeamerBob - 29-7-2009 at 04:42 AM

Those Crossfire II's have a strong raptor look in the sky. Very tight sail. I wouldn't mind a ride on one of those if I get a chance. Maybe when demo days happen this fall, they will have one of these 8's or a 10m to toss around. The 6.5 would be a very usable size as well.

Kamikuza - 29-7-2009 at 06:58 AM

"Can't get you and the kite in at the same time" and mad camera angles - your wife not related to mine is she? :lol: She said the exact same thing when I questioned her technique in the carpark videos ...!

Nice looking bit o' kit :thumbup:
... can I get a better pic of the AoA adjuster? I think my Blade needs one :D

f0rgiv3n - 29-7-2009 at 07:13 AM

Wow that thing was flying great for that little wind!!!!!

luke1000 - 29-7-2009 at 07:55 AM

Looks great!

Jovver - 29-7-2009 at 08:15 AM

Looks great, I was considering getting a 5m Crossfire II for my second kite, but ended up with the Flow because I didn't want a very lifty kite. BTW, how did you get all those pics in one post?

SCREWYFITS - 29-7-2009 at 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
... can I get a better pic of the AoA adjuster? I think my Blade needs one :D

Unless you need a better angle or larger amount shown, then just right click on the photo and select "View Image" then it should make it a large photo and then left click on the photo to zoom it in to original size...

Hope this helps...

Fastrak, nice wing!!! you'll like that Blade V and you'd probably have a new fav after flying it... I'm kicking myself in the a$$ for not picking up an 8.5m IV when I had a chance, I've got keep my eyes open for a used one...

Kamikuza - 29-7-2009 at 06:35 PM

Thanks Screwy :)
... doesn't help though, cos I can't figure out how it works :lol: off to googlemf ...

Fastrak - 1-8-2009 at 06:24 PM

Took the kite out today in 8-10mph gusts to 12
Whoa, totally different experience and an AWESOME workout. I forgot to charge the camera after the last video - sorry. I got plenty of air time. Actually enough onlooker interest that I sold off some older kites right there! (snapshot 1.9 and a small NPW) I will get out again with the camera. This is definitely my fav kite. Once the wind climbed up to 10-12 gusts to 15, I switched to the 6.5 for another hour or so.

I really would like to compare the 6.5 crossfire ii to the new Blade V. Hopefully soon!

Power Kite Guy - 3-8-2009 at 04:08 AM

Nice comments and video. Looks like a sweet kite. The comparison would be interesting too.

acampbell - 3-8-2009 at 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
Thanks Screwy :)
... doesn't help though, cos I can't figure out how it works :lol: off to googlemf ...

in case you have not found it yet, I have a diagram of the AAA kit here...


shehatesmyhobbies - 9-8-2009 at 07:08 AM

I flew the crossfire II8m on saturday at the beach. Constant 8-10 mph winds. Very nice handling characteristics!. Tons of power for scudding! I was getting 25-30 ft scuds just on take off. Great kite for jumping if you choose to do so. No problem getting the kite into the power zone and doing more scuds or pit jumps as well. Kite has no problem sitting right on the edge of the window so you can walk back up the beach. I really enjoyed the kite and look forward to putting more time on it! Next I will try to make some AOA adjustments to really bring her out!

Kamikuza - 9-8-2009 at 05:01 PM

That's A!