deanaoxo - 21-3-2005 at 07:20 PM
Dateline:3.21 Elmers is very much buggyable now! We will most likely camp where we did last year.
Remember, the entire lake bed is CLOSED to vehicular travel! Do not drive past the boundry's. This does not mean we will be unable to buggy on the
lake, WE WILL! Please though, keep your motor vehicles off the lake bed.
To get to the spot we most likely will be in. If coming from Adelanto, drive past the main lake entrance, past Murphy's (sadly closed) and come down
to the San Bernadino/Las Angeles County line.
If coming from Palmdale. Go to the county line.
Turn on the dirt road(see photo)marked Old El Mirage Road. Follow the road around many turns. Stay on this main road. When you get to the end,
and the lake bed is to your right, follow the phone poles down to the lake surface, making sure you do not cross the boundry line at the edge of the
lake itself.
You are going to see many signs that say NO LAKE ACCESS, LAKE CLOSED, etc. It is OKAY! This is to discourage people from using this entrance,
and in the future it may well be closed, but it is not now.
When you get down to the lake itself, you should be able to clearly see us to the left(North)of the phone poles.
The last portion of the road is rough if you have a motor home, you will need to go the last 400 yds very slow! However, the road up to that point
is very good.
I will post on the main entrance message board directions to where we are, and should we have to make any last minute changes, i will post that here!
The part of the lake we can use NOW looks great! Plus there is lots and lots of off road areas we can buggy. There will be a core group there, and
there will be camping and there is a rest room nearby. If you plan to stay, bring all, as coming and going is a pain. I don't know the exact
measurement, but it's said this adds about 15 miles to your trip from the main entrance.
deanaoxo - 21-3-2005 at 07:21 PM
The way.
deanaoxo - 21-3-2005 at 07:21 PM
Ignore these......
mecdave - 21-3-2005 at 07:33 PM
Thanks Dean. Anyone planning on camping there Friday night?
Lack-O-Slack - 21-3-2005 at 08:08 PM
Great work, Dean! Glad somebody's playing roving reporter for us, saves gas that's worth somewhat more than many gemstones, at present.
Dave, I'll be out on Thursday, going straight to Elmer's, so look for the great white whale with the VW emblem on the nose. I'll have Old Glory
flying, as usual.
Print and keep your cellphone list handy.... reach me at:
(760) 525-6812
If my cellphone's working I can get online, and I'll post any news, too.
mecdave - 22-3-2005 at 09:25 AM
Thanks for the offer Dooley, but after careful consideration, a roll of the dice, and a flip of the coin, the pre-event Texicans have decided to set
up camp at the Royal Hawaiian Motel in beautiful downtown Baker, Ca.
See ya'll soon!
mohefie2 - 22-3-2005 at 01:54 PM
thats ok dooley,we will be there with you on elmars.......we have all the grub to no worries........
mohefie2 - 22-3-2005 at 01:59 PM
thats for anybody who cares to join
Fran G - 22-3-2005 at 03:28 PM
Elmers will be a treat having only only quiet wind powered movement on the lake bed. See you Sat AM.
Mike Predovic - 22-3-2005 at 06:18 PM
Hi Dean:
I am just wondering if anyone has any exact GPS cooridinates for that part of EL Mirage we will be on. Just in case I take a wrong going the back way.
deanaoxo - 22-3-2005 at 07:33 PM
mecdave - 22-3-2005 at 07:44 PM
Hey guys, I hope my post didn't come across as snubbing y'all or the pre-event or anything. That wasn't my intention at all. There were many reasons
why we decided to stay near Ivanpah, but it wasn't anything personal. You guys are some of my favorite people and we'll probably regret not hanging
with you and also not taking advantage of an OHV free Elmers like Fran says. Be sure to tell us how stupid we were when you get to Primm.:P
smurphy - 24-3-2005 at 12:18 AM
I might come to elmers on friday.I think i can make it there from the directions.This will be my first trip out to the desert.I will be bringing a
bunch of water for us all to share.I have an 84 Toyota that is beat up and says RANGER on both doors.see you all there.
RMV - 24-3-2005 at 04:55 AM
You can count me in, my truck says....... plain..... "French jerk in trouble"...........................that me.:singing:
SqueezeBox - 24-3-2005 at 08:24 AM
Hey Dooley..... I am leaving Vallejo at 0900 on Thursday. I wasn't at Elmer's last year, but I think I remember where we were two years ago.....(not
at Walt's Cove) Keep an eye out for my Jamboree camper with an empty buggy rack on the back. The buggy is inside....I didn't leave it home. I won't
be around to get a reply to this....but keep an eye out for me.
SqueezeBox.....aka Jim Spiva
deanaoxo - 24-3-2005 at 08:33 PM
Dooley is on site and comfy, along with Jim Spiva. We buggied, but the lake is drying and we'll know more in the morning.
Still, our best bet, till we go to superior. Everyone hurry and get out here so we can go to superior.
If you are not coming tomorrow, you can most likely catch us at superior sat-sun.
If you can't reach us by cell phone, that's where we will be.
I'll make another announcement, but your best bet once you leave is the cell phone.
The adventure begins!
gilligan - 25-3-2005 at 11:17 AM
Hi folks-
I was plannining on leaving the Bay Area Saturday and buggying Elmers on Sunday, Superior on Monday and possibly Silurian on Tuesday. But looks like
you guys'll be off Elmers by Sunday. Should I just head straight for Superior?!!
Thanks in advance!
deanaoxo - 25-3-2005 at 09:31 PM
Right now we are leaning 95% to be at superior some time on Saturday the 26th!
There may be a few holdouts on Elmers, but, for the most part we are agreed to move on. We came, we saw, we buggied in choppy weird wind on a mostly
wet lake at the upper end, hung out with lots of good folks who have made the effort, but it's time to go to paradise.
We will have a fairly large group going, so spread the word to any you know who have already left and save them the trouble of going to El Mirage and
meeting no one there.
searching for the aoxomoxoa
nuttyced2000 - 24-1-2006 at 10:32 AM
hey everyone!!! remenber me:frog:,i will be there too,last year was lots a Fun,i be good this time,:evil: see you soon at el mirage,
CHANNIN75 - 24-1-2006 at 04:20 PM
action jackson - 24-1-2006 at 04:48 PM
Beware of the dates in this post, the crazy frenchie picked a thread from last yr.................aj
Cedric the Dangerous
Lack-O-Slack - 25-1-2006 at 07:00 PM
Greets! Cedric, you re-activated a post from last year, but glad to hear you're going to make it again this year, with these minor exceptions:
1. Please wear proper footgear when you buggy
2. Don't buggy through the parking/camp area
3. Don't fly 8-meter kites with no safety rig and no helmet, shoes, or shirt in 20-mph plus winds, and
4. While being dragged onto the front of someone's truck, don't insist that you're "in total control".
Other than that, the rest of your Gallic demeanor is tolerable, if not kinda cute. :moon:
mohefie2 - 26-1-2006 at 10:43 AM
for those who will be at the pre will the food....hope to see everyone there
Mohefie's on board!
Lack-O-Slack - 26-1-2006 at 07:16 PM
Greetings, Mikie! Glad to see you weighing in 'round here, and to know that you'll be at Elmer's... seeya the Thursday or Friday before everyone
else arrives! :moon: