Power Kite Forum

Pass the PKD Brooza III 7.5m

bigkid - 30-7-2009 at 08:19 AM

Pass the PKD Brooza III 7.5m

If anyone is interested in trying out the Brooza III 7.5, I am willing to start the "Pass the Brooza" kite.

Same rules as others apply, long time members only, pay for shipping to the next person. Included is the kite, lines, handles, KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s, stuff sack. I don't have to tell you it's my kite and I haven't got to fly it yet, so to get it back in the same shape would be good:thumbup:

Who wants to try it?

f0rgiv3n - 30-7-2009 at 08:22 AM

I'm not very knowledgable when it comes to PKD kites. This is mainly a buggying kite right? Low aspect?

bigkid - 30-7-2009 at 08:28 AM

Not tried it for jumping, but it was impressive in 6mph wind with the buggy. The Brooza II model was the one I flew most, it pulled like a train, have not flown it in higher wind than 12mph. Some reviews of the kite from those that try it would be welcomed.

Drewculous - 30-7-2009 at 09:58 AM

i'm down to try anything once! Angus could vouch for my "passing" abilities! Havent heard a lot about these... itd be sweet to see one! But i understand if you want to limit entries to the vets

bigkid - 30-7-2009 at 11:48 AM

Drewculous, I checked you out and you can be the 1st. Anyone else?

Drewculous - 30-7-2009 at 12:06 PM

Sweet deal Thanks!

kitejumper - 30-7-2009 at 06:58 PM

i'll give it a shot-don

dgkid78 - 30-7-2009 at 07:18 PM

Me too can i try? Scudley could vouch for me.

EDIT : I am gonna pass. I am already on a couple of "Pass the kite lists" :wink2:

trancein1 - 30-7-2009 at 07:59 PM

I would love to

bigkid - 31-7-2009 at 06:06 AM

Originally posted by bigkid
Pass the PKD Brooza III 7.5m

If anyone is interested in trying out the Brooza III 7.5, I am willing to start the "Pass the Brooza" kite.

Same rules as others apply, long time members only, pay for shipping to the next person. Included is the kite, lines, handles, KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s, stuff sack. I don't have to tell you it's my kite and I haven't got to fly it yet, so to get it back in the same shape would be good:thumbup:

Who wants to try it?

Here is the beginning of the list,

1, Drewculous sent 7/31
2, kitejumper
3, trancein1
4, ?

WIllardTheGrey - 1-8-2009 at 03:11 AM

Love to try it, but understand that the Core is my first pass. So maybe after that.

Drewculous - 4-8-2009 at 10:39 AM

the PKD has landed... gonna go try to fly at lunch... winds are very light right now and the mercury is rising so it may not happen today... but ill try!

Thanks again for the opportunity to try another kite out there! Should be sweet!

btw: is this the same kite i have right now?

Maven454 - 4-8-2009 at 10:46 AM

Wish I could try it, but I'm sure I haven't been here long enough :-)

Drewculous - 4-8-2009 at 11:20 AM

yay! i've been quoted! lol!

bigkid - 4-8-2009 at 05:24 PM

btw: is this the same kite i have right now?
Yes, same kite. wind was real lite.

Maven454, U2U your info to me and I'll add you to the list.

Drewculous - 12-8-2009 at 07:58 AM

well, a very frustrating week and a half with this kite... winds have been pretty much dead... gotten the kite up twice (been out about every day hoping for some wind) but there wasnt enough to even keep the kite up for much more than 5 mins... if ya want i'll pass her on friday, or give the weekend one more shot, and send it out monday... it just sucks right now in Nebraska for wind... 95-100 degree heat and wind that is forcasted as calm to light and variable.....:mad:

Saturday is forcasted a little cooler with some wind, so maybe this weekend... but let me know,
Thanks again for the passing this kite!

bigkid - 12-8-2009 at 10:03 AM

It has been the same here, but with occasional rain. Keep it till Monday and see what happens. I don't think anyone will get to upset.

FloRider - 12-8-2009 at 10:41 AM

Big kid I'd like to get on the list too if you don't mind. I am U2U'ing my information so you could make that decision for yourself. Thanks.

bigkid - 12-8-2009 at 12:35 PM

I see you have a 8m Pansh Ace, was it your first kite? If so I can see you are heading in the right direction. :thumbup: You are added to the list.

bigkid - 12-8-2009 at 01:26 PM


bigkid - 12-8-2009 at 01:28 PM

Originally posted by bigkid
Pass the PKD Brooza III 7.5m

If anyone is interested in trying out the Brooza III 7.5, I am willing to start the "Pass the Brooza" kite.

Same rules as others apply, long time members only, pay for shipping to the next person. Included is the kite, lines, handles, KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s, stuff sack. I don't have to tell you it's my kite and I haven't got to fly it yet, so to get it back in the same shape would be good:thumbup:

Who wants to try it?

Here is the beginning of the list,

1, Drewculous sent 7/31
2, kitejumper
3, trancein1
4, live2hover
5. next?

FloRider - 18-8-2009 at 12:17 AM

I'm surprised there are no more takers.

Also, where is the kite now?

bigkid - 18-8-2009 at 12:43 AM

I would guess not much is known about the kite, so I would say it's up to you guys to spread the word.
I can only do so much...

Drewculous has the kite and should be forwarding it onto kitejumper next.

kitejumper - 18-8-2009 at 05:36 PM

yes he's sending it tonight--i just hope we get some decent winds while im using it

stetson05 - 19-8-2009 at 09:48 PM

read the review and the responses. I would like to get on the pass if possible. Possible adjustments sound incredible. I live in washington and have another kite comming soon so I don't mind waiting for a while.

bigkid - 20-8-2009 at 02:34 AM

Your on the list.

stetson05 - 20-8-2009 at 11:56 AM

thank you

kitejumper - 21-8-2009 at 03:54 PM

got the brooza today-theres enuff wind but it sucks a@@ REALLY bad---one second my blade 4m is cruising me along nice and fast,all of a sudden the kite luffs and falls out of sky,then, 2 sec later a gust hits and i rocket forward at mach speed--then the kite bowties--geez --these are the worst winds ive ever seen!! so the big bad brooza stays in the bag until winds are smoother

bigkid - 21-8-2009 at 07:40 PM

I was in my new buggy Sunday at the park, the wind was just as you said. No wind, then 5 to 8 mph then 0, and back and forth in a matter of a second or too. A gust caught me sideways in the buggy and as I hung on to the 8.6 Combat, there was a loud crack that came from my chest, thats going to hurt tomorrow. Well here it is 5 days later and broken ribs hurt more as time goes on. The Doc said 3 weeks before I try to do something,(just in time for SOBB). LOL
Smart call, I say put off till tomorrow what you could have done today:cool:

fletcht - 21-8-2009 at 08:53 PM

Bummer Jeff, now you will have the sore ribs as a excuse when I ride circles around you on the beach at SOBB.http://www.powerkiteforum.com/images/smilies/yes.gif Take care.

bigkid - 22-8-2009 at 03:45 AM

I am already flying faster than you and I'm not even in the buggy. LOL

kitejumper - 22-8-2009 at 06:20 AM

wow! hope those ribs heal fast!

bigkid - 22-8-2009 at 08:38 PM

I doubt they will be better by SOBB. We went to the kite festaval at Long Beach, WA to day and I had a run in with a dog, don't ask, and now I pulled the muscles in my back on the same ribs I broke.Now I have an appointment with a pill bottle.
I think I hijacked my own thread....

trancein1 - 22-8-2009 at 09:02 PM

I did that with my Brooza too Jeff, I know how it feels.

Drewculous - 24-8-2009 at 02:35 PM

sorry to hear about the ribs man, that is never good (continuing the hijack) The worst i've done is bruised mine, and that almost did me in for like 6 months... get better soon!

kitejumper - 24-8-2009 at 06:22 PM

ive had the brooza since last friday and there hasnt been any wind to speak of--thursday supposed to be at least 10,so i'll give it a shot then---

bigkid - 24-8-2009 at 06:32 PM

Life goes on and then you die, or something like that. Thanks you all, for the sympathy,it's nice to get some somewhere. LOL

Here is an updated list,
Kitejumper (still has kite)

Maven454 ?
WIllardTheGrey ?

kitejumper - 27-8-2009 at 08:25 PM

between crazy work schedule(im on call 24/7) and lack of wind-i still havent broken out the brooza--i'll keep it till wed if thats ok ,then i'll ship it-sure hope i can get at least 1 session on it.........

bigkid - 28-8-2009 at 05:14 AM

I think trancein1 is OK with it, I know I am. trancein1, you can chime in if you want.
The whole idea is to try it out and not everything is in a perfect world.

trancein1 - 28-8-2009 at 07:49 AM

You can pass it on to live2hover, I have owned a 5.5m and know how they are. I am waiting for the Libra Radical to play with. I will have to pass at this time. Thx anyways. Brooza is a very good kite for buggying.

kitejumper - 28-8-2009 at 04:35 PM

agreed.used it today for bout half hr....it certainly is different than anything ive ever flown......the winds were only about 8-12--not nearly enough for my tastes,so i didnt really get to see what this kite can do,xcept for a few smooth buggy runs--i'll ship to next in line probably mon or tues-thanks bigkid

FloRider - 30-8-2009 at 12:10 PM

This is my first pass the kite thread I have participated in Bigkid. Would you like me to send my shipping info to kitejumper, or will you do that? I am just trying to educate myself on these things.

bigkid - 30-8-2009 at 02:01 PM

Originally posted by live2hover
This is my first pass the kite thread I have participated in Bigkid. Would you like me to send my shipping info to kitejumper, or will you do that? I am just trying to educate myself on these things.

When kitejumper is ready to ship the kite he will U2U for your info ( name, address, city, state, zip.) and you will in turn reply with the info needed and wait for the kite. It's rather simple I think.

Maven454 - 30-8-2009 at 02:02 PM

Simple enough, although it's the first time that I've ever seen it explained.

FloRider - 30-8-2009 at 04:31 PM

Sounds like a plan. Thanks for the quick reply

kitejumper - 30-8-2009 at 05:47 PM

u2u sent

kitejumper - 4-9-2009 at 01:03 PM

kite sent today,on its way to livetohover......

bigkid - 15-9-2009 at 07:43 AM

The next on the list is stetson05, am I right?
If I missed you please correct me before it goes to the next person.

kitejumper - 15-9-2009 at 02:40 PM

i sent it to livetohover in az--i thought he was next

bigkid - 15-9-2009 at 03:08 PM

Yes he is and stetson05 is next.
Anyone else?

FloRider - 15-9-2009 at 06:29 PM

Ok, so I got the Brooza over the weekend and Just had a chance to unbox it today. (been on vacation) I am looking forward to trying it out and writing a review, tomorrow has a mildly windy forecast so chances are good that I can at least get it up.

FloRider - 1-10-2009 at 09:49 AM

This has been a long time coming, but i finally had a session with the Brooza III yesterday. I wanted to post my thoughts before I pass it on this week.

Upon opening the bag, the first thing that I noticed was the quality of the materials used on this kite. I was already impressed. The closest thing I own to this is my 8m Ace which in comparison looks like someone just slapped together some ripstop. A LOT of thought was put into this kite from the bridal setup (which was about a million times nicer than my Pansh) to the varying angle of attack adjustments that can be made from the handles. I like the color scheme with the bright orange and black. It looked like a classy kite to me.

Lots of attention to detail, and lots of little details. The question was, would it be a better because of the details?

My first day out was about a week ago and it was a disaster, it was blowing all day long and there was Nooo way I was going to miss it, but by the time I got outside of work and broke the kite out the wind had sputtered out to a mere trickle compared to earlier in the day. :thumbdown: It was something like 7-8kts, which really sucks, but I was determined to force the issue and try it out, but I couldn't for the life of me get it up.:no:. I am able to get my 8m up in these moderate winds, so I was really disappointed in myself. As I was packing it up I noticed that the brake lines were way to tight for the conditions and that they could be adjusted very quickly and easily without any knoting or larksheading (is that a word?)

We've been stuck in a high pressure system for close to a month and had horrible winds since the time I got the Brooza. The next chance I had to fly was yesterday, but the winds were primed for a good session with winds 15 gusting 22 so i took her out again.

As I was untangling the lines I really appreciated my blue and red lines on my Ace cause the Brooza III lines are all one color and it took me a little bit to get them straight. Once I got her launched she was up in the air zipping around like a little humming bird. It pulled like a truck, but for being a 7.5 meter kite, it sure turned a lot more like a 5m.

I was impressed by the quick responsiveness to little inputs, but it did not feel as stable as my 8m Ace in the air because of how fast it was darting around. I know I could get used to it, but I like flying static for jumping and there would be no massive liftoffs with the Brooza III today. I tried and tried but never got more than a foot or two off the ground which was very disappointing. I know the kite is not made for jumping, but it is so big that I really hoped for more. :megan:

Some additional thoughts......The Brooza had very little problem with absorbing gusts :smilegrin: It had me scudding around durring takeoffs, but once I had it anywhere near the Zeneth that was no longer a problem. I did not like 3 things about this kite and it all had to do with the handles.

1. the built in kite killers were a pain in the butt. -- what if I don't want to use them? then what? Also, I didn't like their placement cause they had a tendency to get caught up in the brake lines.
2.The adjustable brake line has too much play available. this became a problem if I had it fully engaged because there was about 8 inches of fairly heavy rope/line dangling next to the bungee slack from the kite killers which kept getting tangled in the brake lines which annoyed the crap out of me, and caused some in-flight issues.
3. The handles are connected together with a spacer of sorts. I really don't know what to call it, but it means they handles cant be pulled farther that one and a half feet apart. It's not bad, but it annoyed me cause I couldn't fix the brake and kitekiller issues easily because of it.

All in all the Brooza III is a good kite which could be a lotta fun. I think there are too many bells and whistles on it for my tastes, and doesn't provide enough lift for my liking but I know there is someone out there looking for this kind of kite. Just not me, or kitejumper.:spin:

Thanks BigKid! I am ready to pass it on to stetson05. U2U sent.

bigkid - 1-10-2009 at 10:08 AM

Great review, your right it is not a jumping kite. Although I have been jumped out of the buggy a time or too.
I have to agree with the handle issue to a degree. I don't use the KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s so they are only for someone who wants them. The strop, line between the handles, is cut off for many and I leave it on to hook into the harness and only use the breaks to turn, personal preference.
The kite killers could be taken off, they are not built in.
Thanks live2hover.

bigkid - 1-10-2009 at 10:09 AM

Great review, your right it is not a jumping kite. Although I have been jumped out of the buggy a time or too.
I have to agree with the handle issue to a degree. I don't use the KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s so they are only for someone who wants them. The strop, line between the handles, is cut off for many and I leave it on to hook into the harness and only use the breaks to turn, personal preference.
The kite killers could be taken off, they are not built in.
Thanks live2hover.

bigkid - 1-10-2009 at 10:10 AM

Great review, your right it is not a jumping kite. Although I have been jumped out of the buggy a time or too.
I have to agree with the handle issue to a degree. I don't use the KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s so they are only for someone who wants them. The strop, line between the handles, is cut off for many and I leave it on to hook into the harness and only use the breaks to turn, personal preference.
The kite killers could be taken off, they are not built in.
Thanks live2hover.

kitejumper - 1-10-2009 at 04:39 PM

theres not enough power in it for me--i guess too many times of blade flying in strong, gusty winds has me jaded.......i would say it would be excellent for a fairly new kiter who wants more power--i think you would have to really be making some horrible judgements for this kite to really spank you......that being said, i thank you bigkid for allowing me to test it and i DO think its a nice kite......

bigkid - 1-10-2009 at 05:45 PM

Originally posted by kitejumper
.....that being said, i thank you bigkid for allowing me to test it and i DO think its a nice kite......

You're welcome.

bigkid - 12-10-2009 at 10:23 AM

Any idea who is in possession of the Brooza?

FloRider - 13-10-2009 at 09:25 AM

should be in stetson05's hands on Thursday

bigkid - 13-10-2009 at 10:49 AM

Thanks live2hover.

stetson05 - 16-10-2009 at 12:30 PM

Got it yesterday. The wind I ordered is supposed to arrive next week.

bigkid - 16-10-2009 at 08:06 PM

where is page 3?

bigkid - 18-10-2009 at 05:28 AM

how come we cant access page 3?
I guess I had to ask twice

FloRider - 18-10-2009 at 09:22 AM

i can, go to your personal settings and increase the number of posts per page. You sould decrease the number pages.

bigkid - 18-10-2009 at 10:15 AM

WOW, that works very well, Thanks

stetson05 - 19-10-2009 at 08:50 PM

bigkid U2U sent about some setting questions. I looked at the pkd website for info and didn't find much

bigkid - 21-10-2009 at 06:42 PM

stetson05 has the kite right now, anyone else wish to try it out? If not, it comes home.