Power Kite Forum

Kite size

luke1000 - 30-7-2009 at 10:53 AM

Hi all

At the moment i am static flying a crossfire 4m and have done on and off for around 2 years now, i have been getting into jumping with the kite and loving it but now want somthing bigger

Anyway my question is that i am thinking of going for the PL Twister2 7.7m and i am wondering if this is too big a size to static fly with and get some nice air jumping.

I have been told by the guy at the kite shop that it's too big and you will be better off going with the Twister 5.6m as it's got more pop and will get you in the air sooner cause the 7.7m will be too slow when static flying

What do you think can i have your thoughts please
Much appreciated

luke1000 - 31-7-2009 at 01:49 AM

Mods can you del this topic please