Power Kite Forum

The most fun I have had in a long time!

brplatz - 30-7-2009 at 04:14 PM

Well I just got back from my first flight or ride:yes: with my new HQ Beamer IV 3.0m

I must say I did not expect so much from this kite, which i am very happy about :wee:

Winds were about 15-20mph, which is why i was drug all over the field and had maybe a couple 1-2 foot hops. I brought a friend with me and maybe have a video up soon. I think I'm already addicted to another damn hobby haha.


Much thanks to the forum and everyones help, especially Dino @Dakitez


dgkid78 - 30-7-2009 at 04:56 PM

Looks like you had a blast!!!:spin:

Hardrock - 30-7-2009 at 06:32 PM

re run of my first flight sitting down and butt scudding all over the place. Lots of fun.

brplatz - 30-7-2009 at 08:09 PM

Hell yes, prolly a little much wind to be learnin on but man it was crazy awesome.

My friend thought it was the coolest thing, even though i didn't let him try it, :lol:

Anyway, I need to get in some practice so when i get to San Diego on Sunday, i dont look completely noob :cool:


Kamikuza - 30-7-2009 at 08:30 PM

I like the "Dog-with-itchy-butt" slide there :lol: looks like fun! :thumbup:

macboy - 30-7-2009 at 11:55 PM

We call that a "skooch" in Canada......the only difference between a kiter and a dog doing it is the dog will stop and go back and smell the tracks :sniff:


Kamikuza - 31-7-2009 at 06:11 AM


kitemaker4 - 31-7-2009 at 09:46 AM

Not sure if you have red ants where you live. Just be sure you do not land on a nest scuding around. Been there done that.

Susan (npw goddess)

brplatz - 31-7-2009 at 09:18 PM

Well i went out again today around 5ish, and the winds were quite crappy:bigok:

Anyway it gave me a chance to handle the guide and make me put it where i wanted it and found good and bad spots of the wind window.

Heres some pics and a vid i hate a friend take.
