Power Kite Forum

Soft Grip mods for Bar?

lad - 31-7-2009 at 08:48 PM

I am getting the hang of my new Ranger (was there a pun somewhere in there?) In fact, I'll soon be posting some pix of my own takes on the recommended mods and safety releases.

Thing is, the thin, hard, textured bar was probably better meant for water traction (or maybe padded snow gloves).

My bum knuckles would prefer the more hefty and cushy bars that come with my other kites.

I went to the hardware store to look for those soft grip tubes that slide over rake handles and such. No luck.

Any recommendations for some common substitutes out there? I'd prob. need something that can open and wrap around the bar ends, since the OS handles and other bits preclude just shoving it down over the ends.

flyjump - 31-7-2009 at 09:48 PM

What about foam sports tape that people use on field hocky sticks? I thought about using that for an old damaged bar

indigo_wolf - 31-7-2009 at 10:09 PM

You might have to slice and seal, but take a look at Hypalon. Google "hypalon grips" Used a lot for fishing poles, but can be found in other applications.

Comes in
Hope that helps.


lad - 31-7-2009 at 10:09 PM

So, this would be like and overlapping spiral of tape going down the bar? I was kinda looking for less permanent mods. I guess it could be removed if needed (with some Goo Gone for the residue).

indigo_wolf - 31-7-2009 at 10:14 PM

Something "less permanent" treads the thin line of "shreds under stress."

If you go with the hypalon, you could glue it to itself, without gluing it to the bar or use an adhesive that isn't mean to survive a nuclear holocaust if you don't want it shifting (squirmy).


indigo_wolf - 31-7-2009 at 10:14 PM

You can't delete your own posts? Wassup wit dat? :puzzled: :no:

BeamerBob - 1-8-2009 at 05:38 AM

road bike handlebar tape would do the same thing and is easily removable but doesn't squirm under pressure.

snobdr - 1-8-2009 at 06:37 AM

Why not just buy another bar. Ive seen just the bar, without lines and chickenloop/depower lines on ebay.

lad - 1-8-2009 at 06:55 AM

Thanks for the tips - I knew I seen stuff out there somewhere before.

Actually, I wish I still had the 29" slingshot bar I sold awhile ago - it had a bit softer grip, too.

The one (and maybe only) unique thing about the Ranger bar is the LONG depower range. 'Course I could swap the CL and leads over to any other bar. But a padding mod would be the quick, cheap way to go.