Hey all i have been flying my Beamer IV 3.0m continusly the past month or whatever.
Flying at the beaches in San Diego is some big pressure haha;-)
Anyway, I have a friend that is goingto give me his mountian board since he hasnt used it in about 9 months and i think i need a bigger kite to pull
me on it. Winds only get to 10-15mph unless a storm is blowin in.
I was thinking about a depower kite, possibly a Pansh Blaze II 5.0M or 7.0M?
Is a depower to much or should i stick with fixed bridle?
Thanks much,
Briandgkid78 - 4-8-2009 at 06:12 PM
in those winds maybe a 10m depower or even 12mDAKITEZ - 4-8-2009 at 06:45 PM
FYI if you get a blaze II you will need to get a bar and lines and tune it ... are you ready for that ?
I'm not knocking the kite I think its the best pansh makes. If you can find a used one that someone already put in all the time, effort, and knowledge
to get it tuned correctly then you will be fine.brplatz - 4-8-2009 at 07:00 PM
I would be very inclined to buy used if anyone would like to sell me a presetup depower kite with bar and such.
Thing is, money is a little tight, so used would be great if possible, also will need a harness?
7m sounded good, but 10m or 12m sounded a little crazy. coming from a 3m fixed. Let me know
Brianshehatesmyhobbies - 4-8-2009 at 07:08 PM
u2u sentshehatesmyhobbies - 4-8-2009 at 07:12 PM
You sound like you have a little common sense in you. Glad to see that. I bet you even plan on wearing safety gear when giving atb a shot! LOL
Nice to see a responsible kiter!brplatz - 4-8-2009 at 10:08 PM
Thanks for the help guys, ill be on the hunt for a 7m ish depower kite.
Any more advice would be fantastic ;-)DAKITEZ - 4-8-2009 at 10:39 PM
thats a pretty big step this early in your kiting ... be careful!!!WIllardTheGrey - 4-8-2009 at 10:45 PM
This just caught my eye.
In dgkid78's sig line
Hq Montana 2 7m (My owner never flies me. I am just collecting dust) $200 ask my owner why so cheap
Bladerunner - 5-8-2009 at 05:17 PM
I know this sounds crazy but ........ get a 10m !
That is unless you are prepared to buy a 12m to go with your 7 very soon!
10m is perfect for that wind. While a 7 will give you a ride you will be wanting for more power in a very short time.
Going with a 7 as your next kite makes a lot of good sense from a safety perspective. If you can't afford another kite for a long time then going with
a 10 and growing in to it slow and safe is something to think about.
Depower kites are less efficient a 7m is like a 4 or 5m fixed bridle.brplatz - 5-8-2009 at 07:09 PM
Thanks alot guys, really appreciate the help.
I'm debating whether the difference between the montana II and montana III or IV is worth the price difference, opinions?'
Brianbrplatz - 6-8-2009 at 10:03 AM
Any opinions on the difference?
Is it worth it to have the new pulley system and lighter material?
BrianDAKITEZ - 6-8-2009 at 10:08 AM
can't comment on the II (never flown it) but the IV is well worth the cost over the III, because I just didn't care for the III. Then if your looking
to spend the money on a IV why not by a neo?brplatz - 6-8-2009 at 07:57 PM
Well I'm not really in a position to buy a plus $500kite at the moment, so thats why I'm looking for used.
Possibly depower is to far a jump, maybe a larger FB would be more appropriate and cheaper?'
I'm not totally turned away from depower but it better be damn impressive!:bigok:shehatesmyhobbies - 7-8-2009 at 02:59 PM
The NEO'S are worth the money for sure. What a versatile kite! Maybe you should find someone that has a depower kite or a few different ones that you
give a shot before laying down the cash. Give it a shot on a bigger fb as well.Bladerunner - 7-8-2009 at 04:28 PM
$500 should get you a good quality used depower. My vote is still for a 10m .
Give Scudley a shout. He has a 10m Alasca that he just may let go for $500 ? If he will I don't think you will regret it. That is a great kite for
your needs. Friendly enough that it won't be too dangerous but powerfull enough to work well in your winds. You won't grow out of it!
Dakitze 10m Apex is a SCREAMIN' Deal!!! He maayyyyyy meet you 1/2 way from your $500 price and his ?
Both are great sellers.
If you eventually want to jump the Alasca ( or similar depower) will be a better choice than a fixed bridle. IMHObrplatz - 9-8-2009 at 08:07 AM
Alrighty guys, I see that Depower is a good next step but right now I just dont have the cash (or permission) to buy another kite.
My friend, who happens to always want bigger and better, just bought a PL Twister II 4.1 and Hornet 3.0, so while i teach him to fly on his Hornet Ill
play with the Twister II:wee:
Most likely I wont be purchasing any kites for a couple months unfortunatley, but thanks for the help guys