Power Kite Forum

PKD Nipair

tsdr8 - 4-8-2009 at 08:31 PM

I just saw these and was wondering if any one was rocking this kite, if so is it a kite for any one or would it be just fun for the begginer?

bigkid - 4-8-2009 at 09:15 PM

PKD lists this kite as toykite.
It has 4 lines and comes with a special bar that clips apart to make separate handles.
Easy to fly - available in 1.0m and 1.5m sizes.
Introduction model is in a "special edition" camouflage printed fabric - other colors will follow later.

It is a beginner kite, but it is an expert high wind kite, that will kick your butt if you think other wise.

WIllardTheGrey - 4-8-2009 at 09:36 PM

Do you have pics of that bar? Sounds very cool, kite looks awesome too btw. I might have to get one for the wife. Then steel it on high wind days:evil:.

bigkid - 4-8-2009 at 09:40 PM

I will attempt to do the post the picture thing, but don't hold your breath.
Yes the wife will like the kite, it's easy to fly and it wont pull her across the beach on her.....

Maven454 - 5-8-2009 at 03:10 AM

I've got one coming. I'll get you some pictures when it gets here.

PKD Nippair 1.0/1.5

indigo_wolf - 5-8-2009 at 05:37 AM

Mini-review of PKD Nippair 1.0



tsdr8 - 5-8-2009 at 07:05 AM

I thought it looked like a neat little set up. Just wanted a little background from forum members.

PHREERIDER - 5-8-2009 at 07:46 AM

now that's what i call the best of both worlds,

handlebar magic. this is trainer supreme

Maven454 - 22-8-2009 at 06:18 AM


There we go, figured I'd just make a review thread.