shuag - 5-8-2009 at 04:39 PM
Were there a lot of differences between the Flexifoil Sabre 1 and the Flexifoil Sabre II?
I have found a Flexi 1 that I may snag but I thought I would consult the 'experts' first.
From what I understand the Flexi Sabre 1 has depower but I am wondering how different it is from the Sabre 2.
In this forum there doesn't seem to be that many people who own Sabre 1's. Is that because they are junk?
Any info is appreciated.
shuag - 6-8-2009 at 01:18 PM
Wow I thought I would have an answer by now. :puzzled:
Does no one really know?
kitedog - 6-8-2009 at 01:54 PM
I had a Sabre I 7 mtr that I really liked. I haven't flown the SIIs but I expect they made some changes to the bridle because the mkI would suck up a
knot in a pulley sometimes. The chicken loop broke on mine as well. The kite seemed to change shape ever so slightly too but I'm not sure how that
changed the performance. I think the 9.5 Sabre I was the real pick of the first gen Sabres.
WolfWolfee - 6-8-2009 at 03:17 PM
I still have a 9.5M Sabre need of repairs got tore up and my own fault the old multi
The Sabre is a great kite a couple simple mods cleared up the pulley issue and spent many hours on the lake in winter.
The Sabre II has better de-power and little nicer float, IMHO.
shuag - 7-8-2009 at 12:43 PM
How much do you think a Flexi Sabre 1 9.5 mtr is worth with lines and a bar?
WolfWolfee - 7-8-2009 at 02:41 PM
probably the $400 to $500 mark with bar and lines
kitedog - 7-8-2009 at 03:47 PM
My Sabre 7 sold for about $400 used at the beginning of this year. The chicken loop was cracked but that was the only damage. The lines were pretty
well used but the canopy was near perfect.
shuag - 7-8-2009 at 07:43 PM
The reason I am asking is because where i am from there is very little wind.
Even launching my 3 meter Beamer is difficult some days. I have quite a few hours on it and feel that I am ready for a big bump in size. Preferably
something with de-power. I realize the risk involved because I have been helping my friend with his 8 meter wipika. It drug him around like a rag
doll in 12-13 mph winds and he is 6 3' and 230 lbs. WE HAVE LIFT OFF! :wow: Needless to say I have a deep respect for the wind. :o He now needs a
new pair of pants because of the souviners all over his pants from the grass and dirt.
I have found a sabre for pretty cheap so perhaps I will jump on it.
It seems to have good reviews and won't break the bank in getting an older one.
I do like the montana's and ozone's but don't have enough dough around to get into one so perhaps a sabre will be my first investment since they
aren't so much money.
Hopefully it will make a good snow kite.
WolfWolfee - 8-8-2009 at 08:22 AM
I've used it lots on the ice, goes up in pretty low winds have to work it a bit but winds pick up and a great ride.
shuag - 8-8-2009 at 10:45 AM
Hey WolfWolfee . .. Do you have a sabre 1 or a sabre 2?