Gambler - 6-8-2009 at 08:50 PM
I just bought a 3 line 3.3 meter Predator power kite as a first power kite and have since flown it twice in 20-25 mph winds. I am now sore in places
I didn't know I had, and I'm sure most of this is poor tecnique. I've been doing ok at sand dragging and learning the power window, but I'm still
lacking the control that I need. Perhaps part of his is my light weight (135 lbs) but this kite really has some serious pull to it.
This kite has 3 lines. 2 on a bar and one down the center which really is only meant to control the kite to the ground in the event you drop the bar.
It also helps to pull it when you are getting to the edge of your flight area and need to bring it back in.
I have three questions:
1. I am having a hard time getting the kite to a good power point. Sometimes I end up too low and the thing takes me for a drag or just rips clean
out of my hands. This scares the crap out of me and often I end up jumping to regain my balance or just release the bar altogether. Other times I
can't get it low enough and it just stays above my head. Are my lines too short or is this typical of a 3 liner? I can make figure 8's without issue
but can't get a whole lot of pull from them unless I get it low and then the power is too much.
2. I am thinking about modifying the kite's 3rd line so I can control the power. I was thinking about attaching a small arm perpendicular to the bar
so I could twist the bar forward like a motorcycle throttle (but backwards) to power it up. Is this a bad idea?
3. The kite seems to handle very sluggishly. The turns are very large arcs and are very slow. This also makes it hard to get the kite back when I
fly it in the corners of my wind window. I often resort to pulling the third line to get it to back up some. Would increasing the bar length help
this, or is that not recommended?
I haven't tried jumping it yet. The winds are too strong for me as a beginner, so I'm just trying to learn the kite for now. Anyt help, links ir
advice would be appreciated.
WIllardTheGrey - 7-8-2009 at 01:20 AM
First welcome;
Sounds like most of your problems are the result of the HIGH wind.
Q-1. High wind.
Q-2. The thing about a stick on the bar is what happens when you fall on it? Long, thin, pointy, and pointing at your gut, kinda makes that warm and
fuzzy feeling go away eh.
Q-3. Thats odd, unless your comparing it to a good stunt kite. Hopefully someone with more knowledge than I will be able to come up with a good
answerer to this, in that high of wind the kite should be like a #@%$#!roach on crack.
I'm sure other people will have allot more to add I still relatively new to this as well.
Good luck, be safe, and have fun.
Gambler - 7-8-2009 at 08:28 AM
Thanks for the welcome. I need all the help I can get at this point. I've been flying 2 line stunt kites for 12 years, but this is my first power
kite. I'm already looking forward to kite skiing this winter.
I thought the kite should be more responsive in the high winds as well. I have been flying in 20-25 mph winds which have been gusting to near 30,
which is the limit for the kite. A few times I made a complete circle starting from straight above my head and the kite nearly hit the ground each
time despite having the bar twisted as far as it would go. I believe my lines are 90 feet long. I know I can't compare this to my 2 line stunt kites
which would absolutely rip in this wind, but I can't figure out if the sluggishness is poor technique or too short a bar.
WIllardTheGrey - 7-8-2009 at 11:13 AM
Are you steering like a bike or a car? Do like you would if you hooked up one of the stunts up to a bar, pull left to go left and right to go right.
Try not to twist the bar at all. Also look for some lighter wind to learn in 15 tops will make life much easer.
BTW thats a very cool sig quote.
Bladerunner - 7-8-2009 at 11:32 AM
I'm not familiar with the predator ? Could be a poor design ?
That is pretty high wind to be flying in at 1st.
As far as controling the amount of power goes Fixed bridles are fixed. The only option is to change kite sizes.
Where you fly the kite in the window also has to do with power. In lower winds you need to fly it hard in the power zone.In higher winds you need to
stick near the edge of the window.
WIllardTheGrey - 7-8-2009 at 11:37 AM
Predator is made by HQ and they seem to have their head on straight when it comes to design. How ever I can't find any reviews about them just a
really cool looking predator full race buggy but thats it.
Gambler - 7-8-2009 at 04:39 PM
I'm sure I have the steering correct. I'm pulling and slacking the lines with the bar to the point where the lines are only an inch or so apart, but
still the steering is a bit sluggish. I bought the kite on a recommendation from a guy in the outer banks that has flown just about every kite out
What techniques should a beginner be trying? Can anyone recommend a site for beginners that can teach me the basics?
Bladerunner - 7-8-2009 at 04:42 PM
I sent you a U2U with a link to my favorite sites.
Bladerunner - 7-8-2009 at 04:43 PM
Coastalwindsports and Dakitze both have a lot of good info for beginers.