Power Kite Forum

Help Please!??

Jack1988 - 10-8-2009 at 11:15 AM

Hi my names Jack and im relatively new to power kiting, i started only a few months ago and have been addicted evcer since.

I fly with my Brother who0 got me into kiting, i started on a Radsail 3.2 which was good fun. I then moved onto what my brother flys when i was confident which is the 5m Exit from Argos lol, But it is a very good kite and i got used to it and on the sea front just a few weeks ago was getting my biggest Jumps ever, im a self confessed Jump junkie tbh.

My brother then decided to let a noob fly the 5m in quite strong winds and flew it into a lampost! My brother had been on the booze so he wasnt as patient as usual and after a short time of trying various tools to get it down and failing, he foolishly yanked it down ripping the kite rendering it useless, it could probably be repaired but we were not sure if it was worth the hassle so we decided to buy a new one.

So we got some moneys together and Bought a Cirrus 6 meter Pro, you know the big black one?

So here is my problem, I desperatley need some answers please, our first test fliht the other day was in a very light wind and it was flying ok but when jumped our flown to the edge of the window, it was just collapsing, i thought that it might just be that i must learn how to fly it first, so 1st test flight was ok but we couldnt really get a good idea of what it was like.

Second test flight was today and the wind was considerably strong but not constant and very gusty. Where im used to the 5m Exit kite not collapsing ever and the kite flying me, the Cirrus was difficult to fly. So my questions are.

1. Why doesnt the kite fly me like the 5Meter did? Im having to pull on the Power lines unlike on the 5m and its a bit painful.

2. Why does the power window seem alot narrower than it did on the five meter?

3. Why is it collapsing alot more than the 5meter did, even in a fairly strong wind today, it was collapsing above me, on the side and generally being annoying.

4.Why is it not jumping well? i uses the same techinique as i did on the 5 which worked perfectly but it just doesnt want to work with the Cirrus.

5. After a jump, why is the kite collapsing immediatly? the 5 meter never had this problem. Its very worrying because it collapsed on me today whilst i was in hang time, i was only a few feet up but it DROPPED ME OUT OF THE SKY! Why is this happening? I could on a big jump really hurt myself if it collapses and it collapses like that, Can you see my problem?

I will have to fly it again and report back with more questions but for now, any help would be Greatly appreciated!



awindofchange - 10-8-2009 at 11:26 AM


It it difficult to comment on your questions because I am not very familiar with the particular brands / models of kites you are flying. But it sounds to me that you may be experiencing to differently designed sails between your 6m Cirrus and the 5m Exit. Different types of kites will perform and behave differently in the air. Some are much more stable than others. It is possible that the Cirrus is designed more for speed than for lift, meaning that it will get out on the edge of the window farther but could become much more unstable than what you are previously use to flying. It may be your technique or setup that is causing the kite to collapse but I would bet that it is more the sail's actual overall design.

Hopefully someone with some more experience with these particular brands / models of kites will chime in.

Let us know how your second outing goes.

Jack1988 - 10-8-2009 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by awindofchange

It it difficult to comment on your questions because I am not very familiar with the particular brands / models of kites you are flying. But it sounds to me that you may be experiencing to differently designed sails between your 6m Cirrus and the 5m Exit. Different types of kites will perform and behave differently in the air. Some are much more stable than others. It is possible that the Cirrus is designed more for speed than for lift, meaning that it will get out on the edge of the window farther but could become much more unstable than what you are previously use to flying. It may be your technique or setup that is causing the kite to collapse but I would bet that it is more the sail's actual overall design.

Hopefully someone with some more experience with these particular brands / models of kites will chime in.

Let us know how your second outing goes.

Thanks, Its a strange problem, with the 5m exit, it was always smooth and pulling, i could fly it all the way to the edge of the window and it would be stable and float there in the same position, it always stayed full up with air and in the sky, but with the Cirrus 6, if i try and fly it to the edge of the window, it just wants to fold in on its self and does.

Your probably right in thinking that its the design, maybe its more of a traction kite than a lift kite.

furbowski - 10-8-2009 at 01:56 PM

maybe you need to adjust your jumping style or look for better winds with that kite.

not many folks fly those kites, don't know if you will get feedback on those from this forum.

a couple other possibilities for your problem:

1) a bigger kite will fly and turn slower so you have to pull harder on the powers (or use brakes a bit) to turn it. time on the kite will help, also possibly tightening up a bit more on the brakes if they are too loose to help you turn the kite.

2) a bigger kite will not redirect so well, so it is harder to keep it in the wind window for your jump. (if you land a jump and the kite has been flown out of the window, very easy while you are in the air as you are exerting a constant pull on the lines, the kite will immediately collapse)

3) if the wind is gusty, the wind window is often so wiggly that you must fly a very narrow wind window to keep your kite flying. smoother wind really helps, also gives you more power overall.

4) all kites jump differently, what works well on one kite may not work so well on the next. again, the only solution is to put in the hours.

as awoc says, do report back on your next flight!

good luck finding other owners / flyers of those kites... You could try racekites for more info... ?

kitejumper - 10-8-2009 at 01:58 PM

i dont want to sound mean or anything,but your questions indicate that you have NO business flying a 5m kite,let alone the fact you are trying to jump with it---i know very little about these kites you speak of--they arent the typical recognizable brands,like flexi,hq,pl.......and youre brother was flying while on the BOOZE???? wow,thats beautiful--you should do some reading and some research before you get yourself hurt--why dont you read power kiting for noobs on this forum-by SCOOP--then read some tutorials on coastal wind sports web site---sure,its not the most exciting thing,but it will pay big dividends in the long run-might just save you from being broken up,too

macboy - 10-8-2009 at 03:36 PM

And no, don't take what kitejumper says the wrong way - he's a good guy and meant it in the nicest way possible I know. It just sounds harsh...because the reality is true. This is a great bunch of guys (which I know you've already come to discover).

macboy - 10-8-2009 at 03:37 PM

(....and gals.......a great bunch of guys AND gals.)

Bladerunner - 10-8-2009 at 04:45 PM

Sounds like you are overflying the window ?

Gusty winds also cause a lot of what you describe.

Is it possible the kite is junk ? I have never heard of one before.

Does this kite have the proper handles , lines and canopy for safe jumps ??????? It is one thing to buy a cheap trainer, completely another once you are betting your life on the equipment holding up !

Having just searched the site I think the problem is the kite !
ANY 6m fixed bridle kite that is designed be flown in 30mph wind MUST fly like a diaper ! It has a funny shape ?

Sorry, I'm not wanting to disapoint you but it is better to hear the truth.

kitejumper - 10-8-2009 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by macboy
And no, don't take what kitejumper says the wrong way - he's a good guy and meant it in the nicest way possible I know. It just sounds harsh...because the reality is true. This is a great bunch of guys (which I know you've already come to discover).

yes, Kelly is right-i'm not trying to give you a hard time--just want you to be careful--here's an example from yesterday--my friend and i were buggying and he was sitting in my buggy with his 5m ozone flow and i was adjusting my camera for the next shot--i look up and i see my friend ( all 265 pounds of him) tumbling head over heels like a rag doll ---a gust of wind ripped him out of the buggy while he was sitting there--it just goes to show you what these kites can do-and it REALLY scares me when you say the kite is collapsing in mid air while trying to jump--wouldnt be pretty if you were up there nice and high.........btw--the winds were avg about 12 yesterday

Jack1988 - 10-8-2009 at 05:40 PM

Ok thanks guys

Im poppin in for a minute to say that i be taking it out tomorrow again in a next spot quite high on a fied

I report back tomorrow

Check this out in the mean time


Thats what we got


thats what we were using before

ikemiester - 10-8-2009 at 08:15 PM

That kite has a very extreme racing shape and aspect wise reminds me of sunsetjim's jojos. The quality looks ok and it seems to be a new brand. However, the way you explained the colapsing also reminds me of myself on jim's jojo when trying to jump or not in enough wind. You could try and loosen the brake lines if they are too tight and always braking the kite, but I suspect you simply bought too advanced of a kite.:bigok:

kitejumper - 10-8-2009 at 11:03 PM

the cirrus looks high aspect-doesnt seem to be that bad looking-dont know that u want to be risking life and limb on it,though.........

Scudley - 11-8-2009 at 09:37 AM

I hate to be a partypooper, but the aspect ratio of this kite is 3.5. Hardly a high aspect ratio kite when a Jojo's AR is more like 5:1. If you look at the pictures it does not seem to be very well designed. The leading edge is all over the place and there are lumps and bumps everywhere.

Jack1988 - 11-8-2009 at 01:40 PM

Thanks for the feedback guys and gals, especially the concerns, its nice to know that flyers care about eachother :)

Its ok KiteJumper, i have practiced in enough extreme sports to know not to underestimate, i know my limits and am sensible, oh and my bro wouldnt fly if he was wasted, hes stupid but not that stupid :D I appreciate your concerns though :)

So, Good news! The kite is Fine! Bad news! I failed to realise that different kites do have various Characteristics!:embarrased: Ive put in many hours on it today and have gotten more used to it, havent collapsed it once today, sometimes it flaps about a bit when the wind eases off but it was nothing a little tug wouldnt take care of.

We took it out on a high field today and the sun was hot! dont worry i had my sun block :p The wind was lighter than yesterday but it was clean and constant, no unexpected yanks or unpredictable gusts. It was smooth and powerful at the same time.

I figured out that i was jumping it all wrong:embarrased: The old 5m exit that i used before was the kind of kite that was lifting straight upwards instead of sideways and upwards, If that makes any sense? The old kite my jumping technique was very effective but ive had to adapt my technique to this new Cirrus 6, The exit 5 was a kite that you would run backwards with and turn it slightly to get good lift, like a harrier jump jet or a chopper taking off and it would float you back down gently too. The new Cirrus is the kind of kite that you have to run sideways with and let it swoop back across the window quite alot to get the bite your looking for, It jumps totally different to the 5m exit, it took me sideways and then upwards, so that all sorted now.

The fun thing was though today, the old 5 probably wouldnt have lifted much on a day like today but with the Cirrus 6, after finding the right technique, its got some really fun pull.

So that was a succesful third flight.

4th flight tommorrow im hoping for a bit more wind but not too much more as i still need to get used to it more, the only bad thing about today was that the wind died right down just as i was starting to enjoy the kite.:no:

The problems i was having yesterday were definitly a combination of me being a noob on this kite and being used to the old one and a splashing of Scatty winds lol

Jack1988 - 19-8-2009 at 08:58 AM

So yesterday was great fun, we flew at AVON beach inHighcliffe uk.
We got lucky though as the tide went out just as we were setting up, the sun was blazing, the sea was warm, the wind was a steadty constant 20mph i reckon.

The Cirrus 6m pro is no doubt a very good kite, i had to get the hang of it at first and once i got to know the kite a bit better its been great fun!

7 hours of jumping upto 8ft with not much effort was marvellous. Taking of and scudding 12ft then hanging it at the edge of the window for as long as i wanted, its very stable. Then flicking her over and swooping her to the other side, going up and coming back down smoothe as you like. then swinging it though back through the window and scudding another twelve foot lol.
I was practicing my opposite jumps to aswell, not quit mastered them but it was good fun swinging the legs out flying sideways. The kites lands with relative ease when slamming the brakes on in the power window which surprised me.

Jack1988 - 19-8-2009 at 09:03 AM

The kite doesnt fold anymore after a jump, with a lil bit of know your kite how and kite control it stays full up ready for whatever i want to do next.
I would not fly this kite in winds over 25 mph though unless you are very experienced unlike me. it generates enough power for any on land kite activity at 20mph winds.
Only problem is that i am very stiff today haha.

kitejumper - 19-8-2009 at 06:32 PM

nice... sounds like youre getting the hang of it--fly safe and have some xtreme fun

Jack1988 - 20-8-2009 at 07:16 AM

Yeah thanks its turning out to be a good Kite

I was thinking about going out today but the winds are 20mph Gusting to 40mph
:o not a good idea to take the Cirrus out haha

Might take the 3 out for a bit of scudding- not sure yet

We shot some vids on the camera phone the other day so i can try posting them on here at some point :)

ragden - 20-8-2009 at 08:19 AM

With gusts jumping that high, I'd stay in. Thats just a little too extreme...

Jack1988 - 20-8-2009 at 09:48 AM

yeah i dont think we are going out now

Im not yet recovered from the other day yet haha

Got to start warming down after a Lengthy session