Power Kite Forum

I've finally joined the club!

Kamikuza - 11-8-2009 at 05:08 AM

Had my second real lesson today ... and managed to get up and moving a few times in about the last 1/2 hour :wee: ok so maybe the best ride was less than 5 seconds, but hey - it's a start ;-)

Swallowed most of the lake face planting and getting hauled underwater ... glad I didn't learn in the ocean :lol:

Different feel to landboarding eh ...

BeamerBob - 11-8-2009 at 06:08 AM

I'm right there with you. I didn't have the faceplant or submarine troubles but I think my issue was planing efficiency and power extraction from the kite. I'll have my kiteboard this weekend it looks like so I'll be ready when the wind blows up at the lake. If you got on top of the water, Phreerider said your next 10 hours of practice will have monumental results. I find myself thinking about it all the time. The ocean isn't a problem if you can get outside the breakers. I rode over some waves in my short rides and it wasn't a big deal at all even 3-4 feet high at times. Keep at it, you are almost there.:wee:

action jackson - 11-8-2009 at 07:29 AM

Don't fear the waves, just go with flow!.........aj

Kamikuza - 11-8-2009 at 08:16 AM

Lung-fulls of fresh water isn't as unpleasant as salty brine :shocked2: Plenty of waves on the lake, driven by the wind - I did a bit of body surfing waiting for the teacher to finish with another student ;)
I got on top of the water for sure - got such a surprise the first time I just fell over again :lol: the last one, I was thinking about board, stance, wind direction, working the kite, edging ... and it was all too much :)

... got sun-burnt feet too FFS :D

soccerflyer - 12-8-2009 at 07:01 AM

Sweet!! Hopefully I will be there soon. I found a guy who gives lessons on a lake here. Who da thunk in Kansas? I am saving up for my lessons now. I can't wait!!! :Ange09:

What kites are y'all learning on? Folks around here all seem to have Best Waroos.

BeamerBob - 12-8-2009 at 07:07 AM

I've got my 12m Synergy and 15m Phantom at the moment. Long range forecast adds a 19m PL Charger. The arcs are very confidence inspiring and forgiving when learning the ins and outs of flying out on the water.

Kamikuza - 12-8-2009 at 07:47 AM

The teacher guy put me on a 14m Naish bow of some kind - I kept wondering where all the 'total de-power' had gone :lol: got dragged around pretty good by the tail of the typhoon that swept past but it just didn't have enough to keep me going. I've been using my Airush Lift 16m C-kite that I'm more comfortable with for the intro lessons - setup and stuff - despite it having only limited de-power :D

Got a 15m Phantom on the way - when Royal Mail decides to get the finger out of their arse ... did you know they don't work weekends? And got a 10m Vortex in the closet ... I like the idea of riding something different ;) once I'm done slamming my $100 Airush into the ocean / trees / fences etc ...

Kamikuza - 14-8-2009 at 03:48 AM

Dude what the hell? Sunburned feet on Monday, sunburned hands today ... that's mad!

Got up and riding for a short time today, but I think due to my lack of skill I needed more wind. We had a peak for about an hour and I had a good run then, but it dropped just enough that I couldn't get up ... more practice!

Kamikuza - 19-8-2009 at 06:18 PM

Went to Shizuoka yesterday and had a lesson with Nick ... glad I did, cos with what he was telling me (in English :lol:) and showing me - video and stills of me 'riding' - within a few attempts I was up and riding as far as I wanted :wee: from one side of the river to the other! I even could go upwind a little ... but only to the right for some reason, which is odd cos I've NEVER been able to ride anything goofy :puzzled:
What a great day!

Windeavor - 20-8-2009 at 06:12 PM

Congrats! Taking my first water lesson Sat. Have wakeboarding experience so hope that will help.

Kamikuza - 20-8-2009 at 06:17 PM

I have kite, snowboarding and waterskiing experience :lol: didn't help much for getting started, but once you get up and moving you're away!
... my instructor was also working with another guy who was just starting out - I've been flying 2 or more line kites for like 15 years now and it was scary to watch that guy trying to control the kite and do stuff with a board. With as much as I think I know about flying a kite and using it as a tractor beam, I couldn't imagine just jumping in and trying to learn to kitesurf from zero knowledge!

Anyway, have fun dude!

Jack1988 - 3-9-2009 at 07:46 AM

Great for you man!

Its my ultimate goal to be on the water, theres loads of ks where i live, im hoping to be taught by a friend thats been doing it for years, there are courses near me to but its expensive and i dont want to get the taste for it and come away knowing that i wont be on the water for a long time :(