Power Kite Forum

kite flying above and past my head???

Gibbon - 11-8-2009 at 10:17 AM

Hi all, just after a bit of help. I have recently brought a wikipa LEI 12m AMP kite, and airush control bar and lines.

Im new to LIE kites, and so all i did was attach the lines to kite, without any axtra bridles or extensions. I have the outer lines on the 2nd knot in on the kites bridle.

Now today ,when i tryed it, it was pretty calm, infact.... so calm i was struggeling to get it up, but on the odd times the wind blew enough, it went up and and continued above my head and past until it either lost power and just fell back down, or because i had depowered all the way.

Should this happen???? is it somthing to do with the AoA?


revpaul - 11-8-2009 at 10:40 AM

when this happens to me i pull a little trim (adjust trimmer system/AoA so trailing edge is more perpendiclar to wind than before) or simply hold the bar down enough to keep kite from overflying (while kite is at zenith).