OllieN - 19-8-2009 at 02:01 PM
Hey everyone I can get kiting really well and at some great speed but I have no idea how I stop , I tried bring the kite back accross the window but
went up 3ft landed on my face and got dragged about 4ft. So could someone post a link with a guide or a detailed explaination. Thanks.
macboy - 19-8-2009 at 02:05 PM
hehehehe.....ah the memories. Truth be told I STILL ask myself that some days.
To me it's a fine art of slowly bringing your kite up to zenith while at the same time carving/turning upwind against the pull of the kite to slow
your forward speed. As you've discovered though, this is also very close to the same technique involved in leaving the ground
Plan ahead....that's about the best I can give you. I've yet to develop the "dead stop" ability but I think that just has something to do with kite
killers or kite leashes ; )
FloRider - 19-8-2009 at 02:16 PM
Letting go works.
I can't stop either. But I mean kiting, I just keep going out. It is like an addiction or something. Ahhhhhh! I should change my username to
shehatesmyhobbies2, because she does, and becuase I cant stop laughing everytime he posts something.
Houston AirHead - 19-8-2009 at 02:56 PM
aim for the nearest parked car and run in to it.
flyboy15 - 19-8-2009 at 03:17 PM
Amen to the first post. Its tricky business lol. Like he said you have to slowly bring your kite up to zenith or even past it (acts like brakes).
This is easier to do with smaller kites but very verrry tricky with bigger ones. And planning ahead is hugeeeee. Dont try to slam on the brakes and
turn the kite hard cuz you will definitely go flying. Just nice and slow deceleration
I agree with the turn upwind too. that will help keep you balanced cuz when you zenith the kite it will start to pull you up making it very hard to
stay comfortably balanced.
I've also seen some pretty intense carving turns while they turn the kite lower across the window. They will do a turn (downwind) so hard they are
usually dragging a limb on the turf and sliding the board around. that usually comes with practice though
Good luck!