cheezycheese - 24-8-2009 at 05:15 PM
not to sound corny or anything, but i wanna give thanks to everyone who posts on this forum. i have learned so much in the few weeks i have been a
member. reading through everyone's experiences especially us NOOBs and the advice handed down from the JEDIs of this sport have proven to be
invaluable. my kiting experience has been pretty painless and carefree. i started with a Prism P.3... very easy. taught me about the wind window and
the power zone, basic manuevering, etc... Then I wanted more... so i bought the BeamerIV 4m. again pretty painless. RTF - unpack - fly -pack it up.
Great- having fun flying, but because of the ease of it all
not really learing more than how to fly(don't get me wrong, this is very important).
Then i bought this big ole 2line Peel that i have been asking questions about. when i first opened this thing i was completely intimidated by what i
saw... a tremendous bridle -a cross bridle at that. in all its tangled glory... so i consult the JEDI council and WOW!! what an outpouring(if thats a
word) of support and knowledge. at first i had hoped to just shake the bridle a little bit and pray the tangle would go away.. HA! no such luck... i
was going to have to face this the hard way, this was going to take time! however with a little help from my friends here, i was now armed with a
little confidence and
knowledge of my own and Viola!! Tangle free!! but wait i still cant fly... cant for the life of me figure out how to attach my flying lines to the all
the different ends of my bridle. wait i remember philip saying something about a leader in his reply to my posts. ahhh now it makes sense. because
flying had come so easy, i never had a reason to look at my kite up close. i had no idea what a leader was. so i whip out the P.3
and look at how this very basic kite is hooked up and payed attention to the sequence of the lines etc... i know i am rambling but basically i feel
like a better kiter today because of you guys helping me to figure things out. how these TOYS of ours really work, the difference between them all
etc, etc...
i might shed a tear
USA_Eli_A - 24-8-2009 at 05:16 PM
dgkid78 - 24-8-2009 at 05:23 PM
I know I am a much better kiter becasue of this forum and everyone's help and support. great bunch of people on the forum here. Especially with all
the perks like "Pass the Kite" programs for alot of us who dont have access to any brick and mortar shops. I have learned alot in the past couple years. Learning curve takes a little longer with nobody
else to fly with. But the Forum helped alot. Heck when i got my first depower I have even posted questions on the forum While at the feild getting
answers within minutes, on my phone
cheezycheese - 24-8-2009 at 06:51 PM
yeah, big UPS to Philip 'PBC'. the wealth of knowlege this guy have is amazing! really helped me sort out a big mess.
pbc - 24-8-2009 at 07:30 PM
No problem. I just think it's cool people still take an interest in venerable gear. It's not to say that all things old are good, but if you treat
an awesome kite well it'll still be awesome 15 years later.
I see that the new gear can do things the old gear cannot but I have a fondness for the kites that I learned on. If not for them I would not be the
flier I am today. When I pull them out I am reminded of the fun I had with them, the people I flew with and places I went. It's also fun to pull out
something old see how well it performs against the new stuff. Every good kite has it's niche and I sure enjoy the days when the conditions and the
kite line up just right.