Jack1988 - 25-8-2009 at 01:59 PM
Hi all again
Hadnt been on the radsail in a while and went out on it today, it was left in my bros possesion over the last few months.
Theres a problem with it i think, when im flying it, i have to basically have the handles horizontal to the line to get any flight from it at all and
it was windy enough, when i first started out on this kite im sure it was never this bad, today i basicically had my fists upside down and it was
painful and no fun at all, too much effort. My bro said that he let someone tinker with the lines, hmmm?.
So are all radsail 3.2m kites like this or is it just mine? and how can i fix it too fly so that i dont have to strain my hands with upside down
Help will be appreciated.
Drewculous - 25-8-2009 at 02:19 PM
idk if i have the right picture in my head, but it sounds like your brake lines are too long... idk maybe you could elaborate on your situation... im
a little confused lol :puzzled:
bigkid - 25-8-2009 at 02:30 PM
Not sure, but are you saying the handles are parallel to the power lines? making the brakes as long as possible?
The brake lines should be short enough that when the brakes are applied as much as possible your kite should basically fall from the sky.
Jack1988 - 26-8-2009 at 04:35 AM
Thats the best way i can explain, im having to fly it with the handles constantly filling the kite up.
So the bottom of the handles are pointing towards the kite, ie to fly the kite, the handles must be horizontal filling up constantly to keep it in the
I will try shortening the lines and report back.
bigkid - 26-8-2009 at 05:55 AM
If you have to point the bottom of the handles toward the kite in order for it to fly, and the handles are horizontal to the power lines, then the
brakes are way to short. The handles should be 90 degrees from that while you fly and the bottom of the handles should point toward you when the
brakes are on full.
Bladerunner - 26-8-2009 at 06:30 AM
Your back lines should have a slight arc in them when your handles are in neutral. You only want brake to effect the kite when you apply it. The kite
actually flies on the front 2 lines.
furbowski - 26-8-2009 at 06:31 AM
yeah, confusing description. if your handles are parallel to the kite and the bottoms (brake end of handles) are pointing at the kite, then yes as
bigkid says, way too short on the brakes.
that sounds more likely than having the opposite situation: handles parallel but brake ends of handles pointing at you rather than the kite. In this
situation, you'd take off and fly fine in 2-line style, but would not be able to use the brakes unless you put them full on.
another way to trouble shoot is to look at the brake lines in flight. They should be a little loose in normal flight so they sag back a couple feet
or so while the powers are pretty much straight. That's with the handles held comfortably so they are roughly parallel with the kite canopy. so if
you pull back just a bit on one brake it should initiate a brake turn. If the brakes are very loose in flight (sagging back a couple meters or more)
then you'll find it hard to put the brakes on.
another way to trouble shoot (works best in winds 10 mph to 15 mph) is to see how it handles on the ground. before you launch, you should be able to
tension the powers and stand the kite up a bit so it sits higher on the ground. You should also be able to go beyond that (only in winds good enough
so it's no trouble to inflate the kite) to stand the whole kite up on its trailing edge with the brakes also tensioned a bit so it doesn't take off.
hope all that helps.
Jack1988 - 26-8-2009 at 10:15 AM
Cheers guys
I actually shortened the bottom lines on the kite with a few knots, it seems to have helped, maybe a bit shorter then it will be normal again, ive had
to ajust the kite for 23m lines instead of 10m ones.
So we went out today in a huge empty field quite high above sea level not far from the beach in 30mph wind gusting to 40mph winds! Mannn it was soo
much fun, Ar*e scudding galore, the grass was damp too. I took some cam phone vids, will put them on youtube when i get a chance.
Next time i do decide to take the 3m out in low winds, then i can judge better how i need to adjust the kite.
Jack1988 - 31-8-2009 at 02:10 PM
Some vids of the Radsails 3m in HIGH winds :o
Dont want to get a buggy now lol, too scared!