Fastrak - 27-8-2009 at 03:41 AM
If this has been covered before, I apologize. As far as I knew there were 2 primary line packing methods; parapacking and wrapping the lines around
the handles. I saw a variant on this technique used on a Reflex kite that I thought was really clever and thought I would share.

Lines / Handles in normal position

Reverse the Right handle and wrap the brake loops around the power side of the opposite handle to interlock them.

Start a figure 8 wrap on the Right handle

Wrapping continued

...and complete. If I have kite killers attached, at this point I pull one around the handles / lines to hold everything in place.
This method is, for me, much faster, neater, and has the benefit that the next flyer does not need to know which was the handles were held during
packing (as in a conventional handle wrap).
If this has not been named something, I would propose the "Reflex Wrap"
Fastrak - 27-8-2009 at 03:47 AM
If the handles have a line-link set attached then you do not have to reverse one handle. You can wrape the link-line around to form one bridge and a
brake loop to follow the other. Note that you do not want the handles bound tightly together. You want to leave a gap so the lines can be wound
between the handles.

BeamerBob - 27-8-2009 at 03:54 AM
That does look like a viable method. The added distance would allow you to do fewer wraps and wind up more quickly. The wraps on one end looked
close to being able to slip off and that would be a session ending mess. Is that a possible problem?
indigo_wolf - 27-8-2009 at 04:14 AM
Please consider optimizing the images before posting them. The 6 images weighed in at total of 13.4 MB, which the BB software had a rough time
chewing through.
acampbell - 27-8-2009 at 04:40 AM
Ouch, yeah, that's a tough thread to load.
Question arises how to handle the kite killers, if present. Maybe wrap them on after the fact to help keep the lines on (?)
Fastrak - 27-8-2009 at 05:21 AM
Images resized.
No problems with lines popping off the side - the pics dont really show the size of the gap between the handles well.
I will post pics of wrapping with kitekillers when I get a chance.
furbowski - 27-8-2009 at 05:32 AM
that's almost the same as the reflex line system on reflex kites. They have a long bag just big enough to fit over the handles with a little wiggle
room, then the lines get wrapped around the outside of the bag. It's a nice system, looks just the same except that there is a bag between the lines
and the handles and the bag itself provides the place to wind like the brake loops do (you call them bridges, here the bag provides the bridges)
flew scudley's kites once, that's where I saw the set-up.
Scudley - 27-8-2009 at 06:33 AM
Furb', that is the "Reflex" system. Fastrac got three used Reflexes. Before they used the bags, they used this packing method. I do not bother
inverting the handles. Most Sky Country kite have loops on the handles at both ends or I use the strop. I call this the "Russian method", but if you
want to give Reflex the credit...
I hope to hear that you like more than the way the lines came wrapped, (only because I love the way they fly and I love being told I'm right).
Flew Tonya's new five meter Reflex just to see how it looked in the sky. It is a beauty: red face with yellow above and below a red lightening bolt
on the back. (Sky Country has no set color scheme for their kites and wings).
furbowski - 27-8-2009 at 07:39 AM
Scud', I have no idea who to give the credit to, that was just where I saw them, you're the reflex man, not me!
I like the kites, I hope the pass the reflex program will help you get the exposure they need, hope a couple are going down to SOBB.
I'm in the process of moving back to Galiano Island, bit complicated due to banks and ex-bosses, I was hoping to make it to SOBB this year but no go
looking forwards to trying the 10m I chickened out on last time....
shame the images have gone bad, but at least the thread loads for me now...
edit: photos are up again... yay!
Jack1988 - 27-8-2009 at 06:25 PM
Hmmm interesting-im ok though as we go out as a twoesome haha so when rapping up- we can both have a handle to rap up and chat away! :D