birdman - 5-4-2005 at 05:37 PM
Okay, I'm 15 about 145 lbs, I worked at a store called air circus on the boardwalk at the beach, I learned stunt kiting, got addicted, wanted more, so
my boss let me try out the stores Bullet 3.5. Loved it! Such great addreniline rush, got drug all over the place, first time trying a power kite i was
doing low figure 8's in the power zone, handling perfect, crashed one time and no more after that, and I even got a couple feet of air! I then took it
out about 2 more times and tryed some peoples power kites on the beach, but since the summer i Havn't flew again. I am looking into buying a power
kite for myself. I am crazy so I want something that will be a challenge, i never tried quad handle but i think i can figure it out... I was looking
into a NTK 4.9M ECLIPSE BALLISTIC POWER KITE because 1. It is fairly big for me and I want alot of power and good jumps, and 2. It is cheap... What do
you think? Any other suggestions for which kite to get? Thanks you! JOHN
kchunks - 6-4-2005 at 06:57 AM
John, I am not familiar with the kite you mentioned. However, I will tell you that 5 meters is big. I've got about 70 pounds or so on you and in
moderate winds my 5 meter Samurai can toss me around. I good friend of mine weighs about the same as you (granted I think you're still growing) and
also enjoys the 5 meter kite so long as the winds are very light. Even at that, they can't take it for very long. So, if you can, try a range of
sizes before you buy. As far as jumping goes, you'll want a kite that produces a lot of lift. Kites that pull (like the Bullet and Samurai) can get
you in the air, but kites that lift (Blade, Radsail, Crossfire) will do a better job. There are many more kites and more people on this forum know
more about them. My main 2 cents is think carefully about the size; 5 meters is a big kite.
birdman - 6-4-2005 at 04:06 PM
ive been looking around and brand new kites are very, where can i get slightly used kites for cheaper then new kites other then ebay,
i look there every day
kchunks - 7-4-2005 at 05:45 AM
Forums are a good place to look. Most of them have a for sale section and there are a handful out there. I have seen some shops sell their demo
kites. I think ebay might be your best bet, though. If you're going to be working at the same place this summer there might be a way for an employee
to get a discount there.
birdman - 7-4-2005 at 11:38 AM
yeah, where i worked the owner is cool as hell and he let me buy things for wholesale price so i was going to get a bullet 3.5 when i didnt know
anything about anything for $220 or somethin like that so yeah, thats real nice, hopefully im working there again this summer
birdman - 7-4-2005 at 11:44 AM
umm, is a radsail pro 6 meter a good kite??? cause i can get it for 280, is that good???
jimmy - 8-4-2005 at 08:03 AM
Personaly for the money, I believe the radsails to be very good kites, although I would put them very much in the beginner category. They are very
controllable and a bit slow thru the window. I did't find them to be all that lifty though. I mean that they will with enough wind, but just not as
much as some other kites (blades, jojo's for example) You might want to take a look on ebay for the radsails. I haven't looked there for awhile.
But the last time I did they were a bit less than that.