Power Kite Forum

Kite cleaning?

Big Earl - 1-9-2009 at 05:42 PM

I recently got a couple kites off ebay that were soaked with pet urine. Anyone know how to get the smell out without damaging the kite material?
Also does anyone have a good way to get parking lot dirt out of a white kite?


dgkid78 - 1-9-2009 at 05:51 PM

Hmmm 3:1 mix of Warm Water and white Vinegar might get the smell out, kinda hard to get smell from that material out. I dunno though if it will damge. try it on a cheap kite first maybe?

How about checking out Petco, I know they have Urine odor stuff thats all Natural and might not damage with chemicals.

Kamikuza - 1-9-2009 at 05:52 PM

Warm water and a soft cloth for dirt ... I'd bet any kind of solvent would eat the fabric.

... did the seller tell you the kites were piss-socked when they listed them?

Big Earl - 1-9-2009 at 07:03 PM

definitely did not say anything about the kites doubleing as a liter box

pbc - 1-9-2009 at 07:13 PM

I had this very problem with some of my fixed bridle foils--except it was my cats. I chained the bridle of each kite as best I could, tied the end of the chain off to the kite really well and then washed it in a front loading washer with Woolite. I dried the kites on a clothes line. The kites came out smelling great and looking fantastic. I washed a 10m kite, a 4m kite and a 15m parachute this way though each went solo in the front loader. 100% success, but YMMV.

Please don't curse me after shredding your kite trying this. I was desperate and needed a solution and it worked well for me. You won't see me trying this on my Scorpion any time soon. I don't think I'd try it on a LEI either.


Kamikuza - 1-9-2009 at 09:35 PM

Bastards. And I hate cats too.

Baking soda is supposed to be a natural odor absorber ... perhaps lay the kite out and sprinkle some on? You could hand wash it in a big bucket too but I'd be paranoid the detergent would eat the fabric ...

Jolt - 1-9-2009 at 09:40 PM

I don't know how well this would be but a lot of stores are selling all natural detergents that don't contain a lot of the harmfull chemicals, might want to give that a try...

Im not promising anything though, bleach is natural but very corrosive...

furbowski - 1-9-2009 at 09:46 PM

angus once posted about a pet store product for washing out stains...

about a third of the way down this thread:


Krohn1999 - 2-9-2009 at 04:36 AM

I personally would send the kites back, but if it is not an option I would put them in a pillow case, machine wash them in cold water using a very mild detergent and then recoat them with seal 'n' glide

BeamerBob - 2-9-2009 at 05:33 AM

Pet stores sell a product called "Natures Miracle". It is not a detergent but an enzyme that breaks down things like urine and worse. You probably don't need the full monty with the washing machine but maybe a soaking in a tub or a good rinse inside and out with a water hose and then use the natures miracle. It neutralizes stains and odors. I guess you would have to soak the kite in it. I would ask for compensation for your trouble even if it is the vaunted Pablo. This will take hours to complete.

Drewculous - 2-9-2009 at 06:19 AM

i smell some negative feedback in the air... among other things...

Go with BeamerBob's idea.... sounds like your best bet!

Bladerunner - 2-9-2009 at 06:23 AM

Got his address ?
Flaming bag of Poo ??

BeamerBob - 2-9-2009 at 07:34 AM

Was the seller of the soiled kites "letloosekites"?

kitejumper - 2-9-2009 at 08:08 AM

i would open a claim against the seller first--my pansh legend was really muddy and dirty--i hosed it off real good and now it looks brand new.........

acampbell - 2-9-2009 at 08:55 AM

The Nature's Miracle will work on the odor. I would wipe with a soft sponge soaked in the stuff, wait a minute or so, then rinse with water. As stated in the other thread, I use it for getting blood stains out (from before I wore sailing gloves)

For the parking lot dirt, use water and a soft sponge. If need be, I will use a bit of mild hand soap like Dove. Never detergent and never a brush. The sponges I use are the big soft cellulose ones used for washing cars or cleaning up grout after a tile job. I keep my kite cleaning sponges separate so they never see detergent or other chemicals.

FloRider - 2-9-2009 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
Got his address ?
Flaming bag of Poo ??

Made my day! :tumble:;-):tumble:

B-Roc - 2-9-2009 at 09:24 AM

Suddenly a whole new meaning to getting a "wicked pissa" deal on e-bay :wow: :wink2:

Big Earl - 2-9-2009 at 09:34 AM

thanks for all your help. There are some good ideas here.

Houston AirHead - 2-9-2009 at 07:59 PM



soak the kite in Tag body spray, or Old spice