Power Kite Forum

Drayon Valley, Alberta

kiteboyza - 2-9-2009 at 11:29 PM

Moving across in March with a full bag of Pansh Sprints from wet Wales, UK. Any sites for a fly and buggy, big enough for a full race rig? Anybody in the area? Possibilities for snow kiting?


kiteboyza - 2-9-2009 at 11:31 PM

my ride

P1030496.JPG - 65kB

kiteboyza - 2-9-2009 at 11:33 PM

option B

Dieter.jpg - 89kB

Bladerunner - 3-9-2009 at 04:26 PM

Edmonton is very active with people riding buggy and snow. Calgary has lots of snow kiters but not so many with buggies.
I think you will be lonely in Drayton Valley but Edmonton is close!:Ange09:


Your competition has arrived !;)

revpaul - 3-9-2009 at 08:44 PM

hey right on!!! kiteboyza
march hey?. hope things work out for ya!
looking forward to meeting you.
there's a couple of us buggiers in Leduc (about 45min east of you). there's a couple buggy and snow guys (macboy and charley) in edmonton too. i think most other local guys are snow kiters and/or water guys though. not too many buggy guys other than us handful (that i know of).
wolfee is living in/near Slave Lake. it's about 2.5 hours (south?) west of edmonton.
what R U going to be doing in Drayton Valley? I have a big handful of relatives (cousins/aunts/uncles) there. Sorry, i never researched a buggy site. hope you find a good spot. if so I'll be showing up to town more often.
yey, you can show me how to adjust my Sprints AoA?
lot's and lot's of snow kiting locals (frozen lakes) very close to you.
also-bring your longjohns (wool underwear)
march and april still get periods of -25C in between periods +15C or better.
the air is very dry here so the cold does not go through ya like where your at. you can do stuff in -20C here without too much difficulty.
oh yeah, so i guess you'll need to invest in moisturizers too ;)

kiteboyza - 4-9-2009 at 10:22 AM

Moving out to the wilds of Drayton for a year, hoping to bring kites and a my buggy but not sure what I can bring. It's a big decision what to bring and what to leave but if I do settle after a year everything will come over. Looks like a few snowkites would be handy then

keep in touch

kiteboyza - 7-3-2010 at 12:41 AM

still on track for end of March.....

revpaul - 7-3-2010 at 10:55 AM

cool. you know of NABX (North American Buggy Exposition?)? it is at/near the end of march.
i hope you find a decent place to ride in/near Drayton. Looking forward to meeting you.

kiteboyza - 7-3-2010 at 02:15 PM

yeah I know about the NABX, gonna miss it me thinks...dammmmm, will come and look you up in leduc revpaul