Power Kite Forum

6m Century Soulfly II

bigkid - 3-9-2009 at 04:11 PM

Got the kites in to day and right off the bat I like the bags and the color of the bag is the color of the kite.
This short review is about the 6m Soulfly II.
I couldn't wait so we left work and off to the park. I took my 6m Combat with so I could compare one to the other.
The kite, compared to the 6m Combat is about 12" shorter in length and about 10" taller in height. Small details are different, but they are two different kites.
The wind is 6 to 8mph and where at the park so the wind is typical inland style. We set up the kite and off it went , had to work at keeping it up in the lulls. I would say 10mph and up would be the sweet spot for this size. It had some nice pull and caught a nice gust of wind and it was like the turbo kicked in with some extra to let you know its not kidding around. Not to press my luck so told the kid to try it out and I took pictures.
As short of a time with the kite I could tell this is going to be a great buggy kite and I would suspect a kite to jump with also with some pop and definitely some balls to boot. Not as twitchy as the combat and not as quick and nimble either, but don't drop your guard for a second because it will not let you forget it has some power for the size.
I cant wait to get in the buggy with it.
More to come after SOBB.

revpaul - 3-9-2009 at 08:59 PM

there's been some very good (Euro racers)feedback on the CentII. it's been said the the CentII has the speed of the Combat and stabilty of the Cent I.

bigkid - 3-9-2009 at 09:05 PM

I agree. I can't wait to really put some time in on the Soulfly and the others also at SOBB. I really want to see how the 10m works out

hossi - 23-9-2009 at 11:26 PM

I got my complete set of Century Soulfly II, and i love that kites.
Very stable, and so easy to handle. No problems when it's gusty.
And enaugh power in the buggy.
I gave the kites to a participant (women) at the european championship,
and she drove on 4th place with the kites. It was the first time she
testet the centurys, an she wanted to keep my kites after the races :-)

bigkid - 24-9-2009 at 12:26 AM

I have been hearing good things from many people in the rest of the world about the Soulfly. I am glad to hear that someone has a complete set, which 10m do you have? I will have a comlete set soon, in blue.

bigkid - 24-9-2009 at 12:27 AM

Originally posted by bigkid
I have been hearing good things from many people in the rest of the world about the Soulfly. I am glad to hear that someone has a complete set, which 10m do you have? I will have a complete set soon, in blue.

bigkid - 24-9-2009 at 12:29 AM

to many buttons