Power Kite Forum

Looking for some inexpensive Big Sand Tires

shehatesmyhobbies - 4-9-2009 at 09:35 AM

Hey everyone! I am looking for some larger buggy tires. I would prefer smooth if possible. Do you have anything laying around that has some life left in them? Let me know.


BeamerBob - 4-9-2009 at 10:50 AM

Angus can get you whatever you need from the Peter Lynn catalog and they can be either asymmetric (wider wheels, same bigfoot tires) or big foot lites (bigfoot tires on the wheels that smaller tires usually come on). You can also choose your bearing sizes from 12mm, 15mm, or 20mm. My bigfoot lites effortlessly float over sand so soft it is hard to walk on. I would never go back unless on a dry lake bed, and even then they might smooth out the cobblestone rattles.

heliboy50 - 4-9-2009 at 12:19 PM

nanco (or nankang) N800's. $33 each and Les Schwab can get them. If you have an account with them, you can even get them on payments.

shehatesmyhobbies - 4-9-2009 at 04:59 PM

Thanks to both of you, I will check into both.

Keep the offers and suggestions coming.

Kamikuza - 4-9-2009 at 06:00 PM

RoolEZ do some good priced big ol' wheels too ...

heliboy50 - 5-9-2009 at 02:49 AM

I don't think the nanco's will fit your front fork. On skinny wheels I think they are like 9 inches wide. I run mine on golf cart wheels and they are more like 10.5"w. You might need to modify your forks (or build new ones.) I'm not really familiar with the eolo bug. It may be that another company's wide forks could work, maybe with a little modification.

shehatesmyhobbies - 5-9-2009 at 07:23 AM

I am going to build another fork to fit the wider tire. Eventually going to build a larger buggy.