Power Kite Forum

9.5m Montana 4 or 10m Ozone Access XC 09

Jellikin - 5-9-2009 at 02:26 PM

Could do with some advice please. Basically which is the best kite, they are both about the same price but what sort of flying characteristics do they have. Which is easiest to use bearing in mind i am new to depower. I will be using the kite for landboarding, cruising initially and eventually some jumping.

Maven454 - 5-9-2009 at 02:35 PM

Personally, I'd take an Ozone over an HQ. But as I haven't flown either of those kites specifically, my opinion probably shouldn't count.

Jellikin - 5-9-2009 at 02:51 PM

i realise the montana has a higher aspect ratio so am i more likely to grow out of or get bored with the access as my skills improve.

lad - 5-9-2009 at 02:58 PM

Both are "snowkites" - the Montana, often said to be a copy of the Frenzy, is known more for jumping and freestyle (like for landboarding) and reasonable price. The Access is known for less lift, more stability (for like for buggying) and better quality.

dgkid78 - 5-9-2009 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Maven454
Personally, I'd take an Ozone over an HQ. But as I haven't flown either of those kites specifically, my opinion probably shouldn't count.

Yeah that opinion shouldn't count , don't under estimate HQ just because it's a couple hundred dollars cheaper than Ozone, besides its 2 completly different kites that are aimed at different forms of kiting. Can't just assume Ozone will be a better choice because of name brand. It's what you wanna get into with the kite that counts . Your not going to go out and buy a Porche, if you need to lug the kids around to soccer practice. ya need the Honda Oddesey :smilegrin:

If He eventually wants to get into jumping, you can tame the Montana, it isn't a insane jumping machine if you don't want it to be. You can cruise with it also. Maybe if the option was between a Ozone Frenzy and a HQ Montana, then i can understand :spin: Frenzy's have a rep. and I would never argue that.
The Access is just for Cruising around

If the option is between those 2 kites only then, Go for the Montana, you will thank me in 6 months!!!!!!

PS The HQ Montana IV was designed by Tom Bourdeau, who designed for Ozone. Need I say more?

acampbell - 6-9-2009 at 08:39 AM

I have both in the demo bag. The XC is closer to the HQ Apex. Lower a/r, smooth easy flier, simple rig with single pulley (per side) bridle for changing angle of attack. Fun and easy.

The Montana has a more sophisticated rig with dual pulley compound z-line mixer system for changing AoA as well as sail shape. I know it's great for jumping but I keep mine turned down for the buggy, where the stability provides effortless park and rides with single hand fingertip steering. Letting go of the bar to use both hands to futz with the GPS for a few moments is no trouble. Easy to rig, launch and fly, like the Apex or XC, with just a few added rig elements. The M IV uses the same bar with Y-line front end as the Neo.

Sales of the M Iv seem to have been eclipsed by the Neo, at least in this neck of the woods.

I too would not sell the HQ brand short just because of the Ozone reputation. Ozone may be step ahead in certain refinements, but the HQ products are good quality and keep getting better. The support and service organization is top notch and very reliable. I have had many more warranty issues with other famous names.

Jellikin - 6-9-2009 at 09:56 AM

Thanks for the advice, you've pretty much confirmed what i suspected. I'm a big fan of Hq anyway got a couple of Crossfire 2s and a beamer, so Montana it is. Out of interest what do you guys in The States pay for a 9.5 Montana 4, in the UK they are £670 which i suppose is getting on for $1000.

acampbell - 6-9-2009 at 10:02 AM

Just over $900 new. I have a near new for $710

BeamerBob - 8-9-2009 at 09:42 AM

I have always said that the Montana is a brilliant kite in the buggy and I'm sure it is also fantastic on a board. I've put probably a hundred miles on my buggy with the Montana III and IV and I've never once been lifted out of the seat. The power is smooth and strong with excellent upwind ability. The power is easy to modulate as well. Just keep easing in on the bar till I max out in speed and start to get some slippage in the tires. It'll turn around and blast along on the downwind run as well. I set my pb 34.8 mph using the Montana IV at JIBE '09. This kite, its' bridle/line/bar system can easily ride in the same company with any other fixed bridle depower.

furbowski - 8-9-2009 at 09:49 AM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
fixed bridle depower.

excuse me!

explain yourself, sir.

or am I missing something?



BeamerBob - 8-9-2009 at 09:56 AM

oops, I mixed my terms there. I meant open cell depower. For land though even that distinction isn't necessary though. Glad you were paying attention Furbs. We're even after your HQ sticker comment! :roll:

furbowski - 8-9-2009 at 09:58 AM


there we go, then.

may the hawkeye war continue!

proofreaders of the world UNITE!

best regards,
