Power Kite Forum

06 Cabrinha Crossbow 7m

trancein1 - 11-9-2009 at 11:17 AM

2006 Cabrinha Crossbow 7m

I have previously flown a 10m crossbow and know what they feel like, but having one of your own is diff, you can do what ever you want with it. Well Jolt and I flew it yesterday, we attached the handle using a generic clip and clipped it on to our waist. Winds around 10 to 12 mph, pulled the middle main lines and up it went. Very smooth and a quick kite, on turns. Played with the depower and power on while in the sky. I think we needed to inflate a little bit more the frames but the main was nicely inflated. Came down nose dive, and was able to bring it back on its frame by pulling on one of the brake lines, first try and it worked. Watching youtube vids do help. I really like the way it flys. Well built and very tall kite. Had some short burst of gusts and were getting pulled upwards slightly, I was suprised that it still flew in these lights winds, considering that its used for mainly high winds. Remember we are static flying, so a bit different. I am ordering a harness. Overall the kite is well built, I love it more then the foils, but both have there advantages. It is a lifty kite. One thing I need to know is, how do I release incase of emergency situations. Also, how do we keep up with the maintenance on these type of kites.

kiteNH - 11-9-2009 at 11:33 AM

Originally posted by trancein1
One thing I need to know is, how do I release incase of emergency situations.

It sounds like you should really take some lessons.

I'm not familiar with that kite but the safety is probably built into the chicken loop. The CL opens and releases the kite to the leash. The leash should have its own release system in case you need to get completely free from the kite.

Get that harness and get yourself a lesson. :thumbup:

Houston AirHead - 11-9-2009 at 12:14 PM

when i first got my 12m depower kite i cliped it on my belt buckle because i hadnt bought a harness yet.. was flying it static in about 10mph:roll:

trancein1 - 11-9-2009 at 12:19 PM

I kind of have teach my self, we dont have that many flyers here in Chicago that fly these type of kites, always have an audience watching from a distance. I will however learn the easy before learning the hardway.

DenisLaMenace - 11-9-2009 at 12:40 PM

I am not sure for 2006 models, but with recents cabrinha you push away the red cap just above the CL to release.

Oups !! no harness. I guess no leash either.

USE A LEASH otherwise your kite will fly away and hurt people ???

burritobandit - 11-9-2009 at 12:44 PM




Looks like you could get lessons/meet up with other kiters via that site. Have you checked it out yet?

trancein1 - 11-9-2009 at 12:46 PM

Nope never checked them out, I will now though. Thx

burritobandit - 11-9-2009 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by trancein1
One thing I need to know is, how do I release incase of emergency situations.


Scroll down to "2006 Powerdrive 3 Control System" and download the PDF. It'll tell you everything you need to know about your bar and its functions.

trancein1 - 11-9-2009 at 01:07 PM

Man you guys know where everything. Thx a bunch