Power Kite Forum

Kiting under the Golden Gate Bridge...

lunchbox - 23-9-2009 at 08:33 AM

This is why I wanted to learn how to kitesurf...

Jolt - 23-9-2009 at 08:46 AM

Man that just looks fun.

BeamerBob - 23-9-2009 at 09:10 AM

So I have some questions to those that know. Is this guys directional board really good at working upwind? He seems to be giving up his line with reckless abandon when he is chasing those ferries. In both videos, he says there is a 4+ knot ebb tide leaving the bay which the wind would be going along with the tide in the second video but working to his advantage in the first one. The floatplan considering equipment failure is very bleak in those winds riding there. Something goes wrong and Alcatraz would be a blessing to keep you out of Sausolito. With an ebbtide and nothing to catch the wind you would just get washed out to sea like the windsurfer did. Very captivating video.

Drewculous - 23-9-2009 at 09:55 AM

Been to SanFran once... i dont know if id go surfing in the bay... smelled like sewage :megan: Seems like chasing ships might not be the smartest thing ever done... i remember a post a while back about a guy in hawaii slamming into a boat...

other than that... looked fun with a cool view tho

flexiblade - 23-9-2009 at 10:30 AM

The ebb tide wouldn't most likely be a problem there - the winds look to be about a solid 18 - 22mph Western wind. The only Eastern winds I've ever seen there (ones that would be matching the ebbs direction) only come through with storms and their spiral nature. The issues about flying in that particular local is the strength of the wind can be become quite treacherous under the bridge and there is the problem that it is a major shipping lane with container, oil, and other commercial vessels constantly moving through - I will give them credit, in none of the videos did I see a commercial vessel larger than the ferry nearby - otherwise that would be it for them at that location. As far as a floatplan - Alcatraz is in the opposite direction in the bay, so if they had a massive failure and their only option was to swim they could do it, Jack La Lane did it back in the 80's at 80 years old towing a rowboat with 2 people in it. There are also a lot of eyes on these guys when they do stuff like this and its not just tourists watching, bridge police and coast guard are most likely monitoring them very closely.

BeamerBob - 23-9-2009 at 10:55 AM

I'm not sure what you mean by Alcatraz being in the opposite direction. That typical westerly wind you mention puts you right on track to Alcatraz or Berkley if you miss it. I thought in the first video they were riding in an easterly wind but looked again and it is a mostly westerly. That has the tide and wind opposite of each other helping your planing. It looked like they were planing just fine in fact. I guess if there was any ebbtide, it would just enhance their upwind ability. He seemed to be running all over the area like I would on a beach in a buggy and almost downwind to follow the ferry.

Houston AirHead - 23-9-2009 at 11:21 AM

simply amazing video.

im moving there now:wee:

Scudley - 23-9-2009 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by flexiblade
Jack La Lane did it back in the 80's at 80 years old towing a rowboat with 2 people in it.

Didn't he swim "the Bay" on a regular basis. I seem to recall that he used to do his swim as an annual thing.
Amazing he did not get really sick given the condition of San Francisco Bay in the sixties and seventies.

PHREERIDER - 23-9-2009 at 12:01 PM

there 's a smoker on the 2nd vid denoting wind

he has a cross wind point of sail beHIND the boat

the out flow (ebb) would work to pull him into the wind which is good

like onshore with an out going tide it will only help.

a directional board gives huge advantage for up wind drive , esp. with light wind

with flotation and good wind you can fall off point of sail without concern, just fly the kite to stall and bring it back to edge at new position of sail ...with the only reaL CONCERN IS KEEP THE LINES TIGHT AND THE KITE ACTIVE, AND GO BACK TO UPWIND WHEN YOU ARE WHERE YOU WANT TO BE

BeamerBob - 23-9-2009 at 12:30 PM

that smoker was a marker to aid finding a kitesurfer that was missing. The guy in the video said they had seen his gear and body in that area and the coast guard picked him up 2.5 miles offshore. Brutal.

lunchbox - 23-9-2009 at 12:31 PM


simply amazing video.

yeah, I was hooked when I saw it...I loved the way they were surfing the little rideables under the bridge, the nice airs, the boat chasing and riding the wake, the good vibes and the great camera angles on the second video!

Definitely an advanced spot for sure but what a playground! And what about those guys that made riding toeside on a surfboard look so easy.


Is this guys directional board really good at working upwind?

I actually had a chance to ride my surfboard strapless for the 2nd time last week in marginal winds and was amazed at how easy it was to drive upwind. Even easier than strapped.

...but it was a b$tch to waterstart in the white water and open ocean swell...if someone's got that nailed, please share!!! If I can get that wired, I'll get rid of the straps and the TT :smilegrin:

PHREERIDER - 23-9-2009 at 12:53 PM

no vids, timing with the lift with the wake skate to start but a ton of botched pull overs
.. but the directional is the light wind, up wind machine.

actually ended up doing a mini hop and off you go, but the open water start, pinch grab with the back hand at the back heel spot, load and go

strapless fun indeed

lunchbox - 23-9-2009 at 01:14 PM


actually ended up doing a mini hop and off you go, but the open water start, pinch grab with the back hand at the back heel spot, load and go

what about foot position?....I place my rear foot on the tail rail so the rail is centered under the middle of my foot and I place the ball of my front foot in the forward center of the board. Can't seem to find a better way to keep the board from floating away and as you can imagine it is far from perfect...

ragden - 23-9-2009 at 04:48 PM

Neat vids... :)

flexiblade - 23-9-2009 at 08:30 PM

What I meant by opposite direction is that an ebbing flow in the bay would be heading out to sea and if a rider for some reason or another was left to the mercy of the tide movement would end up out near the Farallon islands and be shark food. Alcatraz is a mile and a half into the bay - the opposite direction of travel of an ebbing tide.

BeamerBob - 23-9-2009 at 08:38 PM

gotcha. I guess a 4 knot current is stronger than a 18knot wind if you're floating and your kite is gone. I was thinking about the wind having its way with you.

flexiblade - 23-9-2009 at 08:47 PM

Yeah - I was thinking catastrophic failure, bladder popped and no wing to sail with - current will have its way with you, unless your Jack La Lane.

PHREERIDER - 24-9-2009 at 05:13 AM

Originally posted by lunchbox

actually ended up doing a mini hop and off you go, but the open water start, pinch grab with the back hand at the back heel spot, load and go

what about foot position?....I place my rear foot on the tail rail so the rail is centered under the middle of my foot and I place the ball of my front foot in the forward center of the board. Can't seem to find a better way to keep the board from floating away and as you can imagine it is far from perfect...

i'm not a surfer but a foot over the back and one near center front . very much have to be "on top " of the board , centered . the quad fin set up seems to be the up wind drive magic. back foot right over the fins and front foot forward center favoring the edge a little .