Power Kite Forum

Libre Spirit 3.9 Review

centex_buggier - 4-10-2009 at 07:42 PM

I recently flew the Libre Spirit 3.9 at SOBB and was thouroughly impressed. I flew my JoJo RM+4 for comparison which is an excellent performer and tough to compete with. Here is what I think:

Compared to the JoJo, the Spirit had more stability (which is already pretty darned good on the JoJo). I found that as I jibed, if I turned towards the kite and did a down turn, the Spirit maintained smooth power no matter what I did with the brakes. At this particular angle on the beach with the JoJo, I had to get on the brakes or it would lose power for a second then give you a burst of power after the turn. I had pretty smooth winds, so I did not have a chance to really put it to the test, but my imrepession from how it flies and handles is that it would do excellent in gusty conditions.

The Spirit was every bit as fast as the JoJo. It sits really far forward in the window and keeps plenty of speed without overpowering you.

The power is SMOOTH. As you loop the kite the power is far less explosive than the JoJo. It is much smoother throughout the loop and easier to get power out of without so much brake input. It generates plenty of power, but seems more predictable than the JoJo.

Up Wind:
Outstanding. What more can be said. You can definitely make it further up wind than the JoJo. Less tacking is a good thing.

Down Wind:
Keeps its shape nicely and generates good steady traction and you can just loop it and park it with light brake input and away you go.

The kite turns very well requiring minimal brake input. It responds well and can even be "spun" on the spot to get out of tough situations. It can be flown aggressively or parked and it never disappoints.
