Power Kite Forum

Peter Lynn Navigator Bar...

acampbell - 6-10-2009 at 08:37 AM

OK, here is some preliminary info on the Navigator Bar...


Sizes and pricing to follow soon we are told...

BeamerBob - 6-10-2009 at 08:54 AM

As they say in the UK, the Navigator seems to be the "mutts nuts". They use it like that's a compliment. Really, that safety system and the clamcleat along with the color coded float to help indicate left and right when you are spinning the bar back in line are nice improvements.

Bladerunner - 6-10-2009 at 04:50 PM

Thanks Angus

I'm not 100% clear what the ( red ) safety line does to the kite?

Will it still Flag the kite or will it be more like a 5th line to the center ?

Bladerunner - 7-10-2009 at 05:31 AM

I'm still wondering if this is a 5 line bar ?

Will it work on the older arcs ?

Will the Charger have a 5th line attachment ?

BeamerBob - 7-10-2009 at 06:10 AM

My understanding is that the red line attaches to one of the front lines at the "Y". If you go to safety the kite flags on the front line that the red line attaches to.

tobytobsen - 7-10-2009 at 08:29 AM

Yeah, but then I dont understand why they combine the center lines to one main line, if they have an additional red line... Makes two again. Then you can also keep the two center lines seperated all the way to the bar.

Has anyone figuered out what makes this Bar so game changing?

Bladerunner - 8-10-2009 at 05:23 AM

Originally posted by tobytobsen

Has anyone figuered out what makes this Bar so game changing?

Good Question !:puzzled:

acampbell - 8-10-2009 at 06:06 AM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
My understanding is that the red line attaches to one of the front lines at the "Y". If you go to safety the kite flags on the front line that the red line attaches to.

Yes, someone posted a quote from PL rider Gunnar B. who described it exactly as such.

Good question Toby about re-introducing a 2nd line to the Y rig.

Kamikuza - 8-10-2009 at 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
Originally posted by tobytobsen

Has anyone figuered out what makes this Bar so game changing?

Good Question !:puzzled:

I think it's that center line safety (what was wrong with the zero7 method?), the John Deere clam cleat, the coolness chicken loop and the fact that you can adjust the width of the bar ... ok that last one sounds neat but I think I'll grab another 07 bar before the Navigator ... unless it's made of carbon fibre :yes:

rudeboysaude - 8-10-2009 at 07:18 AM

That Y is for the through the bar safety style the way I understand. So that when you hit the safety the bar rides up that line and flags the kite out. Supposedly less tangles for an easier reset. More re-ride style. Longer throw on this bar too.

I remember when the 07 came out and people hated it. Said they'd stick to the zero4. But after using the 07 for a while, it cetainly was nicer. I think this bar will be the same way. Everyone's gonna want one, but change is scary to some. I'm ready for it. I sold my other bar with my 15 Syn so I need them to hurry up with this crap and stop teasing us already!

tobytobsen - 8-10-2009 at 01:14 PM

Yeah, that makes sense, remeber that it's supposed to make the reride better. I am excited for the video about the bar with Gunnar.

acampbell - 8-10-2009 at 01:57 PM

Originally posted by rudeboysaude
I remember when the 07 came out and people hated it. Said they'd stick to the zero4. But after using the 07 for a while, it cetainly was nicer. I think this bar will be the same way. Everyone's gonna want one, but change is scary to some.

Yes, the only people who truly welcome change are revolutionaries and wet babies

Kamikuza - 8-10-2009 at 04:01 PM

What's the saying about "Change for change's sake"? ;)
First time I saw a clam cleat on a bar & line set at the school I went to, I was like "Dude no way why do I get the ancient junker gear?" :lol:

ripsessionkites - 8-10-2009 at 04:10 PM

the bar reminds me of the Core Bar

why the cleat system??? i prefer pull trim straps.

we'll see shortly what the heck it does

Bladerunner - 8-10-2009 at 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
Originally posted by Bladerunner
Originally posted by tobytobsen

Has anyone figuered out what makes this Bar so game changing?

Good Question !:puzzled:

I think it's that center line safety (what was wrong with the zero7 method?), the John Deere clam cleat, the coolness chicken loop and the fact that you can adjust the width of the bar ... ok that last one sounds neat but I think I'll grab another 07 bar before the Navigator ... unless it's made of carbon fibre :yes:

There is a LOT I'm going to like with this bar.

I move my stopper ball to the length of the kite I'm on. Will the Y be set for all kites or will it be adjusted ?

Does this mean a unique line set is required with shorter front lines than back?

If I'm correct the Charger performs best on a long throw bar ? Your 07 bar will work but it won't get the most out of the Charger ? At the same time all other arcs demand a shorter throw so don't go tossing the 07 ! :rolleyes:

I'm not afraid of change, bring it ON !

tobytobsen - 8-10-2009 at 10:26 PM

From what I'm heard is that all arcs do best with a longer throw.

lunchbox - 8-10-2009 at 11:13 PM


why the cleat system??? i prefer pull trim straps.

:thumbup: Me too!!!

-mj- - 9-10-2009 at 03:34 AM

quote; At the same time all other arcs demand a shorter throw so don't go tossing the 07 ! :rolleyes: unqoute.

lot's of people would disagree with you there sir, most of the long time Arc users were always on long throw bars to get more out of the Twinskins.

BeamerBob - 9-10-2009 at 03:59 AM

Marijn is right (obviously). arc gurus tend to add as much as 9 inches of throw to their bars with a stopper at arms length. They also add similar length extensions to their backlines. Add knots in the backline extensions for rough adjustment for different kites and then fine adjust with the trim/clam.

Bladerunner - 9-10-2009 at 06:22 AM


I knew that extesions are popular but I was sure I was told P.L. didn't recommend a long throw bar ? Sorry about that !

What about the safety MJ ? How do you adjust the set-up from kite to kite ?

Bring it ON !!!!!

BeamerBob - 9-10-2009 at 06:39 AM

The new safety will work fine on any arc I imagine. When you pull the safety, the bar will slide up and flag the kite on one of the front lines. Any arc will fall out of the sky in that situation. Or do I misunderstand your question? Also, I've never seen anyone flying with the stopper ball on their flag line. Does it really help anything?

Bladerunner - 9-10-2009 at 03:12 PM

I can't say for sure that the stopper is a whole lot better than no stopper ? The way I see it the bar would be a pain to get back on the water without ? Wouldn't the bar slide right up the line to the kite after you have deployed and are pulling the line to get at the bar ?

I know I had my stopper set too short once and it made for an ugly landing.

With the Y 10m up I will guess the bar runs far enough up on all sized kites ?