Power Kite Forum

Ozone Access XC (2009) vs XT (2010)

indigo_wolf - 6-10-2009 at 11:55 AM

Are these the major differences between the 2009 and 2010 models: Is the list missing anything major?

<- Alert Start: Type = Pet Peeve / YOY ->
     Or they could just list a "New for 20xx" section when they put out the new models.
     Grumble, grumble
     :puzzled: :mad:
<- Alert End ->


kiteNH - 6-10-2009 at 05:14 PM

Yes, your list is missing several other changes.

1. The trim strap is GONE. No trim strap on the XT.

2. The kite now has two-pulley mixers likes they've been using on the Frenzy and Manta for a couple of years.

3. Added the Y-line setup (like on the Frenzy's and Manta's)

4. Added the bar pressure adjustment straps.

Also, I don't know what the new leash is like, but my '09 XC came with a top of the line, standard kite leash (unlike the wrist strap leash that came on the '08 XC).

I haven't seen any press from Ozone on the changes yet. I'd say that the trim strap was either a cost cutting measure or they somehow thought that the new 2 pulley system added enough depower that the trim strap was no longer needed.

PBKiteboarding - 6-10-2009 at 05:26 PM

I still have some 09's with trim... Trim is important not sure why they took if off for 2010...

They have the longer bungee leash attachment to spreader or ring.

I may be creating a custom option with an add on trim for 2010 customers...

indigo_wolf - 6-10-2009 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by KiteNH
I haven't seen any press from Ozone on the changes yet.

I hadn't either, but noticed that the product page changed fairly recently.


Maven454 - 7-10-2009 at 03:06 AM

A question about Ozone depowers for anyone who knows... What's the difference between the Manta and the Frenzy? They say that the Frenzy is based off of the Manta, but never really say what the difference is...

indigo_wolf - 7-10-2009 at 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Maven454
What's the difference between the Manta and the Frenzy? They say that the Frenzy is based off of the Manta, but never really say what the difference is...

No direct experience, but if you read the ad copy for the Manta, they explain the difference. The Manta is the more agressive, more powerful, faster handling of the two. It also provides more lift than the Frenzy.


Maven454 - 7-10-2009 at 07:05 AM

So... that'd make the Frenzy more of an intermediate kite?

indigo_wolf - 7-10-2009 at 07:10 AM

I believe so... giving the progression of:

Access XT
Frenzy FYX
Manta M3

in the product line.


Maven454 - 7-10-2009 at 07:14 AM

Fair enough, that should be what I'm looking for then. Thanks wolf.

indigo_wolf - 7-10-2009 at 07:26 AM

No problem.... Ozone lit tends to be a pain to read through.... sort of what started this thread ;)


dtoast - 7-10-2009 at 08:49 AM

I seem to always see these two kites referenced more towards snow kiting, is that just marketing or does it have something to do with the design and materials used?

furbowski - 7-10-2009 at 09:10 AM

more marketing than anything, open-celled kites are only good on land tho, and snow seems to be the only land-based freestyle gig which gets lots of money.

plenty of buggiers use ozone depowers, not too many ATBers???

Maven454 - 7-10-2009 at 09:12 AM

Ozone does list their depower foils under both snow use and land use.

indigo_wolf - 7-10-2009 at 09:49 AM

Originally posted by furbowski
plenty of buggiers use ozone depowers, not too many ATBers???

I suspect that that is base primaryily on the price point. There are less spendy alternatives for ATB depower. Ozone probably just decided to bow out of that fray entirely.

They way they have their kites & gear listed on the site, there is a lot of redundancy and confusion.


PBKiteboarding - 7-10-2009 at 09:59 AM

Pretty hard to beat a Frenzy over all, tons of lift Mid Aspect compared to the Manta hold together, less tip tuck and or twists, in Gusty condition and I use it for teaching to. It would be pretty hard to outgrow a Frenzy, Great Kite. But it's a preference thing too for sure...

You don't have to be an intermediate to fly the Frenzy. But like with any kite just don't fly it over powered. Many customers like to get Frenzy to grow into...

Riding the 7m Frenzy with Skis. Zippy enough for me.
Sweet on kiteloops too...

7m Frenzy Snowboard:

The even the 11m on a students first day after flying his 3m for a good number of sessions.

See what the 4m 2010 Access will be like... Just now snow yet..

Maven454 - 7-10-2009 at 10:01 AM

My plans (for the future) are to get a 7m frenzy and (assuming that I like it) maybe get an 11m frenzy. I may end up getting a 4m access eventually too, but for the moment, fixed bridles fill the high wind roll for me. I love the two Ozone kites that I have.

indigo_wolf - 7-10-2009 at 10:19 AM

1M Imp Quattro?!?!? That thing must be a bullet in high winds.


Maven454 - 7-10-2009 at 10:22 AM

I was static flying the Imp at Wildwood in 25mph. It's seriously fast and fun.

All three types of Imps are still listed on the Ozone page under Land Kites. They just aren't listed under Snow Kites or Kitesurf.

dtoast - 7-10-2009 at 01:41 PM

Curious to know why they just released the Access with the pulley system for 2010 and not sooner? Could you say the added pulley system will improve the handling characteristics over the 09, making the cost of paying full price for a 2010 more beneficial than picking up an 09 on sale?

B-Roc - 7-10-2009 at 02:25 PM

Originally posted by PBKiteboarding

Riding the 7m Frenzy with Skis. Zippy enough for me.
Sweet on kiteloops too...

Looked like a great day on the 7!

PBKiteboarding - 8-10-2009 at 08:08 AM

One of those day that remind me how much fun it is to be out there and better than Kiteboarding being able to kite to sunset and till the wind drops... and of course easy foil set up all winter... can't wait...

Looks like you have (avatar) some good wide beach for landboarding.....wish we had some room here for that...

The equivalent Fun Factor Day... on a Snowboard throwing some powder around... same 7m


B-Roc - 8-10-2009 at 09:17 AM

Originally posted by PBKiteboarding

Looks like you have (avatar) some good wide beach for landboarding.....wish we had some room here for that...

My avatar is at Long Beach in Nahant - the favorite local hang but I don't get there nearly enough. It has a rideable surface that's usually about a mile long.

Originally posted by PBKiteboarding

The equivalent Fun Factor Day... on a Snowboard throwing some powder around... same 7m


That was another great vid. Looked like a perfect day to snowkite. Great riding style.

John Holgate - 10-10-2009 at 02:27 PM

A couple of the local kiters got their hands on a demo XT 6m and put it up against the XC 09 6m. Admittedly, it was on the bottom end of the wind range for the Access. But evidently, the XT was a fair bit better than the XC. The new XT doesn't seem to need the trim strap because there's so much depower throw in the bar alone. It evidently turns a hell of a lot quicker too. (which is probably my main complaint with the XC - it's a bit slow to turn) In the buggy's, the XT easily out-performed the XC. (in lightish winds anyways) Looking forward to having a fly myself - I find the XC 6m a really gentle, forgiving buggy engine that never threatens to lift me out of the bug.

kiteNH - 13-10-2009 at 02:34 PM


Sick deal on a 2009 6m ending in a few hours. Don't know the seller but this thing is a steal right now.

indigo_wolf - 13-10-2009 at 03:17 PM

You're evil. That about covers it.

I have the a multiple inbounds this week. My wallet would implode with even another minor infraction.

Evil, evil, evil. :mad: ;)

Must... be... strong... <* whimper *> :sniff:


kiteNH - 14-10-2009 at 05:15 AM

Wow somebody stole it for only$435 :eekdrull:. Anybody on the forum get lucky?

indigo_wolf - 14-10-2009 at 06:15 AM

Not I..... you would have heard a giant "Whhhoooooopp" in the NorthEast. In all likelihoods, your pets would still be hiding underneath the bed.

Smokin' deal....


John Holgate - 18-10-2009 at 03:44 AM

Had a good fly of the XT 6m in light winds today. It's way more agile than the XC. So much so, that I would say that even if you can get the 09 XC for several hundred bucks less....don't. The XT is a much nicer handling kite. I don't tend to fly my XC static much - it's too slow and cumbersome to turn. And I often end up 'grazing' the ground because I can't turn it fast enough. No problems with the XT though, infact, it's quite good to static fly - figure 8's, ground passes, down turn it back under itself. It's a hoot. Lot's of depower throw in the bar - I feel there's more depower in the XT than the XC, but then, the XC has the extra trim strap too.... didn't muck around with the trim straps on the sides of the bar, left them where they were. Not sure how much difference they'll make. The new XT really starts to handle more like a fixed bridle kite. The two things I don't like about the XC are slow turning and wear and tear on the rope where it passes through the cleat. Both problems now completely solved. The XT is a really nice kite to fly - a big improvement.