Power Kite Forum

Short Lines?

Drewculous - 7-10-2009 at 12:41 PM

So my recent inqueries have led me to a kitewing purchase in the (hopefully) near future... until then... my soccer fields are still over run with ayso soccer... and my original hope for the kitewing was to keep me in the wind by allowing me to fly at an abandonded parking lot... Light poles there prohibit traditional kites...

So my question, there was recently a video posted about the flexboardz, in the video they showed a guy rolling the board on what looked like a long bar, very short lines (approx 10' ?) and what looked like a 8ish meter kite... (0:36)

What is the procedure for rigging a kite like this?
Can i still use handles?
What is the shortest length i can run the lines?
How well does the kite fly on such short lines?

Not being able to fly, and having decent winds is driving me nuts!! :mad:

Thanks in advance!

f0rgiv3n - 7-10-2009 at 01:09 PM

hey dude, I know a lot of people fly with an NPW straight off the bridle lines in parking lots. I have thought about getting one for those exact reasons. I know that with a different kite it might be too squirrely to handle? Not sure...

cheezycheese - 7-10-2009 at 01:12 PM

look at some of the wildwood vids (joecat's 'bout 3mins in) you can see BUGGYMANGP cruisin along with a wing on short if any lines...

kitemaker4 - 7-10-2009 at 01:22 PM

Nasa wings on short lines 10 foot or less or even no lines are your best bet in a parking lot with light poles. It does not matter with a nasa wing how long or short your lines are.

Foils can be flown on 20 meter lines that is what they are using over the pond but they do not fly well with real short lines.

BTW parking lots can be great fun.

Susan (npw goddess)

airin - 7-10-2009 at 01:28 PM

I'm wondering if the 90 lb lines that Rev flyers use, with Rev handles, could be used with an npw? Or do the lines need to be stronger than that?

Bladerunner - 7-10-2009 at 04:04 PM

You can fly your Twister on very short lines.

Airin, I can give you short lines. 90lb may be too light.

airin - 7-10-2009 at 04:13 PM

Thanks BR! :bouncing:

kitemaker4 - 7-10-2009 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by airin
I'm wondering if the 90 lb lines that Rev flyers use, with Rev handles, could be used with an npw? Or do the lines need to be stronger than that?

You can use the 90 lb. line as brake lines.

Susan (npw goddess)

Jaymz - 7-10-2009 at 09:03 PM

At 1:52 in this video from Wildwood is a small NPW on short lines.


Krohn1999 - 8-10-2009 at 02:54 AM

Originally posted by kitemaker4

Foils can be flown on 20 meter lines that is what they are using over the pond but they do not fly well with real short lines.

Susan (npw goddess)

I'm not sure what pond you mean but here (Europe) we fly mostly under 20m with Foils. Some people are going down as low as 12m. I myself fly between 14 and 18m unless I am flying somwhere with crappy (gusty or lots of trees up wind) wind then I will go 20 or 25m.

Bladerunner - 8-10-2009 at 04:48 PM

I'm not sure it is right to say that F.B. foils don't fly well on under 20m lines ?

Since NABX I have flown a few kites on 15m lines and performance was great. The smaller kites are much easier to keep in control in high winds and Rip's 10.? m Reactor II flew fantastic in low wind.

15 m lines are still a bit long when trying to fit in a tight spot.

garydog - 8-10-2009 at 07:30 PM

I fly a 3.6 with 12 meter lines in parking lots. But now its all about the kitewing. I am riding in places I only thought cars could use.

Love it
