Power Kite Forum

Crap kite from ebay plzzzzz help

chrsfincher - 16-10-2009 at 09:52 PM

i got this kite off ebay and have gotten it to fly a lil bit but it still does not look right. if someone knows what kind it is or what i should do with the bridle to fix it i would much appreciate it

chrsfincher - 16-10-2009 at 09:53 PM

sorry here is the pic

kite.jpg - 4kB

dylanj423 - 16-10-2009 at 10:12 PM

i have heard that these kites do not fly right.... sorry to be the one to tell you.... can you send it back?

burritobandit - 16-10-2009 at 10:35 PM

I have flown one of those personally and they are awful kites. I tried to help this guy out with one at the park and even after getting it to 'fly', it flew like a slinky because the fabric and lines stretched so much.

Get your money back if you can and get ANY name brand kite.

Jolt - 16-10-2009 at 11:38 PM

What kind of kite is that?

indigo_wolf - 17-10-2009 at 12:25 AM

Could be this:

If so, "7 day money back, buyer pays return shipping "


Scudley - 17-10-2009 at 08:12 AM

If they won't take it back, you probably need to stretch your lines. Stake your lines as tight as you can get them. Go back in a few hours and re-stetch them again. After doing this several times you should have taken out most of the bounce in the lines. Unless the bridles are really crappy there should not be much bounce in them and a few flying sessions should remove any elasticity from them as well. Good luck with it.
if the lines are absolute crap, this may not work. Do you have access to another set of lines? Try using them to see if the kite flies better.

Bladerunner - 17-10-2009 at 08:33 AM

You get what you pay for in this sport.

If you are on a budget the best deals BY FAR are on forums such as these. Kites suffer from a huge reduction on 1st re-sale ( like cars ) . A quality second hand kite is your best money spent IMHO.

Next time ask on here BEFORE putting the money up. Folks on here are very happy to keep you on track.

kitejumper - 17-10-2009 at 08:44 AM

burn the kite and ask here for advice......

dgkid78 - 17-10-2009 at 09:21 AM

Could also be used as a nice rain coat when walking the dog :eureka:

macboy - 17-10-2009 at 10:59 AM

I too am the proud owner of a cheap crap kite from eBay. For me it was the 300m flying lines. I put a set of 20m flexifoil lines on it and it has actually turned out to be a pretty good beginner trainer kite. Fills full instantly, flies well and deflates fast in crashes (protecting the kite). I wouldn't buy another one but am not making raincoats anytime soon either :lol:

Maven454 - 17-10-2009 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by macboy
I too am the proud owner of a cheap crap kite from eBay. For me it was the 300m flying lines. I put a set of 20m flexifoil lines on it and it has actually turned out to be a pretty good beginner trainer kite. Fills full instantly, flies well and deflates fast in crashes (protecting the kite). I wouldn't buy another one but am not making raincoats anytime soon either :lol:
300m?!?! Them are some seriously long lines.

flexiblade - 17-10-2009 at 11:44 AM

Yeah I got burned with my first kite too - was a $30 4m "power kite" - in reality was a terribly designed kite that could barely fly and the seams started fraying apart after the second attempt at flying it. Write it off as a learning experience and get yourself something that will work - if your on a budget you could pick up a decent 3m legend from pansh - its a good starter that will give you some pull and help you get hooked for a small amount of scratch - $120 or so - and with kites that is a decent price for a beater beginner kite.

Maven454 - 17-10-2009 at 11:48 AM

I could sell you my 4.5m Legend cheap. It flies well, though it's not screamingly exciting or anything. I flew it once on the dunes down in Nags Head, NC.