Hey guys just seeing if anyone wanted to meet up on these south winds this comen week thinking about going out on wednesday if the wind is
decent......Houston AirHead - 19-10-2009 at 07:36 AM
Going out to surfside to do some landboarding, its gonna be a perfect SE wind all day which alows you to ride both ways east and west on the beach. it
should be 13-16 mph winds so pretty damn nice too. sunny and cool all day. look for the grey LF havoc:Ange09:
edit: im going to hold of to around noon the wind direction keeps wanting to get closer to dead south which is not good. makes it really tough to
track back west.w8keluv - 19-10-2009 at 08:00 AM
nice pic by the way kenny!!! courtesy of gator photography.......Houston AirHead - 19-10-2009 at 08:06 AM
Originally posted by w8keluv
nice pic by the way kenny!!! courtesy of gator photography.......
yeah thanks man, ill try and make a sequence shot of your switch 180 asap.Houston AirHead - 19-10-2009 at 09:26 AM
yeah im going to hold of until mid week to go back out to the beach. theres finally some good wind going the right direction here in needville for me
to have a great session. there is a half mile long 5 meter wide ditch behind our property connected to cotton fields that hella fun to session up, and
the wind is finally blowin the right way!!