Kamikuza - 20-10-2009 at 12:21 AM
... a scalple or a broadsword? Will a 10mm tweak make all the difference or are there really just 3 positions - all in, all out and in the middle?
How much will it affect the wind range?
When do you do what and why?
How does it work in conjunction with the trim strap?
... I need more information :D
ripsessionkites - 20-10-2009 at 01:05 AM
i only have two settings for light winds --> all loose straps
in highwinds --> all tight straps
on the trim, when launching 20% in, and when ready to ride/jump 100% out. I rarely playing around with the inner straps, and more with my trim strap.
i believe 1" movements makes a difference but im happy with going from one extreme to another. there are instructions on the straps telling you what
does what.
the best is to experiement with what works for you. everyone flies theirs in different ways.
Bladerunner - 20-10-2009 at 04:46 PM
YES , Rip automatically takes my trim setting from my ususl 50% or less to Full On as soon as we pass! :karate:
Same with the internal straps. I rarely tighten up completely. Rip's kite is always tight. Loose does make for better low wind performance on my Syn..
The little guy is NUTS !!!!:P
Kamikuza - 20-10-2009 at 11:46 PM
What about the straps on the wing tips like the Vortex has? And I assume the later model kites ...
carltb - 21-10-2009 at 02:04 AM
the wing tip strap help with turning speed. tight speeds the kite up and slack slows in down. factory setting for all straps is 50%, so the best way
to trim the kite is to set it back to that then move by 1/4 until you find what works for you. dont forget that when you adjust the tip straps, it has
to be mirrored on the oppersite wing tip.
Kamikuza - 21-10-2009 at 05:21 AM
Do the wing tip straps ONLY affect turning speed?
With the arcs, do you need to worry about tuning so as not to over-sheet, like you do with the C-kites?
PHREERIDER - 21-10-2009 at 07:08 AM
an over sheeted arc will stall , so it slows down and eventually flies back wards
they are similar in that you are essentially choking the kite (not allowing the air to flow across the top or the profile is so steep it pulls the
kite backwards.
this is a main trim strap effect. the arc lets you know by stall point, the c-kite just want fly as fast and can be harder to tell
internal stuff adjustments give a "power rate feel" harsher pull or soft/slower pull feel..
set it at 50% all the out on the main and if want more make the strap shorter i think there's some instructions on the strap itself.
really a matter of time on the rig, feel it out, look for positive usable power in the winds you fly in.
Kamikuza - 22-10-2009 at 12:42 AM
Do we want the ability to stall the kite? For landing like Carl, for example :D
How do you know when you got max de-power?
PHREERIDER - 22-10-2009 at 06:59 PM
personal preference, and that becomes a main trim issue.
Max depower =grab the main at the strap kite should still fly just on the front lines(absolute ), if not wind is to light to fly without input. tune
from that point if that's what you want but you'll be missing the better power band for the rig. and some need back line tension.
the tuning process is within OME spec @said wind range and the trim strap be effective either way (+ or -).
the length of the trim strap all the way in and all the way really is a good mechanical point to judge from. flying unhooked with the trim pulled in
to eliminate the stall gives plenty of range and depower all adjustable at the main trim
herc - 26-11-2009 at 11:20 AM
what about relaunch? tight internal straps --> better relaunch? or is it the reverse ?
i imagine that tight internal straps squeeze the cells a bit together, thus if the kite lays tip-on-tip the middle section would bow a bit more and
catch wind easier?
tridude - 26-11-2009 at 03:56 PM
the tip trim also affects upwind ability..........try 3/4 in all all straps.............If that isnt to your liking try 3/4 main and 1/2 on the
tips...................this will keep your rig stiff, turn, and work upwind ..................as for stalling the kite, on water relaunch being able
to stall the kite will keep you from getting yarded on relaunches.................:duh::duh: