Power Kite Forum

depower bars/lines

mougl - 20-10-2009 at 01:24 PM

Obviously depower bars and lines are different from reg quad lines and bars, but what I'm curious to find out is:

Do depower foils such as the montana or apex need a different bar/line set than an arc, and if so what are the differences? Yes, I'm a depower noob. Just wondering because I plan on going depower soon and most kites I see are KO. Thanks in advance!

BeamerBob - 20-10-2009 at 02:22 PM

Any differences are going to be length of bar throw (push-pull) and how the safety works. Some kites can interact with other bars but not so much I imagine. Using a montana bar/lines on an arc would have potentially bad consequences if you used the primary safety since it works in a different way. But the montana might work ok with the arc bar/lines. Better to have a setup in particular for each type kite you have and don't try to share among different style kites. You could have 1 bar for most all arcs but it wouldn't be optimal for any other type kite.