Power Kite Forum

peter lynn 4 line control bar .questions

OllieN - 22-10-2009 at 12:46 PM

hello all,

Been using handles for my twister 2 5.6m and really like them but would like to POSSIBLY get the bar :wee:

does anyone know what the bar is like with the twister 2 5.6m ?

the bar: http://www.powerkiteshop.com/accessories/peterlynnpowerkitec...

1. how would i attach this to a harness, i assume you would use a strop ? but i cant see in the picture ( see link for picture) how i would attach the strop. little help ?

2. it says in the description the following :" Central webbing trim system with pulley to allow brakes to run freely during aggressive steering. The rear brakes simply attach to the line running through pulley "

wondering what this meens ? bit of a noob question i know.

thanks to everyone . :wee::singing:

ps. what does it meen by central webbing trim :puzzled:

DAKITEZ - 22-10-2009 at 01:08 PM

you need to get a d-loop to hook that bar to a harness. Or I guess you could also use a strope just make sure you have a quick release of some sort to release in case of emergency.

The trailing edge lines come together at the center of the bar and are on a pulley so they move freely as you turn. Don't get this confused with a x-over bar. The PL bar also has a trimmer strap for the center lines to adjust on-the-fly.

OllieN - 22-10-2009 at 01:31 PM

when you say d-loop do you meen a chicken loop ? and if u meen chicken loop , could i attach it to a spreader ?

DAKITEZ - 22-10-2009 at 02:15 PM

yes its basically the same thing as a chicken loop. I usually use the term chicken loop with a de-power kite and d-loop with a 4 line fixed bridle bar. A chicken loop with usually have one attachment point for the de-power line. A d-loop has connecting points at each end to attach it to a bar not the de-power line.

Hope this makes sense.

Bladerunner - 22-10-2009 at 02:48 PM

Everyone who tried it hated our 7.7 Twister on the Stock P.L. bar. I ordered mine on handles.

If you are going to do it I suggest you pay a bit more and get that new fangled bar by Ozone. That or use a crossover style bar.

WELDNGOD - 22-10-2009 at 03:52 PM

BR ,I'm buildin an alloy crossover bar.here is the prototypew/ knot adjusters. I used paracord for the proto, bought I have bought 6mm and 1/8" amsteel and some Harken pulleys. Works great, just gotta get used to the fact that you dont hang on to the bar, it is just a steering device and a braking device. I'm hooked in w/ pull type wichard

sorry for hijack,,, I modeled my bar after the ozone bar that Blade was talkin about .. really works well too.

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-mj- - 3-12-2009 at 02:27 PM

For the bigger sizes there's also the classic bar, little cheaper then the standard one because there's no adjuster strap, but it 'll have those big ones turn a lot faster as it steers with the brakelines too.

acampbell - 3-12-2009 at 03:50 PM

I'm not a real fan of the Twister on the bar. I had one returned by a customer who said "it didn't fly right". Turns out he did not know how to adjust the brakes, and when I did, I realized it would be tough for a newbie and couldn't blame the guy. Even when dialed in, you give up a lot.

The Turbo bar would work well, I'm sure though, but that's $200.

DAKITEZ - 3-12-2009 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by acampbell
I'm not a real fan of the Twister on the bar. I had one returned by a customer who said "it didn't fly right". Turns out he did not know how to adjust the brakes, and when I did, I realized it would be tough for a newbie and couldn't blame the guy. Even when dialed in, you give up a lot.

The Turbo bar would work well, I'm sure though, but that's $200.

How about a HQ x-over bar. Have you tried that?