wannabekiter - 24-10-2009 at 09:20 PM
Today I got my new 5m ace, my first kite (I just figured I would learn to fly it in less windy days, building up with experience).
Well I got it in the mail and even though I told myself I would start off in low winds..... I went out for the first time anyway. Winds were probably
in the 10-15mph range. The kite was pretty easy to set up and it was off the ground in no time.
First time off the ground I started getting pulled like crazy and the brakes weren't exactly helping. I ended up getting lifted ~2ft and crash landed
semi-hard. no biggie nothing hurts so I keep going. I adjust my brakes to actually help me and now the kite is much easier to control.
Throughout the day I had to rely on kite killers a few times to avoid unexpected liftoffs again. The kite also seemed not to want to turn how I tell
it to, probably something to do with it being my first time out. Lots of crashing into the ground!
After about 2 hrs of some of the most fun I've ever had, I decided to pack it up and go get some dinner. Next time I'll definitely wait for lower
winds so I can get some more consistent flights. I think I'm hooked.
One more thing: I noticed lines get crossed frequently(at least because I crashed it a bunch). Is it OK to fly like this or should they be untangled
whenever possible?
Jolt - 24-10-2009 at 10:07 PM
hmm.. its best to keep them untangled.
Not really a good idea getting an ace, im sure people have told you what they're capable of in the wrong kinds of winds.
Good to see another hooked person though...
lynx69 - 25-10-2009 at 04:55 PM
ditto what Jolt wrote...
Welcome to the addiction!!!:bigok:
Houston AirHead - 25-10-2009 at 05:00 PM
it was a fine idea to buy an ace bro, i leaned to kite on a 5 meter ace. I sold it to transien1. Just make sure you have no tension on thoes brakes
cause it hates it. did you pre strech your lines.? make sure the bridal isnt tangled. its bridal will get caught on the pig tails very easly. the ace
doesnt like gust winds. but its a great kite. i flew mine ever day for 6 months straight static. i used to be able to trick it like a Rev stunt kite.
again good choice for your first power kite.
wannabekiter - 25-10-2009 at 05:34 PM
yeah I got it because I didn't want to yearn for more once I learned how to fly. Seems like a beast. :D hopefully I'll get it out again this week, I
might mess with the brakes a tad more
furbowski - 25-10-2009 at 10:44 PM
the aces are pretty large kites to learn on, but it's doable if you're responsible with your winds.
the first few hot launches are the worst, reading between the lines you survived a semi-superman...
but yes once the brakes are set right (a bit more slack than most kites like, but with enough tension to land) the ace is a lot more manageable.
when you had trouble turning the kite it was most likely at the edges of the window. best thing is to turn just before you get to the edge, next best
thing is to step back away from the kite and slightly upwind, a couple firm steps and the right steering input will generally do the trick.
once you get your steering and brakes down, you'll find hot launches pretty stress-free, you'll be able to use the brakes to keep it from inflating
fully while you turn it towards the edge of the window, done right (steady winds help lots here) the kite doesn't fully inflate until you start to
send it up along the edge of the window (and yes you have to hold it back from the edge a bit unless the winds are perfect!)
and btw, you will yearn for more, soon, very soon! but yes you can go a long way on very few $$$ with the ace. And nearly any good kite out there
is a more refined flyer, so you know you have a nice big step up in quality waiting for you on the next kite...
wannabekiter - 26-10-2009 at 05:42 PM
yeah I guess semi-superman would describe that hehe.
I went out today again and the wind was slightly lower and it seems like the brakes are juuuust about right. I also got much better on the turns and
could control it tons better than last time out. Wind was lower and I messed around with a few ground passes and even got a few small pendulums (no
face plants. ;-))