Power Kite Forum

beamer 5.0m

donscone - 25-10-2009 at 08:59 AM

HI there all

Please can you help me.

I am quite new to power kiting and i have gone out and bought a beamer 5.0 (not sure what version)

I took it out to day and the wing was howling really strong and consistant. I got the kite up and it seems to fly really well at the top of the window but as soon as i try to make a right turn it just goes into a spin and not mater how much opersite brake i put on it just carrys on spinning.

Have any of you had this problem and do you know what may be causeing this or even how i will be able to fix this?

Thank you very much

I just have to say dipite the problems i am having this kite is one powerful beast and so much fun.


power - 25-10-2009 at 09:24 AM

I have had this problem before when the wind was really blowing. It may seem consistent on the ground, but it could be gusty up where your kite is. Kite's do funny things in gusty conditions. If you are just beginning, it may seem like its the kite's fault but you may have just not gotten used to the way the kite reacts to certain inputs (this happended to me when I first started flying.) However, if you bought the kite used, and the lines that go along with it are used, check to make sure they are the same length. Also, make sure your larks head knots are pushed all the way next to the stopper knot on the bridles and on the handle lines. Hope that helps.

Bladerunner - 25-10-2009 at 01:18 PM

Sounds like too big a kite and too small a skill set.

lynx69 - 25-10-2009 at 04:52 PM

If you are new to static flying powerkites, then the 5m Beamer is too big for you in winds over 10mph. Too much can't be said about starting out with a small trainer kite 3m or smaller depending on your weight. It was probably a good thing the 5m kite was luffing and spinning back down to mother earth in those strong winds. Strong lumpy winds can be frustrating and aren't very much fun to fly fixed bridle kites in.

Good luck and welcome to the addiction!!!

donscone - 26-10-2009 at 01:54 AM

Thank you very much for your replys guys.

I say i am new to the sport but i have had a 3m kite before buying this one. The 3m was a #@%$#! one no name brand and stuff like that but it kind of flew well enough to learn how to launch by my self and to also use the brakes to do sharper turns and so on.
I totally understnad there is far more to be learnt but i feel i have got a good understanding.

I am defiantly on the heavier side of the scale this is why i wanted to go for a 5m.

When out over the weekend i deffinaly relised how unfit i was and how i was having to fly is bring the kite up to the zenith do a couple turns and then i would have to land as i was taking a lot of strain.

I do thing it may be up to not really understanding fully on how to fly a biger kite but what i dont understand is that while the kite was up it would do a nice left turn through the window (with me scudding behind and doing that little run thing when you caught a little off guard) but as soon as trying to do the turn the other way it ould just go into that spin.

I will just carry on trying maybe go out in little bit calmer winds and learn a bit more like that.

Thanks you in advance for any hitnts and tips you may have.


sp4cem0nkey - 26-10-2009 at 02:03 PM

Sounds like the lines are not the same length to me. Make sure your left power line is the same length as your right power line. Then make sure your left brake line is the same length as your right brake line.